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Students Protest 'Judicial Capture' And Weaponisation Against Opposition

1 year agoWed, 17 May 2023 12:33:42 GMT
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Students Protest 'Judicial Capture' And Weaponisation Against Opposition

On Monday, students from various tertiary institutions protested on social media against alleged ‘judicial capture’ and weaponisation of the law against opposition members.

The protest was sparked by the continued imprisonment of opposition CCC legislator Job Sikhala, and students showed solidarity by painting graffiti in the capital calling for his release.

Zimbabwe Congress of Students Union President Boris Muguti said the protest aimed to send a message to the government. NewsDay cited Muguti as saying:

The primary agenda was to send a message to the regime in Harare and register our discontent against judicial capture. The message was successfully delivered.

Students were wearing black all over the country mourning the death of democracy and the rule of law in Zimbabwe. The campaign was also a way of expressing our solidarity with the incarcerated comrades Job Sikhala and Jacob Ngarivhume.

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As barometers of class consciousness, we cannot afford to sit and watch while the regime continues closing the democratic space in the country.

Jacob Ngarivhume recently received a four-year jail sentence for inciting public violence but will serve only three years. Sikhala has been in remand prison since June last year on charges of obstructing justice, inciting violence, and disorderly behaviour.

Muguti criticised the government for using courts to persecute political opponents, claiming that it has reduced Zimbabwe to a circus.

Police were reportedly unaware of the protests.

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chips · 1 year ago
zimbabwe shall not die the young shall rescue it from the mafia .mapfupa angu achamuka
ok · 1 year ago
itai zvechikoro
Patriot · 1 year ago
vane dzungu vapfana ava mhani.
Citizen · 1 year ago
Well done young comrades
Madrid pfeeeee · 1 year ago
Zvaendwa 2nd half kupedxa basa no draw nhas
tanaleck · 1 year ago
@firimoni uringozi yemuchawa akafira pa krawa,mwana wemuroyi chaiye
zimbo · 1 year ago
curator is 100% right ! Those things he mentioned are very critical to demonstrate for ! rather than demonstrating fr demons like that fool Job
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
All citizens can not be all wrong that Zimbabwe no longer have free and fair judiciary, but one which is captured by ZANU PF [ ALL GOLD MAFIA THIEVES AND MONEY LAUNDERERS MUST BE VOTED OUT AT THE HARMONISED ELECTIONS ]. The ruling party is weaponising the law to fight the opposition political parties, especially CCC Political Party. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC].
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
@chawabvunza, who are you referring as all citizens. Iam not involved so its not all citizens
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Yes the majority can be wrong, if they are poorly informed. You really think, those in government do not want thinks to work well? You think they do not want, regular supply of water, electircity etc. The wise ones do understand that there are systemic problem facing African countries, especially lack of fund for development. The s called majority are belivers in manna from heaven.
murozvi · 1 year ago
@the curator. What have you done except criticising
The Curator · 1 year ago
@murozvi you didn't get my point. my point was simple, that people have the power and the potential to effect change in all its entirety as long as we direct our energy towards deliberate action.
The Curator · 1 year ago
Good though. But we don't see anyone demonstrating against wanton price increases and poor service delivery across all sectors. We don't see any students protesting against a poor, broken down education system. We don't see any students joining the fight against poor teach remuneration. We don't see any students participating in showing their displeasure on a dead Healthcare system. We don't see anyone demonstrating against a dead financial and monetary policy and a dead-and-gone currency.
Mm · 1 year ago
That cannot be done at once
.... · 1 year ago
We do see however an oppressive police force that will stop people complaining.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
So @Curator you just want to see and then do what and who are you referring to as 'we'? What is your point really?
The Curator · 1 year ago
@Mm yes it cannot be done all at once. but in steps and bounds. one at a time.
jaa · 1 year ago
kutamba nenguva kwamuri kuita. sezvo muri powered hazvishamisi nokuti vana vagara ndeve mahumbwe!
Anonymous · 1 year ago
They should concentrate on their studies. Picking on issue beyond their influence is pointless. Alleging that the judiciary is captured in nonsensical. How can they prove it? It doesn't look like they are learnking anything sensible.

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