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Looting Of Lithium At Bikita Minerals Has Reached Another Level - Maguwu

1 year agoWed, 03 May 2023 15:57:47 GMT
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Looting Of Lithium At Bikita Minerals Has Reached Another Level - Maguwu

Farai Maguwu, the founding Director of the Centre for Natural Resource Governance, stated that the looting of lithium at Bikita Minerals has reached a new level, with 754 tonnes of concentrate being processed daily.

In a Twitter post seen by Pindula News, Maguwu whose organization is working on improved governance of natural resources in Zimbabwe said 42 trucks loaded with lithium concentrate departing daily with the loot. He said:

Bikita Lithium Looting Update 02/05/23 Fellow Zimbabweans, the looting of our minerals at Bikita Minerals has reached another level. They are processing 754 tonnes of concentrate per day. 42 trucks loaded with lithium concentrate departing daily with the loot.

Last year, Godfrey Tsenengamu , former ZANU PF Youth League Political Commissar, claimed that lithium was being siphoned from Bikita Minerals to China. Chinese company SinoMine bought Bikita Minerals and is investing over $200 million in expanding operations and building a new processing plant. Tsenengamu, now leading the Front for Economic Emancipation in Zimbabwe, called on President Mnangagwa to address reports of looting and plunder at Bikita Minerals. He said in a Facebook post seen by Pindula News:

Loads and loads of lithium at Bikita Minerals ready for shipping to China. The Chinese are extracting lithium 24 hours a day. Ndiko kuvaka nyika kwamunotaura here uku President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa kana ndiko kutengesa nyika?? Tichasara nei senyika?? [Is this what you mean by “building the nation,” President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, or is it selling the nation? What will be left of the country?] My heart is bleeding.

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Last year, Justice Chinhema, the General Secretary for the Zimbabwe Diamond and Allied Minerals Workers Union, confirmed the claims of resource plunder. He said workers at Sino Mine claim to produce around 15 000 tonnes of lithium per month which means recent claims by Maguwu signify a huge development. Chinhema told Pindula News last year:

We are worried, the benefit for the country is yet to be known. Job Creation when the working conditions are worse than those that prevailed before take over might mean nothing. We need to educate our communities where mining is taking place that they need to push the government to fully implement the local share ownership so that local communities benefit.

Chinhema stated that a policy should require investors to develop the areas where they mine by building schools, hospitals, roads, bridges, and other social amenities. He added that the law should mandate investors to ensure that communities receive shares from the companies, or it becomes looting.


In June 2022, President Mnangagwa commissioned the US$300m spodumene lithium project which has one of the world’s largest lithium deposits. Bikita Minerals, Zimbabwe‘s oldest miner of lithium-bearing minerals, has been operating in Masvingo Province for over 70 years but has only been producing petalite, mainly for the glass and ceramics industry.

Why is this important:

The demand for lithium has increased due to the production of electric vehicles. Zimbabwe, which has a large deposit of the mineral, could potentially benefit from this, but there are concerns that the country may not be fully utilizing its resources. Zimbabwe has a history of using its mineral resources as collateral for loans, which critics argue is not sustainable. Therefore, there are calls for African countries to process their natural resources and export semi-finished or finished commodities to maximize their benefits.

In 2022, Zimbabwe banned the export of raw lithium to promote value addition and beneficiation of the mineral. The Minister of Mines and Mining Development, Winston Chitando, issued the Base Minerals Export Control (Unbeneficiated Lithium Bearing Ores) Order, 2022, which prohibits the export of raw lithium. special

The Zimbabwean government exempted certain miners from the ban on raw lithium exports. The Zimbabwe Defence Industries was granted a special permit to continue exporting raw lithium.

These reports of looting come as Zimbabwe is still dealing with the fallout from the release of the Al Jazeera documentary “Gold Mafia.” The documentary alleges gold smuggling and money laundering within and around Zimbabwe, implicating some senior government officials. Zimbabwe is allegedly losing billions of dollars through gold smuggling each year.

