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Draconian Decrees On Economics Will Result In Empty Shop Shelves, Chin'ono Warns Govt

1 year agoSun, 21 May 2023 13:55:32 GMT
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Draconian Decrees On Economics Will Result In Empty Shop Shelves, Chin'ono Warns Govt

Award-winning journalist and filmmaker Hopewell Chin’ono says the galloping inflation Zimbabwe is currently experiencing has been caused by bad Government policies.

According to Zimbabwe Statistics Agency (ZIMSTAT), the year-on-year inflation rate for the month of April 2023 as measured by the all items Consumer Price Index (CPI) was 75.2%.

However, American economist Steve Hanke recently said Zimbabwe’s annual inflation stands at 666%.

Posting on Twitter, Chin’ono said President Emmerson Mnangagwa should address the economic fundamentals that are not sound for the economy to function. He wrote:

What I know is that the inflation that Zimbabwe is experiencing at the moment has been caused by terrible and misguided Government policies.

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We predicted that this would happen as far back as 2019, this is not rocket science but just common sense.

Using Government draconian decrees on economics will have only one outcome, EMPTY shelves like in 2007/2008.

President Mnangagwa and his regime must stop the State corruption, stop the looting of public funds and stop the plunder of the country’s natural resources which is happening on their watch!

He should stop the abuse of the central bank by ZANU PF political elites and their surrogates, something which has been ongoing since he took office.

He needs to allow good economic policies to be implemented, and not interfere with the running of the central bank.

He should hire or employ competent people hired on the basis of their competence, and NOT party affiliation or ethnicity!

This is just good old common sense! Is he able to do that?

He has failed to do so every day of his life as President of Zimbabwe since the 2017 coup.

All I can say is that political or presidential decrees don’t work, fix the economic fundamentals first!

Since it is a Sunday, I would say he needs to read Mathew chapter 6 verse 33.

It says; “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

It means if you do your part to make your relationship with God your highest priority, He will do His part to provide for your every need, and that is something we can count on.

In Economics, it means; Implement the fundamentals of economics and you will get results as the economy responds to the fundamentals.

The purpose of work is to increase wealth, and the wealth of a country can only be increased if the leadership of that country understands the covenant of economic fundamentals, and follow them.

The President can shout all he wants from the top of a hill, but if the economic fundamentals are wrong, the economy will not hear, fear or respond to his shouting.

The Herald can write as many propaganda articles as it wants, but the economy will be headed to oblivion regardless.

The inflation this week is at 666%, and the Black Market rate is now at 4 000.

You can’t use button sticks (batons), the police Law and Order section or captured magistrates and jails to force an economy to do as you wish!

More: Pindula News



666 · 1 year ago
inflation 666%😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 satanic number
Anonymous · 1 year ago
You have said it all. We are tired of this old Gvt and it's leadership, we pray for change #2023newGvt#
Anonymous spectator · 1 year ago
But honestly how can we expect a person who should be in retirement to successfully run the country, the old people know that they are about to die so they do everything in their power to make sure that they leave this world knowing that their children will no struggle The old man has nothing to lose and he's making sure that he secures his family's future obviously making Zimbabwe better is not the maim agenda....... As much as living in bondage is painful, African leaders are making the freedom that people died for a joke things are just worse mxm
ndi ndadaro · 1 year ago
E.D = Robert Mugabe plus Auxcillia = Grace Mugabe zvekuti new dispensation zviya rabishi
Kule Kule · 1 year ago
Wavavudza zvokwadi asi uchenjere kutukwa hako. Asi hazvina mhaka muzukuru wangu, rova mazimhazha anokuya dovi iwayo. Shoko harivhikwi
Grandpa Rick · 1 year ago
Yah if you go through comment section you really see that people are really having bad time out there. I thought everyone is happy 😊, but well majority really have had enough. I hope and wish the elections will change our nation if CCC wins then we will have faith in the new government. If ZANU wins maybe they akso will change their ways and try their level best to out us first. Im pretty sure their pockets are now full. Naked we came to this world najed we will leave it. So even if they loot everything one day your loot will belong to someone when you're gone. God be wuth Zimbabwe we claim yo have taken tgis country fir our freedom bt its now worse than Smiths regime. The same so called liberators are good on pointing figures. They blame RGM fir economy diwn fall forgetting tgey were his ministers and advisors.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Zvarwadza mwari pindirai
Anchorage · 1 year ago
Mface uyu should have learnt from RGM but he thinks he's the best
Patriot · 1 year ago
zvakadii kuitika in the last 5 years zvauri kutaura. As long husa riri mu circulation bedzi the shops will never be empty.
Zuze · 1 year ago
Is this the same Patriot who used to pontificate that the Bond was going nowhere?
Anonymous · 1 year ago
It 's already happening @Patriot Pamwe iwe unogara kuUtopia kwazvisiri kuitika because kuUtopia hakuna chinoitika Once in a while we now see a couple of basic commodities disappearing from the shelves so don' t say Hopewell and other progressive Zimbos didn't warn you
Hokage · 1 year ago
@Zanu Pf man , applying the same failed solution over and over again but expecting a different outcome is the definition of idi.o.cy , the government has been in rule for 43 years , nothing has been done only looting of resources, it's time for change , don't you think ? or maybe you want 43 more years of suffering
zanu pf man · 1 year ago
vachin'ono apa mataura chokwadi isu mazanu tatambura tayaura takwangwaya please me president fixe the country please
Noob Saibot & Ken & Ryu · 1 year ago
And we'll SCRAP DUTY ON FOREIGN products INDEFINITELY.kkkkkkkkk
lolo · 1 year ago
yah nhamo yemuzimbabwe yatibhura zvokuti munhu wese atova muikonomisiti

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