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Gold Mafia: British MP Demands Uebert Angel's Assets Be Frozen

1 year agoWed, 19 Apr 2023 17:13:10 GMT
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Gold Mafia: British MP Demands Uebert Angel's Assets Be Frozen

A British Member of Parliament in the House of Lords, which is the British Upper House of Parliament, has requested that Uebert Angel and Rikki Doolan, who is married to his niece Nicola, be investigated for alleged gold smuggling, money laundering, and corruption.

Lord Jonathan Oates has also demanded that Angel and Doolan’s assets be frozen since they are also UK citizens.

This follows the release of Al Jazeera’s latest investigation, Gold Mafia, which exposed gangs allegedly driving gold smuggling and money laundering worth billions of dollars in Southern Africa.

Angel, who is President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s special envoy and ambassador-at-large to Europe and the Americas, offered to Al Jazeera’s undercover reporters that he could use his diplomatic cover to carry large volumes of dirty cash into Zimbabwe as part of a laundering operation also involving gold smuggling.

Doolan repeatedly told Al Jazeera’s undercover reporters who posed as gangsters that he and Angel would be able to arrange a meeting with President Mnangagwa.

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Lord Oates raised the issues during a written questions-for-answers session in the House of Peers at the Pace of Westminster in London. The questions read:

Lord Oates to ask His Majesty’s Government what steps they will take, if any, to address the allegations of criminal activity made against British citizens in the Al Jazeera documentary, Gold Mafia.

Lord Oates to ask His Majesty’s Government what assessment they have made of allegations of corruption and money laundering contained in the Al Jazeera documentary Gold Mafia, and what steps, if any, they will take to freeze assets held in the UK or dependent territories by those who have been (1) alleged to have engaged in, and (2) found guilty of, financial crime.

Lord Oates to ask His Majesty’s Government what steps they will take, if any, to investigate alleged discrepancies in the application that Uebert Angel, Zimbabwe’s Ambassador at Large, made for British citizenship.

Lord Oates to ask His Majesty’s Government what assessment they have made of allegations against British citizens made in the Al Jazeera documentary, Gold Mafia; and what steps they will take, if any, to investigate the activities of companies whose named directors are alleged to have been involved in a conspiracy to commit financial crime.

Lord Oates to ask His Majesty’s Government what assessment they have made of whether British citizen Uebert Angel should retain diplomatic status as Zimbabwe’s Ambassador at Large.

In June 2022, Lord Oates criticised the Zimbabwean government for putting the Nyatsime 16 in leg irons, saying it damaged the country’s reputation around the world.

