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Gold Mafia: Speaker Of Parliament Refuses To Grant Investigation Authority To Committees

1 year agoMon, 15 May 2023 12:50:54 GMT
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Gold Mafia: Speaker Of Parliament Refuses To Grant Investigation Authority To Committees

Speaker of the National Assembly Jacob Mudenda has rejected a proposal by the Public Accounts and the Budget, Finance, and Economic Development committees to investigate allegations raised in the Gold Mafia documentary which was premiered by Al Jazeera recently.

In a memorandum addressed to the two parliamentary committees, Mudenda said Parliament should allow the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC), the central bank and the Police to conduct the investigations.

He said in reaching the decision, he was guided by the South African Government’s decision to task specialised agencies with investigating the gold smuggling and money laundering allegations raised in the Gold Mafia documentary. Reads the memo:

I wish to state from the outset that the matter is serious and of national importance.

However, it is pertinent to note that the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission and the RBZ have already started processes to investigate the matter.

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In that vein, it would be improper for Parliament to embark on an inquiry on a matter that other arms of the State are investigating.

In addition, the matters are of a complex nature and may require extraterritorial visits due to the alleged involvement of foreign players.

In that regard, it is prudent to leave the investigations to specialised agencies like ZACC, and the Police are better placed to investigate matters.

Parliament will continue to monitor the investigations and will carry out its oversight role when the specialised agencies have completed their investigation.

In addition, the Portfolio Committee on Mines and Mining Development conducted an inquiry into Illicit Financial flows in the Mining Sector in the course of last year.

In reaching this decision I have also been guided by the stance taken by the South African Government which has deferred to specialised agencies regarding the same issues.

“Gold Mafia” is a four-part investigation by Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit (I-Unit) which exposed gold smuggling gangs in Southern Africa.

The gangs help criminals launder hundreds of millions of dollars, getting rich themselves while plundering their nations.

They use gold to turn dirty cash into clean, seemingly legitimate money for those with large amounts of unaccounted wealth.

The gangs do so by using a complex web of companies, counterfeit identities and fake documents.

More: Pindula News



pee · 1 year ago
taneta nezvegold mafia izvi tipei zvedu news dzekumapurazi tivaraidzike
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Who remembers the Willowgate scandal? The speaker was convicted in that investigation.
nyasha#19 · 1 year ago
haa kufa kana ndomuudza chokwadi zvaitika
nyasha#19 · 1 year ago
haa kufa kana ndomuudza chokwadi zvaitika
firimu rachaka norisi · 1 year ago
firimu rachaka norisi mudzviti wepa Zululand kingi Chaka uta nemiseve
chaki norisi · 1 year ago
eheka chaki norisi chete
Ba Dee · 1 year ago
A leader who is dead but God why did you allow this **** to rule our nation.
Passion Java · 1 year ago
Ngeeei Tswibi Twabam, ED mbambaira ndinokutsotsonya nehanda nakasikana hwee
Anonymous · 1 year ago
How can Speaker investigate himself and his Boss ED all fingers are pointing to the 1st Family and Sons. ZACCwill not even say a word. Citizens we are alone without leadership.
Bhomora Zvekuti · 1 year ago
😁😁Inzwai iyi. *Rufu obva asvika pamba penyu ndokuti "nhasi ndauya kuzokutora nekuti zita rako ndo rava pamusoro" iwe woti chindimirirai ndibike tea ndife ndakaguta,wobva wabika mobva manwa mese rufu paanoguta otanga kukotsira ndokubva abatwa nehope,iwe wobva watora pepa remazita wodzimarako woriisa kwekupedzisira, panomuka rufu,anobva ati,,wandibata zvakanaka saka andichatangiri kumusoro ndakutangira kwekupedzisira unoita sei kkkkkkkkkkkk*
Bubi · 1 year ago
Ndino muudza chokwadi kuti handisati ndakuda kufa, ngaambobvisa rangu paList for 30 years maybe
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 1 year ago
Apa Wicknell Chivhayo akagara achisuura hake muRolls Royce yakaita 800k USD wena
Fifi · 1 year ago
lkkk lol apa vamwe vachifa nenzara. People have to step up
Bvu Bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 1 year ago
✈✈🍌🍌Such a matter shouldn't even take that long. The journalists already exposed every thing, the mafia can't even cover up their tracks, it was all exposed in the documentary. Henrietta has done smuggling before, she has a weakness for corruption. Come on ZACC is under ED, if he says don't reveal anything about Uebert and Henrietta, they will just do just that. #RESPECT!!!
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
saka muchaita sei
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Hazvishamise zvaitwa naMudenda nokuti iyewo pachake ane mabimbiri, musakanganwe Willowgate motor scandal yaaka tanhaurwa na the late Justice Willie Sandura.. Chokwadi ungagomerere kuti ZACC, RBZ ne ZRP dziwongorore Gold Mafia dzega ihwo huori hwacho hwakati tandetande muzvikwata zvitatu izvi......Hamheno tichaona.....
nedostaz ravo · 1 year ago
ma mp vanozivei nezve forensics dzacho munyaya dze finance vakangovhoterwa not because of ability in that area of investigation but because munongovhota vukura mazuva ose saka ma committees garai Pasi muite zvezera renyu ikoko kunotaurwa pfocho kuparamende

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