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War Veterans: We Don't Want ZANU PF To Use Us As Graders

1 year agoSun, 07 May 2023 14:43:37 GMT
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War Veterans: We Don't Want ZANU PF To Use Us As Graders

War veterans say they do not want the ruling ZANU PF party to continue using them as “graders” to campaign toward general elections.

War veterans have in the past campaigned for ZANU PF, especially in rural areas where they have been accused of violently targetting opposition supporters.

Speaking during a war veterans interactive meeting held in Lupane on Thursday, Veterans of the Liberation Struggle board chairperson, Gibson Mashingaidze, said they want the Government to improve their welfare. Said Mashingaidze:

There is a slogan that says the party commands the government, why does the party not command civil servants to look into our affairs?

We have Members of Parliament (MPs) who are looking for us during campaigns, we do not want to be used as graders.

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MPs should pass laws that speak to our needs instead of being silent only to emerge asking for votes.

If we had powers, we could recall some of these MPs that are not speaking about our plight in Parliament.

ZANU PF war veterans secretary, Douglas Mahiya, claimed that President Emmerson Mnangagwa has done a lot to improve the welfare of war veterans. He said:

Laws have been enacted but implementation remains a challenge that is why we have invited several stakeholders from the government so that we get answers to these issues.

In 1997, war veterans pressured the Government to pay them $50 000 in gratuities and other benefits for their role in the liberation struggle.

However, the Zimbabwe dollar later plunged following the unbudgeted pay-outs.

Here are some of the demands made by war veterans in recent years:

  1. University degrees
  2. Tax rebates for their suppliers
  3. Pension
  4. Medical and dental care
  5. Educational Assistance
  6. Funeral Assistance
  7. Gratuity
  8. Clear categorization of the Veterans of the Liberation Struggle members
  9. Tax and Duty exemption
  10. Quota system in Parliament and all government institutions and agencies
  11. Automatic promotion of serving veterans of the liberation struggle in State institutions
  12. Diplomatic passports
  13. Bravery medals and new identity cards
  14. Compensation of war victims and veterans of the liberation struggle living with disabilities

