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Monthly Inflation Rate Jumped To 15.7% In May - ZIMSTAT

1 year agoSat, 27 May 2023 06:38:25 GMT
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Monthly Inflation Rate Jumped To 15.7% In May - ZIMSTAT

Zimbabwe’s month-on-month inflation rose to 15.7% in May after gaining 13.3 percentage points on the April 2023 rate of 2.4%.

The year-on-year inflation rose to 86.5% in May from 75.6% in April.

This was said by Zimbabwe National Statistics (ZIMSTAT) director-general Taguma Mahonde in Harare on Friday. He said:

The month-on-month inflation rate in May 2023 was 15.7% gaining 13.3 percentage points on the April 2023 rate of 2.4%.

The month-on-month inflation rate is given by the percentage change in the index of the relevant month compared with the index of the previous month.

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The year-on-year inflation rate is given by the percentage change in the index of the relevant month of the year compared with the index of the same month in the previous year.

In March this year, Minister of Finance and Economic Development Mthuli Ncube announced that inflation will be measured using a weighted average of items priced in Zimbabwean dollars and United States dollars.

Previously the rate of inflation was based only on items in Zimbabwean dollars.

Former Finance Minister Tendai Biti has said the move by the government to measure inflation using a weighted average of items priced in Zimbabwean dollars and United States dollars is insincere and an attempt to conceal rising inflation.

Biti said the government always comes up with “ridiculous” policies in a bid to cover its “embarrassing failures”.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 1 year ago
Zimstats ndicho chiyiko ichochi.. kunyepa itayi kushoma.. kana veku ECD chaivo havateerere zvinotaurwa nemi..
vhh · 1 year ago
mmmm kutaura kuti zvinhu zvaoma hakunei nebato rauno supporter nekuti President vanofanira kuwana munhu ane courage padhuze navo anovaudza chokwadi chiri paGroud. Zvinhu zvakaneta
Bhomora Zvekuti · 1 year ago
Mashura vhh wakuchifunga now. U are a very slow learner iwe. 🤣🤣A late bloomer chaiyo
Cdes · 1 year ago
Pamberi neZanu kkk varikumusha kwakamirawo sei mukufeelawo sei isu kuno haaa taneta
I am just saying · 1 year ago
Lies all lies! .... It's hard to trust Zimstat. They bring out figures when and if they feel like it nd sometimes (always) the figures don't reflect the true situation on the ground. 🤷🏿‍♀️ So when they say 15% is it really the truth? Who knows! In Zimbabwe if you are officially told.... “ hey things are not as bad as you think.😬” Just assume that it's worse nd you are going to be right 😡
Aj · 1 year ago
Zvenyika · 1 year ago
Define and explain the term "inflation caused sanctions" Zanu pfeee official
zanu pf official · 1 year ago
this inflation is caused by sanctions
Zuze · 1 year ago
sugar boy · 1 year ago
inflation ichatosvika pa 100% per month.mirai muwone.nembwa dziri kutitonga idzi mu cha ****.kusvika maziva kuti to vote for chamisa ndo chibaba

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