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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

2023 Elections To Be Held With No Legal Reforms - ZLHR Director

1 year agoWed, 31 May 2023 12:24:04 GMT
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2023 Elections To Be Held With No Legal Reforms - ZLHR Director

The Executive Director of the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) Roselyn Hanzi has said the 2023 General Elections will be held with no legal reforms.

The Constitution of Zimbabwe stipulates that any electoral legislation passed after the President proclaims an election date will not apply to those elections.

On Wednesday, 31 May, President Emmerson Mnangagwa proclaimed the 23rd of August 2023 as the day for the country’s general elections.

According to Proclamation 4 of 2023 which is contained in Statutory Instrument 85 of 2023,  the nomination day, when candidates are registered to stand in the election, will be on 21 June.

02 October 2023 has been set as the date for a run-off for the election of the office of the President if such a poll becomes necessary.

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Posting on Twitter after the proclamation of the election date, Hanzi said the 2023 elections are being held with no legal reforms. She wrote:

In terms of sec 157 of the Constitution, after an election has been called, as has happened, no change to Electoral Law or any other law on elections will apply to that election. This means that the 2023 elections are being held with no legal reforms.

Parliament is currently working on the Electoral Amendment Bill which seeks to operationalise the latest constitutional amendments for the election of 10 youth members to the National Assembly, one from each province, as well as the continued election of 60 women, six from each province, to the National Assembly under a quota system, among others.

Following the proclamation of the election date, work on the amendments has become an academic exercise when it comes to voting on 23 August. 

