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Some Businesses Reject Zimbabwe Dollar

1 year agoFri, 28 Apr 2023 05:51:46 GMT
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Some Businesses Reject Zimbabwe Dollar

Some retailers are reportedly refusing payment in the local currency or limiting the number of items people can buy in Zimbabwe dollars, which they say has become very unstable.

The Zimbabwe dollar was reintroduced in 2019 after a decade of the multicurrency system but it has been depreciating alarmingly.

On the parallel market, the Zim dollar is trading between $2 100 and $2 200 to the greenback, and US$1 036 on the official market.

Some retailers in Harare are reportedly limiting the number of items one can buy using Zimdollars.

The products include cooking oil, meat, mealie-meal, rice and beverages. Some shops are selling the products exclusively in US dollars.

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An official at one of the country’s leading meat suppliers who spoke to NewsDay on Thursday on condition of anonymity said:

There are some businesses trying to take advantage of the fact that we are selling in local currency to come to dump their Zimdollar stock and then sell the meat or merchandise they buy from us in US dollars.

This has become prevalent, so to dissuade this practice we are limiting stocks on certain products.

Finance and Economic Development Deputy Minister Clemence Chiduwa told NewsDay that the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) was monitoring developments in the retail sector. He said:

We are getting reports that some supermarkets are demanding payment for certain products exclusively in US dollars.

The Bank Use and Promotion Act applies the same way as trading in the parallel market.

This is illegal and all operators are urged to abide by the laws. We are closely monitoring the market delinquency and deviance which is a violation of the law.

The FIU is taking appropriate action against those who are exclusively accepting USD on certain products.

The continued depreciation of the Zimdollar is due to inflationary expectations mainly driven by parallel market rates.

The resultant instability due to chasing rates is negatively affecting all of us.

Market players should focus on production and the generation of forex.

