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Update On Evacuation Of Zimbabweans From Sudan

1 year agoTue, 25 Apr 2023 13:45:05 GMT
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Update On Evacuation Of Zimbabweans From Sudan

Nick Mangwana, the permanent secretary of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, stated the evacuation of 101 Zimbabweans from Sudan is underway following the eruption of armed conflict in the North African country.

In a social media post seen by Pindula News, Mangwana said more updates will be issued in due course. He said:

EVACUATION FROM SUDAN UPDATE: Zimbabweans evacuated from Sudan are now on a sea vessel bound for a 3rd country, from where arrangements are being made by @MoFA_ZW (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade) for them to be picked up by @FlyAirZimbabwe. The Nation will be kept updated of any developments.

On April 15, 2023, a violent conflict erupted between different factions of Sudan’s military government, causing clashes throughout the country, particularly in Khartoum and Darfur. As of April 25, the conflict has resulted in at least 459 deaths and 4,072 injuries.

In Sudan’s capital, Khartoum, there is an ongoing violent conflict between factions that have caused chaos in the country. Foreigners are getting ready to leave with a military escort. The Sudanese army has announced it will help evacuate diplomats from the United States, Britain, China, and France on military planes.

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Countries have struggled to repatriate their citizens with Sudan’s main international airport closed. Foreign countries have ordered their citizens to simply shelter in place until they can figure out evacuation plans.

Witnesses reported a major battle in north Khartoum between the Sudanese Armed Forces and RSF fighters involving air strikes, artillery and small-arms fire.

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News ndodzida manje · 1 year ago
Kwedu kuZimbabwe hatiite zvekuurayana futi futi, tongotsamwira pasoshari mumastreets tonyarara kuti ziiii
Anonymous · 1 year ago
I think as much as we see the bad about our government we also must commend the good. After Ukraine, Oman and Sudan I would like to applaud the government of zimbabwe. we can fail economics but repatriation in terms of war or suffering you've shown us love. Hate me all you like here but its the truth some countries you consider better than us can not do what zimbabwe is doing . I salute my nation this is admirable
Cuthbert · 1 year ago
Uyu. Akutaura zvaMutakwazi akuda gukurahunde futi anditi endai kuSouth Africa kwamakabva kana musasade zvemuno tongekai vanhu vamu taTakwazi kana musingade there a lot of cemeteries in zim dzenyu munokwana
Patriot · 1 year ago
Moti there is crisis in Zim Iko ku Sudan zvinhu zvakamira kudai so here akomana kkkk ma CCC hamusi serious, Saka kunoda attention from the West ndekupi ipapa
uGatsheni boya beNyathi · 1 year ago
mthwakazi nation rise & free yourself from the bondage of Zanu South Sudan did it , now we see who the troublesome child is ( the north) Mthwakazi will live in peace without corruption from the north
Anonymous · 1 year ago
😂you are comedians, we are all Zimbabweans and we just have to master and outdo tribalism
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Kuenda kuBelarus havakumbiri kaa rubatsiro
SINYORO · 1 year ago
Southern Africa's so-called biggest and most organised ruling political party failing a rescue mission of just a 100 citizens. 🤦‍♂️
R'G · 1 year ago
where there is a lighter fire can be lit ... as long there is artiler and soildiers war is innevitable at any moment of disagreement ..
Anonymous · 1 year ago
'The Sudanese army said it will help in the evacuation of diplomats from the United States Britain China and France on military planes' Why only those countries? Ko vamweke? Hanzi anemari ndiye mukuru nhai 🤔🤔🤔
sad emoji1
Hillbillies Auctioneers · 1 year ago
Omar Al - Bashir is the trouble causer, bad rule, dictatorship, nepotism, tribalism, tyrant all led to Sudan civil war,
munya · 1 year ago
Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo huyai tibatane semutsvairi vana vngu tiite chinhu chimwe chte nyika yedu iih yendereremberi ndatenda
Mmc · 1 year ago
Haaa kudzokepikovo ngavagare pane hondo pane mari vamwe vakaketa kutofira kumazansi pane kuzoona zimunhu rakapombera zimucheka muhuru haaa rinosbota mhani
Mue❤️ · 1 year ago
😃😃😃yu hev made my day
CLEVER TAKAWIRA · 1 year ago
Honda yakashata hondo inorwadza pamoyo inorwadza vose varikurwisana nevari kuinzwa.Ma sojar akangonaka chete ka munyika muine runyararo mapato achiwirirana.Asi pakangoita kusa nzwanana chete munyika Ndipo vanoda kugadzirisa nyika ne pfuti ruzhinji rwunenge rwave kunzi ndimi pa trouble makers Ifaai so Ndinoti Huyai tibatane tinzwanane sevanhu vekwaGutu haaa ndalaona kubatana kukuru pamariro mai vangu.peace peace peace ngati kurudzire peace munyika muno amen
Cde · 1 year ago
Sure mzaya kubatana kunotodiwa
GENERAL JEIZET,,,,,,,JZ · 1 year ago
iwe gud fighter urimushe mushe here iwe

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