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"YouTube Rejects Uebert Angel Request To Remove Gold Mafia Content"

1 year agoSun, 14 May 2023 07:37:35 GMT
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"YouTube Rejects Uebert Angel Request To Remove Gold Mafia Content"

President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Special Envoy and Ambassador at Large to Europe and the Americas Uebert Angel has reportedly failed in his attempt to have YouTube remove “Gold Mafia” content from several accounts.

“Gold Mafia” is a term used to describe a group of smugglers and money launderers including high-ranking officials from Zimbabwe.

Angel featured prominently in the four-part documentary by Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit (I-Unit) where he offered to use his diplomatic cover to carry large volumes of dirty cash into Zimbabwe as part of a laundering operation also involving gold smuggling.

According to Team Pachedu, “YouTube refused to be bulldozed” into removing the content by Angel but “instead, YouTube has now closed Uebert Angel’s main YouTube channel UebertAngelGNW.” Added Team Pachedu:

Google has terminated Uebert Angel’s 25-year-old YouTube account for violating the Terms of Service.

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Uebert has been filing multiple DMCA copyright claims on YouTube accounts that reported on the Gold Mafia, but Google has been insisting on the fair usage policy.

Team Pachedu also published a letter written by YouTube addressed to Angel giving reasons why they refused to remove the content from the platform. Reads the letter:

Hi Uebert Angel,

We are concerned that your copyright notification may not be valid for some or all of the videos identified in your notification.

Please keep in mind that in many countries, it is legal to use copyrighted works in specific ways without the owner’s authorization, particularly for transformative purposes such as news reporting, parody, commentary, or review.

Some countries protect such uses under doctrines of “fair use” or “fair dealing,” while others allow for specific exceptions to copyright protection.

If you still believe your copyright is infringed by the YouTube video(s) identified in your notification, please explain in detail why you think so.

We ask that you provide more detail than was included in your initial notice. Here are questions you may wish to consider:

How much of your copyrighted work is used? How is the market for your original work affected by this use? Does this use significantly transform your original work, or does it serve the same purpose? Does this use fall into an exception to copyright protection? Please note that we may share your response with the uploader(s).

Angel is also a self-proclaimed prophet and founder and leader of Good News Church. He claims he can heal the sick and predict the outcomes of elections and football matches. The church has branches in 15 countries.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 1 year ago
This is genuinely a terrible, one-sided article with a clear bias against Prophet Uebert Angel. He's not a "self proclaimed prophet", nor does he "claim" he can predict things. He is a man used mightily by the Lord. And if you can take any piece of advice from anyone, this would be the most important. NEVER speak badly against ANY minister of God, no matter how much you may disagree with them. If Heaven backs them, you don't stand a chance.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
If you want to keep your eyes closed and walk in the dark. Do it by yourself. Man of God are tried and tested and if found false are labelled as such. Scripture not opinion
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Am sure you're Perishing bcoz of lack of knowledge.. the scripture says you shall see them by there fruits.... The fruits are there but still can't accept it.. anyway you're brainwashed
God's way · 1 year ago
His God got tired of his dishonesty and is punishing him and his 40 thieves.
the agent · 1 year ago
pashani javha atori nani hake atleast haaiti zvegold mafia izvi
Hillbillies Auctioneers · 1 year ago
The GOD is speaking ..... this is reality
Apes · 1 year ago
I used to believe in Angel but now noo
Rudo💅 · 1 year ago
apa sei musina kupaona Prophet kuti kuchauya vaferefeti🤣🤣🤣
· 1 year ago
kumagumo kune nyaya
Fae · 1 year ago
Man of gold
skankhunt42 · 1 year ago
If he is such a prophet how dd he not forsee this
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ubert Angel is an International criminal wanted for Crimes against Humanity in Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 . Aljazira YouTube videos will remain for life, they are evidence of your looting and corrupt activities munhu wa satani. Until you and **** are in jail.
· 1 year ago
How can Eubert copyright work that was done by Al Jazeera? Is the guy correct upstairs? Dzinenge dzakaburuka dzikatambiswa mahumbwe nevana.
MAMBO · 1 year ago
😂😂😂Ko iyo YouTube yacho inoita kunge yatumwa sei kubva yajamuka kunge yakapiwa tip kudaro, anyway isu hatina kana basa nazvo izvo ngavapedzerane ikoko
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Iwe nani vasina basa vasina basa nazvo. Wadii kuti ini handina basa nazvo. Kana usina basa nazvo why bother commenting. That commenting shows une basa nazvo.
Rudo💅 · 1 year ago
ko haasati asungwa

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