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ZANU PF Speaks On Title Deeds, Land Ownership, 99-year Leases, 2023 Elections

1 year agoTue, 25 Apr 2023 08:23:05 GMT
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ZANU PF Speaks On Title Deeds, Land Ownership, 99-year Leases, 2023 Elections

The ruling party in Zimbabwe, ZANU PF, has denied allegations that the government is distributing title deeds and legitimising illegal settlements to gain votes in the upcoming elections this year.

The party’s director of Information and Publicity, Tafadzwa Mugwadi, made the claim in an interview with ZiFM’s Larry Kwirirayi on Monday night. 

Title Deeds and Elections:

When asked whether the ZANU PF administration was handing Epworth residents title deeds to persuade them to vote for the ruling party, Mugwadi said:

We’re not doing it for elections. Last year there was no election when the president made that promise. When that promise was made, the opposition said that this was a lie, this was a political gimmick. No title deeds were going to be issued to residents in Epworth. No one took him (President Emmerson Mnangagwa) seriously but the residents did and that’s why we won the Epworth constituency anyway.

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The president made a promise to grant title deeds to Epworth residents in March of last year, just before the 26th March by-elections. ZANU PF’s Zalerah Hazvinei Makari won the Epworth constituency in those by-elections.

Epworth is a residential suburb located in Zimbabwe‘s capital city, Harare (formerly Salsbury). It is, however, not a part of the Harare City Government. Salsbury refused to incorporate Epworth so it remained a separate community.

Retaining Land Ownership; 99-year-lease

Mugwadi stated that the government plans to maintain the 99-year leases to prevent land abuse, but he was unclear whether residents of Epworth who received title deeds are allowed to sell their residential properties. He said:

We know very well that there are attempts by white people to reclaim land in Zimbabwe through backdoor means. What that means is that iwewe Larry tikakuti chitora maTitle deeds pa700 hectare farm iwe wonotsvaga Mr Jones kuti chihuyai mundibatsire kurima kana kuti woritengesa kuna Mr Jones iwewe wakariwana nemarii kuGovernment? You were given freely by government through the Land Reform Programme. Isn’t that so? So no one must seek to claim title over what he got freely from Government. So the thing is, we seek to retain ownership of the land through the state because we know that land reform processes in Africa are under threat from imperialists and neocolonialists who think that land reform should not have taken place.

Radio show listeners expressed concerns about the difficulty that land beneficiaries may face in developing the land, which could potentially be taken away from them at any time.

Zimbabwe has carried out land reform in various stages since 1980, with the most notable being the Fast-Track Land Reform program initiated by the Robert Mugabe government in the early 2000s.

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Pastor Samsung · 1 year ago
Salsbury Chii
spookie · 1 year ago
@nyika yaora wataura dama chairo wamai.5yrs for Chamisa timboona.akaita mahumbwe tomubvisa.Now tired neZanu
Mashmello · 1 year ago
sorry guys mistake patakataura yekupa matittle deeds taida kuuta maelections for marecalled seats nenew CCC
Nyika Yawora Iyi · 1 year ago
Kuti pane chiri kuda nezve zanu ipapa not sure doubt let's try zvimwe 5yrs fo Chamisa and will see then anongobviswa hanty tisu tinenge tamuisa akaita mahumbwe wake up ma zimbabweans don't let zanu stay forever will die in poverty hazviite sooh😳
Zupco 👨‍✈️👨‍✈️🚎🚎 · 1 year ago
ummmmmm , thus way this guys played their cards
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Diplomatic immunity and diplomatic planes and vehicles are apparently being used to smuggle/get illegal gold/cash out of Zim.
Jim Munkuli · 1 year ago
but vangaita havo zve title deed , vanhu vangwara this time pakaipa I'm not sure kuti ZANU will win coz tirikutenda kuno register in full capacity isu vana vechidiki chete , VOTE FOR CHAMISA CCC ❌
Ndimba Ndimba · 1 year ago
This Mugwadi is a filthy liar !! Does he think we are grade zeros the whole nation. This is blatant vote buying by ED and Zanu PF cohorts. Get away Mugwadi !!! We will vote CCC and Nelson Chamisa with a passion. !!!! !!!
Black Adam⚡ · 1 year ago
🤣🤣Zvinongodzi ngati remekedzei magamba edu akati rwira kuti tivene rusungukoooo. Chiwenga anopa speech about what ED during chimurenga 2. Zvino nhaka yacho ndeipi kana muchidai. Ama mu bush war makafiwa, a lot of lives were lost. That Rhodesian Army army has British soldiers and USA marines, those USA marines caused most of deaths of the guerrillas. Saka we now know that ED never fought for Zimbabwe's Independence but for himself and his future greedy plans. Yes ndicha Fukuda ndichingo hukura like every CCC supporter. I will vote for CCC together with millions and millions of Zimbabweans.
· 1 year ago
Vapenyu, vakapona hondo ndiwo aive magwara
Hillbillies Auctioneers · 1 year ago
Last year there were no elections when the president ED made that promise about title deeds
RuesPaints · 1 year ago
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Tafadzwa Mugwadi is lying to the nation When the President mooted this idea of 'title deeds' for Epworth residents last year there was an impending by-election so how can he say there was no election last year Why did the interviewer not remind him? Maybe he had 'forgotten' about it ? Very few people take Mugwadi seriously anywhere
Patriot · 1 year ago
In Africa owning enterprises and huge properties is causing untold suffering to the general public. The communist ideology is the best in an African context, were the State retains ownership in major enterprises. If the policies are to be implemented well , then no one will suffer that much in Africa. It will reduce corruption coz citizens will be restricted very much when it comes to property ownership in the economy. Right now mumwe is a land baron but mumwe haana kana ruzevha chairwo rwekuti avake kana one room zvayo , just imagine. It's unfair! Capitalism has ripped the African continent apart.
...... · 1 year ago
Nonsense, just look at our leaders in zanupf to see the wealth they have acquired. When the state owns everything they have absolute control over you. Capitalism has not ripped the African continent apart but dishonest African leaders. Zanupf is a curse apon the people and must be removed for the people and country to progress. We need new leaders let's vote wisely for the benefit of the country and people. Vote ❎ CCC.
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 1 year ago
People never learn, u should make a deal with the devil. When I was a kid there were popular fairy tales of lepricons, they made deals without a catch to them.
Führer senior ☝️☝️☝️🇿🇼 · 1 year ago
Mbavha dzevanhu this hamulume ....takanonanganisa❌️❎️pane wechidiki we need new mbavha pamwe nyika ingaite zvirinani ☝️☝️☝️☝️ pasi na Ed ne zanu yake nema fanz ake
The truth · 1 year ago
A disgraceful dishonest racist ewe telling Lies4ED. What they give you they can take away from you if you don't dance to their tune 🎶
Kind · 1 year ago
Saka mukundiudza kuti mari ye nyika I kudyiwa nevanhu 5 chete ruzhinji ruchitambura😵 imi ma gold mafia musadaro.
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
aiwa nesu tiri kudyawo. madollar ari muhomwe mako unorti akabva kupi

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