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Four MDC-T Councillors, Including Kadoma Mayor, Recalled

1 year agoWed, 17 May 2023 07:22:13 GMT
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Four MDC-T Councillors, Including Kadoma Mayor, Recalled

Kadoma Mayor Action Nyamukondiwa and three other MDC-T councillors were recalled after being expelled from the opposition party.

Nyamukondiwa, representing Ward 9, and the other councillors representing Wards 3, 4, and 15 had their positions declared vacant in a letter from Minister of Local Government and Public Works July Moyo to Kadoma town clerk Mr Malvern Dondo. He said:

I wish to inform you that I am in receipt of a letter from the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC-T) stating that Councillor Action Nyamukondiwa of Ward 9, Councillor Edson Muzira Ward 4, Councillor Nigel Rozario Ward 15 and Councillor Michael Mvura Ward 3 have been expelled from the party.

In terms of Section 278(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as read with Section (1)(k), the above-mentioned wards are now vacant. In terms of Section 121 of the Electoral Act, please proceed to inform the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission of these vacancies.

The opposition party MDC (Movement for Democratic Change) has been recalling councillors and MPs (Members of Parliament) mainly for their allegiance to the rival Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) led by Nelson Chamisa.

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The recalls started immediately after the Supreme Court had ruled that Chamisa was not the legitimate leader of the MDC. There were internal disagreements and power struggles within the MDC party following the demise of founding leader, Morgan Tsvangirai.

The recalls have led to changes in the political landscape of Zimbabwe, with some seats being left vacant and by-elections being held to fill them. 

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itai fereza · 1 year ago
rega mwonzora ambonakirwa come August anenge asina kana councilor zvake kkkkkkkkk
Wechidhaka · 1 year ago
Constitution says if a council seat falls vacant 90 days prior to an election,that seat remains like that so let's wait and see what Numero Uno will say of the election dates
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
This is a case of vindictiveness by MDC T President Advocate Douglas Mwonzora. The four have been deemed to be supporters of CCC Political Party. [ VOTE FOR CHAMISA CHETE CHETE FOR REAL CHANGE/SHANDUKO ]. The recalls save no meaningful cause for Advocate Douglas Mwonzora because there are no more wards or constituency elections are going to be held until after the Harmonised Elections. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
dogie style · 1 year ago
dougie's extra time action, expecting to win in 2 minutes after being slaughtered 16-0
· 1 year ago
... then the fulltime score will be a netball-like score of 25-0
Tateguru · 1 year ago
ZEC ngairege kutipedzera nguva nemari. Ngavarege pari vacant. General elections are less than three months due.
Patriot · 1 year ago
nhai kwaana Dougie kuchine vanhu here? kkk Haa Yaaz mu face uyu ndewekwedu ku musangano mission yake yeku splitter MDC akatoipedza kare.
· 1 year ago
It's none of my business because I am neither a ZANOID nor a sympathiser. What I would like to know is @Patriot, une chigaro chipi muZANU, kana kuti uri vamwe vevaya vangori zvigaro zvevamwe?
...... · 1 year ago
'The recalls started immediately after the Supreme Court had ruled that Chamisa was not the legitimate leader of the MDC.' not all animals are the same I've come to notice, who is the legitimate leader of ZANU Pf?
· 1 year ago
Phekezela Mphoko
g · 1 year ago
zvichabatsirei ma elections atosvika aya
Tanie · 1 year ago
you cannot wish to be lead by nzvonyora he is insane
· 1 year ago
Don't forget that statistically 5% of any given population is mentally unstable. So, there are definitely those such as Komichi, Paurina Mpariwa, and others who have a death wish and will follow Nzvonyora to Hell itself. Those are candidates for Ingutsheni and Ngomahuru.
coni · 1 year ago
nzvonyora is made he failed to win any seat in the by elections chaanongoziva it's recalling councilors and mps your days are numbered
Dispenser · 1 year ago
What is now left of Douglas is to recall himself 😁😁😁😆😆😆 we want true change vote ☝️☝️☝️☝️
· 1 year ago
Oh, yes! He has already recalled himself from Zimbabwean politics with effect from August 2023
Citizens Coalition of Clowns · 1 year ago
Breaking News Mwonzora has recalled himself for allegedly working with CCC
laugh emoji2
· 1 year ago
... and the voters have recalled Togarasei for allegedly working with ZANU.

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