More: Pindula News



CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
I want to accept CCC Political Party's President, Advocate Nelson Chamisa who has declared his readiness to engage ZANU PF by the horns come 23 August 2023. [ CITIZENS ARE ENCOURAGED NOT TO VOTE FOR GOLD MAFIA CRIMINALS AND MONEY LAUNDERERS ] Let all Zimbabweans accept what is on the ground. Let us vote with vigor and beat ZANU PF all systems out. Let us continue reforming after we have, together, beaten ZANU PF. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
PK · 1 year ago
23 August kungonobhara X pane mkomana chete chete
zozo · 1 year ago
@maparamuro ndiwe wataura idi vaiswerera zvinu zvisina basa kutukana apa vaiziva kuti mareforms anodiwa ikozvino tatarisana neirekisheni vakuita muramba mhuru kuda mareforms this tym hatisikuda anochema kuti hee njaninjani abatwa ngaabvume nyika yofambira mberi nokuti ndimi makatambisa nguva nezvisina basa.
aaaa · 1 year ago
While i no the date
Ziggy · 1 year ago
@Y2K chokwadi ZANU PF ndeya mwari ndokusaka zvinhu zvakanaka kudai mumakore 43 chete chete . kuwanda kwaita mabasa . kucheaper kwaita zvinhu . ndichatotenga chivhiti vhiti gore rino nenhau ye fetraza yandakapuhwa nehurumende kuti ndirime . ndakaita goho rakanaka . VOTE4ED tifare tese Y2K tije ma chahorns . Zimdolar rirambe richisimba 🇿🇼🇿🇼
Y2K · 1 year ago
@comrade haa ndaseka hangu ko ndcho chokwadi zve hapana chimwe chokwadi chinopfuura ipapa landslide victory for God's party that is zanu pf party izvo zvaana pombiyadonha naana mbudziyadhura vanozviti tiri**** izvo ndezve nhando.
Netsai · 1 year ago
@y2k,,iwe Mwari ndewemunhu wese iwe uye vano tena matables anytime takamhanya nacho chimuti ichi ....this tym no doubt my guy . muchatonyra nekubirra kwacho tazora butter
Cde C D G N · 1 year ago
Raughing Out Roud 😂 Zanu pf is going to win with randsride victory zveme reforms ndezvenyu imwi maccc tokutswanhayi se inda
xx · 1 year ago
vakomana Zanu pfndunoida asi zvave pa rate izvi zvava zvipi action Boyz moiteii
Ziggy · 1 year ago
zvichanaka rega uone mumwe wangu Inini na Pk, Patriot ,Putin,Doug ,Vegetta ,Mrs Jessica ,Zuze ndisu tega vanhu varikuona kunaka kwenyika. kupfava kwayaiita mabasa arikuwanda . tirikurima . zvinhu zvirikuchipa . zvinhu zvirikungonaka naka kani ndati . gore rino inini nehama dzangu tirikuvhotera ZANU PF kuti mumakore anotevera mashanu titungamirirwe ne ZANU PF. nyika irambe ichinaka
Ritq · 1 year ago
zvekurima ndezvenyu isu simbe hatizvikwanise
xx · 1 year ago
ko madii zvangosvika hatidi kupima nyoka negavi
Ziggy · 1 year ago
Ndafara pandanzwa nyuzi dza1 pawairesi 23 Nyamavhuvhu tiende kunovhotera ZANU Pf, Izvozvi ndirikutoseva ne Usavi mix , haa pane kamwe ka recipe so kanonyatsoita wakatora Royco usavi mix yako yoiisa musadza richimonwa hapatode mumwe muriwo zvakatodaro zvatoendwa . asi munondiziva ini kuti ndinoda zvinonaka zvechirungu rungu zvine ka class saka ndabva ndati mai mwana vaise Royco usavi mupoto voisa mvura saka izvozvi ndirikundya sadza rine usavi mix uku ndichi seva ne usavi mix , haiwaaa chirungu Ichi VaMunangagwa . tinokutendai nekutonga kwenyu makore mashanu aya . nyika yazonaka kani ndati . hama yangu PK , Sisi vangu Mrs Jessica, Patriot , Putin,Doug huyai tidye sadza rine usavi mix munzwe kunaka chave chirungu ichi vana veZimbabwe, huyai hama dzangu tipembere kucheaper kwaita zvinhu , kunaka kwaita hupenyu kunaka kwekutonga kwe Zanu Pf, aiwa Zimbabwe yazonaka0 🇿🇼🇿🇼Pamberi naVaMunangagwa! Pamberi ne Zanu Pf . tichitonga muchingohukura imi marombe e CCC Vote4Ed!
· 1 year ago
ko marombe munoadii kuZANU kwenyu?
Tea Inonaka · 1 year ago
Wanzwa butter nemaNyuchi iwe
QQ · 1 year ago
Ngaapinde hake mukomana Handicheuke nhamo yandakaona🎵🎶🎵 Regaiwo Chamisa ambotonga🎵🎶🎵🎶 Povo yaramba zvema dhisinyongoro 🎶🎵🎶🎵 Zve Zanu ndozvandisingade mumba mangu 🎵🎶🎵🎶
QQ · 1 year ago
@ PK gara wakagadzirira kuperekedza E.D wako kuchipatara coz he will stroke ne result ye gore rino. 23 August tinomuburitsa basa chete. CCC woyeee!!! ☝️☝️☝️
PK · 1 year ago
aiwa guys chamisa ndiye ngaapinde☝️
PK · 1 year ago
dont believe wese achataura against CCC anenge asiriye the real PK
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
It means Zimbabweans shall go to the General Elections without reforms. Political Parties must use their time wisely. [ ZANU PF MUST PREPARE FOR ORDINARY LIFE WHILE CCC POLITICAL PARTY PREPARES FOR FORMING THE NEX GOVERNMENT ]. I hope citizens have not been surprised with my supposition. Citizens are tired with ZANU PF. They now want change/shanduko. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
muka ubike doro. chawabvunza. magare nemapiritsi eBP imi vanhu ve ccc.
Rose ruwa · 1 year ago
Pk hatimbobika doro this time murikuenda pasina doro rabikwa kana newe urikutoiziva nyaya yacho. Vote for ccc tibvise zvimbwasungata izvo
Ziggy · 1 year ago
iwe Chawabvunza nyarara . rombe risina kudzidza . wakadzidza here iwe? hauone kunaka kwenyika PK vaudze zvatadya masikati ano . varatidze kutapira kwaita Zimbabwe .Votera ZANU uko bush lawer bush lawer kudii . chii ichocho
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Well now, since you ****s, aka citizens, have done sod-all to even keep viable opposition alive, dating back to the 1980's, did the same about vote rigging over that time as well, and now whinge plaintively, who's really to blame here? You've had more than FOUR DECADES, which is more than enough time, imho, but you allowed zpf to take over the press and snuff out dissenting voices. You did NOTHING WHATSOEVER, to stop it then, and now gawp like spastics in a fairground, at the self-inflicted mess! Instead of snivelling, I'd suggest you make more of an effort to (1) Put CREDIBLE opposition together, contesting ALL seats, (2) Vote for them en masse, not just a few of you! (3) Have measures ready, to STOP VOTE RIGGING! (3) Have measures in place to monitor the counting as well. I bet you ****s can't, and won't do this, but will bleat when zpf are back in place, and more ruin for Zimbabwe follows!

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