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Cost Of Living In Zimbabwe Increased In April - ZIMSTAT

1 year agoMon, 01 May 2023 13:11:19 GMT
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Cost Of Living In Zimbabwe Increased In April - ZIMSTAT

The Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (ZimStat) has said the cost of living in Zimbabwe increased by 11% in April compared to March. This was mainly due to the depreciation of the Zimbabwe dollar. ZimStat reported that an individual needed $33,044 in April, up from $29,778.08 in March. Said the agency in its latest cost of living statistics report:

The Total Consumption Poverty Line for Zimbabwe stood at $33 044,46 per person in April 2023.

This means that an individual required that much to purchase both non-food and food items as at April 2023 in order not to be deemed poor.

This represents an increase of 11% when compared to the March 2023 figure of $29 778,08.

According to ZimStat, the total consumption poverty line (TCPL) of $33 044 is the minimum total income that an individual needs to not be considered poor. ZimStat also stated that their official Poverty Datum Lines are not comparable to the cost of living indicators produced by others in the market.

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Over the past three weeks, the Zimbabwe dollar has fallen to $2 100 against the US dollar on the parallel forex market, compared to $1 000 previously.

Analysts say the depreciation of the local currency can be attributed to a number of factors including the lack of adequate support structures. As a result, prices of goods and services have skyrocketed, and some shops now only accept US dollars for certain products or services. According to ZimStat, an income of $33,044 is required to avoid poverty, but this is still considered high poverty by the World Bank, which defines extreme poverty as living on less than $1.90 per day.

Some economists have argued that ZimStat’s cost of living calculation for April does not reflect the reality on the ground.

American economist Steve Hanke responded to ZIMSTAT’s report by stating that he measured Zimbabwe’s inflation rate at 455% per year on April 20, which is almost twice the official inflation rate of 243.8% reported by ZimStat. He also called ZimStat’s measurements “phoney” and criticized the director-general, Taguma Mahonde.

Economist Prosper Chitambara told NewsDay in an interview:

That is not realistic and a correct figure of what an average person would require per month to survive because just food alone costs more than that.

For those who go to work if you are going to buy a plate of sadza for a dollar it means for the month you would spend almost US$20 just on food for lunch, so that is not a correct and realistic figure.

Although prices of goods and services have gone up, the blended inflation rate in April was 75.2%, which is 12.4 percentage points lower than March’s rate of 87.6%.

