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Here Is How To Manage Electricity Usage In The Office

1 year agoFri, 19 May 2023 11:17:46 GMT
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Here Is How To Manage Electricity Usage In The Office

The Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC) regularly adjusts electricity tariffs making it imperative for its customers to manage electricity consumption to cut costs.

ZETDC has offered some tips on managing electricity usage in in the office saying this helps alleviate pressure on the grid. Here are the tips:

  • Replace all incandescent lights with compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) or light-emitting diodes (LEDs).
  • During the day, where possible, use natural lighting from windows rather than using lights.
  • Switch off all lights when leaving the office.
  • Switch off computers and printers from the plug, when leaving the office. Appliances on standby mode still consume energy.
  • Insulate water heaters, hot water piping, and tanks to reduce heat loss.
  • Invest in energy-efficient air conditioning systems and energy-efficient electronic devices. Opt for fan heaters instead of element heaters.
  • Go green, and use renewable energy. Consider installing solar panels for other energy needs, and sell the excess to the grid.

Zimbabwe is currently experiencing long hours of power blackouts due to under-investment in the energy sector which has resulted in ageing power plants generating below capacity.

On Friday, 19 May, the Zimbabwe Power Company (ZPC) was generating a total of 1 005MW at its five power stations against national demand of roughly 2 200MW.

Kariba was producing 750MW, Hwange, 240MW, Harare 15MW, Munyati 0MW, Bulawayo, 0MW.

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kamukono ketsambarafuta👉👌💧 · 1 year ago
kujekesa nyika yese nemagetsiiiiii kuti jeeeeeeeeee
cid · 1 year ago
How can Yu manage power isiko ? you are producing 1000mw instead of 2000mw and out of that half Yu priorities yo "Special" areas meaning isu povho we share about 100mw nyika yese.
Kule Kule · 1 year ago
hatimbotengi ma sora panel iwayo nokuti munozowana pokuvanda napo kana nyamavhuvhu asvika
Anonymous · 1 year ago
No need for all that where I am because by the time we reach the office Zesa will be gone and we go back home before it's back So Zesa is doing the power mangement for us 😜
Anchorage · 1 year ago
kusvisikira rini
Tinotenda Gutuza · 1 year ago

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