Meanwhile, Delta Beverages spokesperson Patricia Murambinda, told NewsDay the company was not responsible for the actions by retailers in charging its products exclusively in US dollars.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 1 year ago
Harare city council workers vamama ne salary nyimo at times kutombonyimwa pay ..Ccc ndoino runner kanzuru iyi..saka ma salaries manyama acho aripi..zvi politics izvi muchazvirega pamuchaona kuty Zanu ii Ccc, Ccc ii Zanu
You · 1 year ago
Vhoterai pamasvingo kuvhara hondo remember this country was fought for kunyange zvikaoma sei zanu icharamba ichitonga good bye Nelson Chamisa
🙄🙄 · 1 year ago
@Ziggy,, Just needs a brain test this is not normal
Ba Dee · 1 year ago
Ziggy ritori be nzi sas cam
at Ziggy andizive uri rombe rakadii · 1 year ago
that person who is using you shld stop wakaora nenhamo apa uchisapota zanu pf yakaora yakafa Kare sewe une madhimoni a legion chaiye am sorry for your parents for wasting semen on you you're a disgrace low thinking capacity at your age ungafarire biscuits hauna kukwana nhamo inokunetsa enda unofa muroi wehama old disgusting wretched filthy smelly man wakapoya mukondomu mai vaenda kunohura uridatya rombe mwana wembwa haufunge dimwit clueless man uchafa nenhamo yako iyoyo rombe rezanu chikwambo chezanu kupenga kwaarikutoita ikok kwakakufita shameless senseless brainless idhiyoti go hang you're useless mbwa isina muswe anenhamo akakuzvara hauna kana nyadzi benzi remunhu stupet
Queen of success · 1 year ago
kkkkkkkk wamugona haafunge uyo he is materialistic and he is a snitch gold digger , uunstable yuwiiii zvanguuu kkkkkkklk ndiAkpos the foolish 😁😃😄😅😆😉😊😋😎🙄😛😛😛🤓🤓🤓😫😫
Ziggy · 1 year ago
Pamberi ne ZANU PF ✊✊✊ MUCHINGOHUKURA HUKURA HUHUHUHU , tarisa iwe mwana weZimbabwe, nyika yatapira , yoyerera uchi nemukaka , tarisa Harare, motokari , mabhiiiiiiskets , ma super gettiii , iwewe uri rombe risingazive kunaka kwe lyf , inini ndinoti pamberi ne Zanu pf nenhau yekuti yakaita kuti Zimbabwe inake zvinodadisa..
Ziggy · 1 year ago
Ndiregerei boys dzangu ndirikushandiswa, I know kuti ruzhinji rwurikutambura, munongozivavo kuti party yedu ndeyeropa, ukaramba zvawatwumwa waenda!
Chams · 1 year ago
Haaaa chiZim-dollar chadhakwa. Kana ivoma Shefu handifunge kuti pane ane Zimdollat muhomwe kkkkk
Patriot · 1 year ago
arrest them
Mude · 1 year ago
Ziggy is mentally disturbed person. Arikuba neZanu yake
tinenzira Mude · 1 year ago
mnhu anonzi Ziggy anoda spiritual deliverance from ZANU PF demons
Sadza Beans · 1 year ago
Nyangwe zvikaitabasa zvinebasarei pamberi na ED
Dark 🌑 Retribution Dark 🌑 · 1 year ago
Britain... colonise us again!!! kkkkkk
Better than Mthuli & Mangudya · 1 year ago
The ZW "dollar" doesn't inspire what is called CIVIC TRUST. Zimbos will have civic trust of a local currency that'll come under CCC leadership. #KangeneSibiliUjaha #NgaapindeHakeMukomana #NganjileMulombe
God knows · 1 year ago
Yes they should reject Zim dollars because it is valueless. most of the products on the market come from other countries such as SA, Botswana, Mosken, Zambia, Japan (cars) and China. These countries dont recognise Zim dollars as currency hakuna kwainodiwa. So are you forcing them to accept it. Kuuraya nyika kusvika vanhu vakuramba mari? mwana mudiki chaiye ari kuECD apihwa 1us dollar anofara zvakanyanya kudari apihwa zvimabond izvi. I m not in politics but this year ndotombokanda my vote,
Tadiwanashe Hove · 1 year ago
ko king who gives money value king
,,,, · 1 year ago
Ziggy has no brain , only skeleton bones.
laugh emoji1
Artwell Zireva · 1 year ago
I am Groot · 1 year ago
Give the digital gold thing a try
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Imi mabharanzi imi hapana kana one ataura zvinemusoro pakati penyu murinyan'a dzevanhu munosunga kunge zibenzi renyu rinonzi Chamisa ringakwanise kuiita Vision like ED you are all fulls nyika inotongwa nevakachangmuka
Bikita · 1 year ago
Taura hako ,,,, Chamisa akapinda zvose zvatodhakwa
Queen of success · 1 year ago
iwe ndiwe imbwa chaiyo pasina doubt mai nababa vakatambisa usiku plus maspring ebed akaririra mahara zvaonekwa kt ndimi type dzekuzvarirwa mublair toilet nxaa 😃🙄🙄🙄😶😕😕💩💩💩💩💩😈😠😡
Anonymous · 1 year ago
If they are all "fulls" as you say . Makes you an empty shell . Do you ever think ?. What vision are you talking about . Vision yekuuraya nyika . Yekuba mari yeNyika . Yekuponda vanhu. Yekupata chibharo , because those are the attributes of Zanu Pf
Queen of success · 1 year ago
mbo ro yyemunhu nxaa
kazekage · 1 year ago
Zanupf hayina plan coz how many years yichitonga zvinhu zvichingoita worse nxaaa uri mbor.o yemunhu vision yipi ipapa pa d.a.k.o
food world · 1 year ago
some products are exclusively charged in USD, eg lobels biscuits 😄😄😄😄
Biti · 1 year ago
This simply goes to show that the masses have lost confidence in the local currency because its worthless. Mangudya should resign period. I dont know why Africans cling on to positions even after such dismal failure. This is actually the upteenth time our currency failing due to mismanagement and virtually noone loses their job...its pathetic to say the least
_. · 1 year ago
That's true. Digital f_o_o_l_s gold token by the same useless f_o_o_l_s will be praised by the gullible bootlickers as the solution to their failure and incompetence.
Gukurahundi Remnant · 1 year ago
I recently sold a German sheperd puppy in US dollars, not useless ZW "dollars". I would rather face another Gukurahundi genocide than use that sh*t currency. Ngifunga ngabakithi ababulawa yiZANU baphoselwa eBhalagwe!
..... · 1 year ago
Our useless Zim dollars will soon change its name to digital gold token which will still be the useless Zim dollars but with a different name. USD is the best choice for stability and value.
Tiri Wero NaNero · 1 year ago
Vote Nelson Chamisa for President. Civil servants and all workers in the country will receive decent salaries; not peanuts under ED's ZANU-PF.
chamisa · 1 year ago
this country yakuda vafana vechidoko tarisai zambia vari kudya uchi nemukaka
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
usanyeba zvekuzambia. they are regretting. chakatoora hichilema. en**** uwone
Hovhiyo🚀🔪💣🏹✂️🇿🇼·· · 1 year ago
Zvatotanga apa tiri kushandisa 50 ne 100 chete...Zanu yakawora pasi ne zanu pf we need change As citizens, imbwa dzeZANU idzi hapana chinozivikanwa *vana va satan*

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