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Anonymous · 1 year ago
Let us vote zanu pf again
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
I have have been involved in Elections in ZImbabwe since 1980. General Elections have been affecting basic food prices since 1999. [ DO NOT VOTE FOR GOLD MAFIA CRIMINALS ]. So many factors come in to play. Some businesses do not like the ruling party and get opportunity to do down the ruling party by increasing prices and not displaying their goods on shelves for sale. [ VOTE CHAMISA CHETE CHETE FOR REAL CHANGE/SHANDUKO ]. Those interested just watch ZIMSTAT as we approach the Harmonised Elections. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
101 · 1 year ago
ZIM STAT mirai kurova mbanje motipa mafigures chaiwo
Patriot · 1 year ago
marombe e CCC hamuzive kuti mutemo we doro unofamba sei? Doro rinomwiwa munhu abva kubasa and ma weekends futi coz nguva zhinji inofanira kuita yekuseenza neku planner muhupenyu. Kana usina basa raunoita chitogara wasiyana zvako ne nhau ye doro zvachose coz rinokuita rombe rekupedzisira.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Common sense is not always common saka kupedza nguva arguing with people who lack common sense because they will never have it.
Patriot · 1 year ago
@linox. ndozvirikuita kuti utambure izvozvo coz ukati $5 iyoyo times 30 days unowana $150 husa and u can buy 6 goats , watotanga projects ye mbudzi. Dzozokuberekera 2 times a year, after 3 years haudzipedze iwe. $150 iyoyo times 10 months yatova $1500 husa, then wondiudza kuti unoshaiwa plan here ipapo. Kumwe kushaiwa brain kwenyu kwete kungo blamer hurumende zvema hara mhani apa. Marombe e CCC muchatinetsa imi
Anonymous · 1 year ago
I think you don't understand concept of business cause ur always spoon fed. Some of us don't have preliminary resources to do animal husbandry. We dnt have lend to do goat rearing. We don't have money to secure vaccines again foot and mouth and other business so as business connections to sell those goats. Thinking big is great I'm sure your comments ll will help others but as a ZANU OF puppet learn to think outside the box not everyone joys when others suffer and you throw jabs on them cause you think there are just sitting there and doing nothing. Some have tried those roots but due to corruption and political instability there are failing Since you have connections (corruption and nepotism) link them too and see if they will keep crying. Direct them were they can get inputs without hustle, where they can get loans that won't give them hard time. You politicians are stingy and inconsiderate. Help people out there you will see that Zimbabwe is a lovely place. Lifukudla lodwa nje ku lokuthi labele abanye. 100 years from now all what we have will be history these mangwana and Mugabe names will just be useless. Let's help each other on our life times instead of gloating and mumbling like devils
linox · 1 year ago
ini doro chairo ndotoda 5 per day
Genaral · 1 year ago
vamwe vanhu madununu chaizvo ukaona munhu achitsigira zvimapato zvisina kana nedhiri we want change vote for ccc
Horny Teen · 1 year ago
Hapana musikana arikuda **** chat here
Patriot · 1 year ago
seenza iwe d.o.f.o re munhu kwete kungotarisira kuitirwa ne hurumende wakagara mhani. Unoti nyika yacho inosimuka seiko if u don't want to work.
only f,o,o,o,ls like ziggy and patriot na putting · 1 year ago
support evil coz they're also evil some pple are not worry our comments especially those dunderheads I mentioned
Patriot · 1 year ago
it applies only to those who don't want to work. Kune vane plan husa vanotoriwana bedzi vachidya vachiguta. Unonzwa mu CCC achiti zvinhu zvaoma nekuti arikushaiwa mari ye doro neye ku catcher m.a.h.u.r.e. Saka kuoma kwe zvinhu munyika i brain dzako. The natural laws dzinongoti mbudzi inobereka 2 times a year Saka ukatanga project yekuchengeta mbudzi haineyi ne inflation ba iyoyo. Dzinongobereka uchidya nekutengesa pawadira. Horticulture hainei ne inflation, zvirimwa zvinongo kura bedzi as long uchizvi seenza, kukama mukaka hakunei ne inflation or even kupfuya mombe dzacho etc ma projects ose iwayo i husa rega rega. kurima beans in 2 months time unenge wave kuti harvester, mbambaira unonwa tea ukaneta bigtime. Imi ma born location munofunga kuti hupenyu kurova ma rounds ne Honda fit muchinwa doro nekutsvanga m.a.h.u.r.e. That's why murikuti nyika yaoma kkkk that's being silly ladies and gentlemen. Kuisa mikoko ye nyuchi hakunei ne inflation, ne nguva diki unenge wakuto harvester huchi uchitengesa. Saka learn to think u f.o.o.l.s.
bodogo · 1 year ago
nothing is independent my friend. when you are a project you expect to make a profit. kana uakada kurima beans uchada ma inputs anotoda kutengwa nemari uchada kuzotengesa beans dzacho kumarket kuti ugozodzokazve kumunda. Saka iwe unofunga kuti inflation yemuzimbabwe inenge yakakumirira pese ipapo ichiti patriot achazoda kudai. iwe !!!
emerson · 1 year ago
increase of USD to rtgs is also increasing of our poverty
Truth · 1 year ago
Ahh, Ziggy I don't think you read zvakanyorwa , they are saying kuti cost of living muno muZimbabwe yakwira , not everything is about politics 🙄 dzidzai kunzwisisa nyaya , kwete kupindura irrelevantly.
Ziggy · 1 year ago
This buetiful news , I love how the economy is improve and fast rapid , Jobs everywhere like air , food cheap than cheaper , everything is in order , thank you ZANU PF 🙏. Ndinofira ZANUPF inini ndinoida , munhu wese wemudunhu rangu achavhotera ZANU PF , i make sure that , mhuri yangu vana vangu vatatu vakaregoster mavotes e ZANU PF nekuti ndihwo hupenyu hwedu kwete ana Chamisa zvindumure zvine madziwa pamhino zvichiri kuyamwa mukaka, isu toda VAMNANGAGWA, vane simba , murume akagwinya kuti atungamirire nyika , hekani kunanaka kwazoita Zimbabwe
Capone · 1 year ago
uri agent ya Satan hanty
Ziggy · 1 year ago
Ndiri aganet ye ZANU PF
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Satan aripa basa
Wewwee · 1 year ago
@ ziggy wamborava zvawanyora here?
Patriot · 1 year ago
First here to comment...✊🏻
zero · 1 year ago
well-done my big guy congrats đź‘Źđź‘Źđź‘Źđź‘Ź

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