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Innocent · 1 year ago
Kombiro i nnhata.
Mkomana · 1 year ago
Even if you say we are useless but you still need us to create your looting foundation .No water no fish !
Mkomana · 1 year ago
Self certisfaction forgetting the citizens whom you represent .Now elections ! are they going to nominate you or otherwise without intimidation , it's like the back of a goat . You should have done it wisely guys not this way , never.Chinua Achebe (Things Fall Apart)
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Kuba, kuparadza, kuponda, kunyepa zanupf ishasha hezvo KA yave Lithium Mafia..
sad emoji1
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Lithium Mafia iZanupf mose munozviziva kuti kuba kuponda kuparadza kunyepa ishasha..
Ba Dee · 1 year ago
Zanu mbavha dzinoba chero ma. to. to
d · 1 year ago
I was struggling to juggle my thoughts so my post a bit garbled. Hard to concentrate with so much background noise.
coni · 1 year ago
you fake coni undikwanire iwe write on your name kwete kushandisa username rangu zvisizvo uridatya rombe rezanu chikwambo chezanu rubish mkadzi wevamwe varume nonsense
ELVIS DZIRIPI · 1 year ago
Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo brick by brick stone upon stone thank you so much
lodia · 1 year ago
pane wekubikita here ataure zvirikuitikako
Anonymous · 1 year ago
We are slowly but surely being dragged back to the 2008 ERA......I'm telling u.....and zvinhu zvekuti Mnangagwa anovhumira...the chinese pple to come and loot minerals z unfair.....the govt z failing to see the bigger picture in this....they don't see ma long term effects ezvinhu izvi.....and when the economy start me we will not know wat hit guyz vote wisely...TO SECURE A BRIGHT FUTURE FOR OUR NATION......#TOGETHERWECAN
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
unodzoka wega wega ku 2008. vamwe tiri kuronga zva 2030.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Vision must be kidding me...juc tell me one thing that YOUKNOWWHO dd 4 e nation
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Worse than colonials, people wanting to build not rape
Mmc · 1 year ago
Ungati wawana investor from china gvt ye army ingazivei kungoshandiswa nemavhima ask vashandi vepaBikita mineras vave kugara kunge imbwa mumba mumwe their wives were since evacuated from the site houses which were promise to accommodate new employees are not built then looting instead
coni · 1 year ago
anodya ndearipachigaro vana bhanguza , chero ccc ikatungamira still vanenge vachingodya vanezvigaro kwete povho yese so tidzikamirwei zvenyu muti tyoooo nkt munongohukura chete muchit ccc ASI hamuna chamunofa makawama kn uriwenhamo uchangofira munhamo. learn kutongwavhangwavha musiyane nekuswera pa pindula muchingoti vote for Nero . hazviunze sugar Mumba hamawee instead kutoswera uchitengesa mabanana nescania unoswera watoita bag kudarika vanemadegree. think twice kn nzinzarako tisina chinhu never mind kt hurumende uchakuvigira food Mumba wether it's ccc or zanu,,,, u hv to work hard for yourself hakuna bato rinozofa rakachinja upenyu hwemunhu zviriko muAfrica yese not Zim yega
Ziggy · 1 year ago
Pamberi na Chamisa!! Pamberi ne CCC I vote for Chamisa
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
chamisa arimowo mumadhiri acho. ndosaka lawyer wemaboss ekwedu
GENERAL JEIZET,,,,,,,JZ · 1 year ago
Ziggy,,,,,Lithium irikuenda nepaMozambique apo yakatoenda paship wena hauzivi zvinenge zvichiitika maybe uriwekuGokwe saka uchidaro ,,,,,,,,matruck arikuenda nepamosceni apo,,,huori hurimo zvaho munyika yedu asi pamberi neZanu Pf,,,,pakundovhota paya munofanira kunyatsoona moisa X yenyu paMasvingo ,,padura chaipo chaipo
aaaa · 1 year ago
Zanu chayo kuparadza nyika kwete kuvaka bcoz yanyanya mbavha
Ziggy · 1 year ago
Kunyepa ukoo , kunyepaaaa properganda yega yega wanhu wanenge wabhadharwa ne America kuti vaite properganda , munonyepa imi vanhu ve CCC lithum yipi , lithum yacho irikupi ? Hapana nyaya ma rori acho ari papi ? Hapana nyaya , kunyeeepaaa uku , I vote for ZANU PF every term forever, Excerrent, exubirant , nyika inowakwa nenyika yayo . Tarisa uone kudzikira kurikuita ma prices nhamo yamuno chema ve CCC handitomboinzwe , kunaka kwe life izvozvi soo , kubvira 1980 hupenyu huri kutapira kwazvo , vana vedu vachafara kwazvo nenyika ino vachafara ne nhau ye Zanu Pf, PAMBERI NE KUBATATANA !!! PAMBERI NE ZANU PF ✊✊✊
laugh emoji1
Dark 🌑 Retribution Dark 🌑 · 1 year ago
Penga mushe iwe munhu iwe...
@Ziggy · 1 year ago
Uri mupengo iwe
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Uri mbudzi
Rita · 1 year ago
tese tiri mbavha ne gvnt yacho cz kuba zvicherwa kutsvaga raramo
chamunorwa · 1 year ago
Vatungamiri vanoda kusunga because they are also theifs
Mmc · 1 year ago
Gvr iyi inoda kufadza vanhu asi isingazivi maeffects azvo muGvt yembava hakuna anofanira kutarisa zvinoita umwe it's a mind tou own business job Mnangagwa haana chaanoziva chaingodiwa kunzi zim prssnt chete zvokunzi zvozvodii sei haaa usiku
Takavatadzirei vanhu ava · 1 year ago
we are cursed as a nation our leaders can not to anything right nxaaaaa
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
maguwu ari kunyeba.
@firimoni · 1 year ago
there is no smoke without a 🔥 fire
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
mukanwa mako zvamunobuda hutsi mune moto here, chero dh.o.d.h.i rako zvarinopfungaira panemoto here.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
When exhaling dagga or tobacco fumes - big time billows of smoke
Baba Gumbo · 1 year ago
Torai Mari hurumende yakarara

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