More: Pindula News



KHUMALO · 1 year ago
Anonymous · 1 year ago
That's a decoy, a war vet is a trained soldier who take orders without fail from the Commander in Chief who happens to Zanu pf. Musarasiswe.
hoyo... · 1 year ago
how can a 55yrs be a war veteran when the country on its on is 43 yes old
Anonymous · 1 year ago
If the truth be told, our living Zimbabwe war veterans only make noise when their personal needs are not met, they don’t seem to care about the the suffering of the general population. If they are given or promised some money, they don’t hesitate to kill defenceless people for a expressing any dissent towards the government, they are a very selfish lot. However, I salute the departed freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives to free us from colonial rule.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Muri zvikorobo.Moshandisika.Makatambudzira mahara.Masvika pakuchena misoro ne zasi musina chamunacho.Mopisa tsitsi
Anonymous · 1 year ago
The war of liberation was fought by all under very difficult circumstances.Everyone deserves a better life in an independent Zim not just a few
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Nhema ukapiwa shangu unoswera wavakupura vanhu.
Genaral chiwenga · 1 year ago
uri Zbc ipiko iwe
Captain Jack Sparrow · 1 year ago
War veterans are irrelevant in this day and age! Their demands show how selfish they are, university degrees for being unlearned and st upid kkkkk Mahiya never fought in the liberation struggle neither did he even lift a finger his war veteran status is just ceremonial. ZANU PF does not need you the nation does not need you. The association should be buried 6 feet under and covered with concrete ...
zbc · 1 year ago
ED haaiswe pachigaro nevanhu baaaa,,,asi namwari kana Mikasa muvhotera mwari wanovota wega pana ED ipapo either urikuda or haus kuda
Patriot · 1 year ago
don't allow yourselves to be used at war vetterans itai bhora musango we need leadership renewal vote wisely vote NELSON Mandela Chamisa
coni · 1 year ago
allow yourselves to be used after all you're useless we no longer feel the importance of your services during the war because of some of you who are very corruptive tyrannical what a shame takanonanganisa Pana Chamisa ipapo ipapo pasi nezanu pasi nembavha pasi nemhandu
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Hoodwinking. Nhema!!!!
Tongombeya Ngowani · 1 year ago
muchamuka henyu mukaziva pokuvhotera
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Sorry Mahiya. War vet no have currency. Genuine war vets would be over 60 years of age by now. Your time of influence in the political arena is padt. Zanu Pf will now be pushed by the ones you were in the past the youth. So Mahoiya can rest. Only foolish prospective MPs will approach the aging War Vets as foot soldiers.
Patriot · 1 year ago
War veterans it's your duty to defend the revolution and to get rid of puppets in this country.
Ricov · 1 year ago
are these Freedom Fighters or Mercenaries. They help keep ZanuPF in power yet they suffer like everybody else . They have been fully compensated , what more do they want. They made their beds . they should "die" in them . they reap the suffering they sow .Fck them
Kule Judah · 1 year ago
Haiwawoo ngazvinyarare zvizukuru izvo. Iko tambosara vanganikovo? Ndohumwe humbavha ihwohwu hoda kudhla ne hondo yakapera kare kare yahusina kana kuvona. Kure uko nxaaa
lala · 1 year ago
l remember when I was grade 7 reading a book titled Oliver twist kkk hawaguti wana mkoma
· 1 year ago
makarwadziwa nedocumentary kuti kune vari kunyatsodya mari imi muchingoti pamberi nezanu pf
Jim Munkuli · 1 year ago
ma war vet Bora musango , vote for Chamisa CCC ❌
aaaa · 1 year ago
ane information yerecruitment yemasoja tibatsireiwo plz guyz
Preta · 1 year ago
Ko recruitment yemasoja ykazodii guys hapanao ane infor hre
Jojo · 1 year ago
@Preta mafunga kuenda kunofa ka
Hokage · 1 year ago
why demand more things , isn't freedom what you fought for?
chamhamha · 1 year ago
these guys are holding the country at ransom. some of these demands are driven by self interests yet they claim to be patriotic. they need to be taught, trained to be responsible some of them if given the money will just squander it then come back and make noise again
Ricov · 1 year ago
With what leverage man . They is fookd . how many are they to tip the scales on the ballots .they don't hold sway on the masses nomore . Old Boys should expiere in quietude.
· 1 year ago
mawar vet vakapera kufa imi muri vei zviya , pasi nevanobira nyika
Okongo The Villager · 1 year ago
Vavakuda kuvhunditsira vakarasa hwema karekare nenyaya yavo yekuvhima vachidzokera kumashura ,holding the country to ransom each time
Jah 🦓 Tsvarie-07 · 1 year ago
You are graders for sure coz you jus worry about your welfare forgetting the future of our youths. you fought got rewarded for your fighting, we now need to move on focus coz there is life ahead we can't keep talking history with no food on the table, Rtgs$ has reduced us workers to destitution...
Nimrod · 1 year ago
You can't expect every MP to speak on your behalf in parliament, after all you have a full cabinet minister who represents your interests. Sit down with her and discuss your issues. By the way do you still remember what the country has done for you: $50000 lump-sum which was equivalent to $6000 US, the farms that you got, the pension that you get, assistance with fees for your children up to university. veduwee what more do you want
V for Vegetta · 1 year ago
Ma war vets haasati apera kufa here 🙄🤦‍♂️. Vakuda kunetsa manje
citizen · 1 year ago
hooo vava kuzviona nhy
aa · 1 year ago
~jmp~ · 1 year ago
They are right
Truth · 1 year ago
not entirely 🤔
truth · 1 year ago
43 yrs and you talk today. Mucha ramba muchinhonga solve nemuromo. Svinurai murambe kushandiswa. inga ndimi.makarwira rusununguko, hezvo masungirirwa. kkkkkk. hamusati mati....
GG · 1 year ago
They were **** with their money, they invested it in a company called Zexcom formed by Andrew Mhlanga who then was chairperson of War Veterans Association. They never got anything out of it and it died a natural death.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Maiwe!!!.have looked at their demands The want a second gratuity.talk about greed. Diplomatic passports.kkkk Medals Tax and duty exception Ridiculous The list speaks for itself we can waste time with ppl Let's give them all their demands as gvt services Medical aid psmas Funeral service city.of harare and shut them up for once

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