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President Mnangagwa Appoints Mutasa As Deputy Director Of The CIO

1 year agoSun, 28 May 2023 14:06:32 GMT
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President Mnangagwa Appoints Mutasa As Deputy Director Of The CIO

Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa has appointed Patrick Donald Mutasa as Deputy Director-General of the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO). This decision is believed to be an attempt to increase his control over the intelligence agency.

Mnangagwa’s grip on the CIO is essential to his efforts to consolidate and retain power, particularly with the upcoming elections and the possibility of internal sabotage.

Mnangagwa’s relationship with CIO Director-General Isaac Moyo is reportedly deteriorating, and some of the agency’s top officials are viewed as ineffective or compromised by political factionalism, according to The News Hwaks.

Mnangagwa’s appointment of Mutasa, who previously served as the director of administration, is reportedly aimed at taking away some of the responsibilities from those who have fallen out of favour and assigning them to loyalists.

According to The News Hawks, there are rumours within the Zimbabwean intelligence community that CIO Director-General Isaac Moyo is viewed with suspicion by President Emmerson Mnangagwa, despite his loyalty to the president. This suspicion reportedly stems from Moyo’s recent support of Zimbabwe Electoral Commission Chairperson Priscilla Chigumba, with whom Mnangagwa allegedly has a strained relationship.

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Mnangagwa and his allies allegedly wanted to sabotage the delimitation process, leading to a fallout between the president and Chigumba.

The CIO, police, and army play a critical role in Zimbabwean elections and have previously played important roles in ZANU PF’s election campaigns.

Mnangagwa has also assigned retired Brigadier-General Walter Tapfumaneyi to lead Forever Associates of Zimbabwe (Faz), an alleged underground operational unit campaigning for Mnangagwa and ZANU PF in the August general elections.

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Ziggy · 1 year ago
tinotenda VaMnangagwa, tinotenda nezvose zvamunotiitira , muri munhu anoda nyika yake ende tinokuvhotserai kunyange zvikadini nekuti isuwo tinodawo Zimbabwe, Pamberi ne ZANUPF! ndosheedzera
Cde Tasunungurwa · 1 year ago
pk · 1 year ago
pamberi mberi pasi neCCC Pasi nayo
Zuze · 1 year ago
Even if you shout Pamberi peZANU from Mt Nyangani, muri vatatu, it won't make an iota of a difference because the majority of Zimbabweans are fed up of these geriatric kleptocrats.
Y2K · 1 year ago
politics idzi hadzidi kuva emotional haaa unokuvara ne high blood pressure kusvika ufe
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
viva zanu pf. mungatidiyi isu tine ma structure akarongeka. party structures and security
Zimbology · 1 year ago
Zimbology · 1 year ago
the date will be announced tomorrow
Netsai · 1 year ago
Chipika iro bhoe her ,,kasign ketriple c ako mr president...

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