More: Pindula News



Passion Java · 1 year ago
.Patriot · 1 year ago
We Zimbos(povo) are not courageous so they are trying to help us ,they know that we are powerless
andropov · 1 year ago
it's colonial hangover he sees SALISBURY in his mind and not HARARE that's the problem of the, west they want to dictate on us as if we don't have guts. they are spongers
kg · 1 year ago
Me · 1 year ago
1kg , I know you hate people snooping in your business but some , infact most problems we cannot solve on our own...if these people do not get pressure from somewhere they will not solve this problem
I YAM · 1 year ago
@Anonymous please shut your mouth ,you **** matha dare you defend these thieves??are you one of them??.. did you even watch the documentary????>>>that guy Angel isn't God's person he's so full of himself ..why the are you kissing he's ass Anonymous...damn you...
Anonymous · 1 year ago
I feel we are being unjust to demonise the prophetic Angel by freezing Accounts and assets in the name of a starred skit that was not in a diplomatic protocol It was only a way and means to negotiate diplomacy as the prophetic Ambassador AtLarge post demands loads of works imagine with all satellite European nations at time you hastily attend what matters most and should there be short cuts you cut corners too for good example these disguise did not genuinely approach the ambassador much to their advantage and non diplomatic for a national treaties It was sort of a beer garden binge conference with intoxicated playing the tunes hence this all filming stuff In a nutshell the ambassador can make a better filming with better surveillance cameras and proper signatures of the treaties One wonders what was the intentions of Al jazeera and why in the month of Ramadan with all this infantenous expose`
Citizen · 1 year ago
You seem to be mentally challenged. They are criminals plain and simple.
Jim Munkuli · 1 year ago
united nations, common wealth, SADC , African union European union and group 7countries HANZI VOTE FOR CHAMISA CCC ❎
sad emoji1
Java · 1 year ago
🛐Vamudzaniri mwakashinga chaizvo kuba nezita raIshe uri jaindi
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 1 year ago
😂😂😂😂?Yeeeeeaaah yes ndokudonha kwema false preachers, their doom was inevitable.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
ko sei panodiwawo munhu waMwari muma deals anobuditsa bag musingatsvagewo Prophet Madungwe?
pk · 1 year ago
Gold Trading Firimu · 1 year ago
It's interesting that Lord Oats hasn't said U-bet Angel and Ndururan should be arrested. Presumably they saw the same Gold Mafia firimu.This means hapana clear evidence which some Zimbabweans say they saw pa the same movie. So what happens if they investigate and find all his transactions are in order??
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Benfica vs Inter Milan results? Bayern 1 City 1(1-4) aggrecate
. · 1 year ago
Inter 3 vs Benfica 3. Aggregate 5--3
fan · 1 year ago
thanks for the results
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Hanzi eat prophesy, I dream prophesy, prophesy is me. The prophet couldn't see it coming. All you can prophesy are drinks in the fridge leaving what matters most. Repent and return all you have stolen from his people and the country and truly save your Good.
you · 1 year ago
tipeiwo maresults euefa
Ratti Capone · 1 year ago
Ngava revoke citizenship yake vobva vamupa ma sanction votengesa ma assets ake votitengera hedu magetsi ku Mozambique iye obva auya ku Zimbabwe tobva tamuita public arrest
Hillbillies Auctioneers · 1 year ago
Guys kaa Prophet Uebert Angel & Pastor Rikki Doolan tsano vake vese vari pama1 guys, please let's pray for the prophet others vanogona kuitwa deported bcz Britain ndinoiziva ini inyika isingade huori nehumbavha kana kuita kungwavhangwavha haitombozvide unoswera wadzoka uko kuchando
sad emoji1
Consequences · 1 year ago
Let them reap the fruit of their actions..kwasara Panganai
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Na Big sugar mama Henrietta as well must be brought to book
Gold bars · 1 year ago
Let's pray that they go to jail.
· 1 year ago
If people are not convinced that God is a human construct created for control and influence, I don't know what will.
Hillbillies Auctioneers · 1 year ago
Nyora neshona bhururu
Hokage · 1 year ago
@. On a scientific standpoint It is more logical to believe in God than not...Who do think created the universe??Would it be logical to assume that the universe is a product of mere coincidences that happened over and over again with such perfect precision ...what are the odds of mere coincidences creating something of such glory as the universe or the human brain... everything is perfectly aligned say that there is no creator would be the same to assume that a house can be created from a tornado just throwing around things until it constructs a house perfectly furnished and livable ....the odds of there not being a creator are very very very very slim but the odds of there being a creator are higher ....
- - · 1 year ago
Only people of low IQ's believe in God's. God does not exist. Fairytales from the past.
Hokage · 1 year ago
@ - - , if your IQ is soooo damn high then tell me ,would you rather believe in something that has a low probability of being true or would you believe in something that has a higher probability of being true....the theory of evolution was busted, scientists of the highest IQ agreed that evolution would not be able to create something as complex as a human being or even an ant because the theory suggests that evolution has to evolve in a way that keeps making everything easier generation to generation so instead of making something complex evolution would have probably turned us into simple cell organisms incapable of having a conscience nor emotions only being able to breed and multiply so that the next generation continues to make things even more simple to breed... the theory of evolution hit a wall now y'all atheists be trying to prove how life came to be without a creator which will never one is going to be able to make life out of non living things ,,that is God's work.... you've been busted you atheists ..anyway I don't really care all I want is to be in the safe side incase God exists .. I'll live by his rules if he doesn't..thats that..if he does well then you and your lil friends are f.uc.ked and done with 😏
Rikki doolan · 1 year ago
Vote President Emmerson Mnangagwa so that we continue looting and bring U$$$$ in Zimbabwe and your rtgs will never have value, @ putin, pk, patriot and others ,,,tell them we are here to build Zimbabwe vision 2030
myself · 1 year ago
dei vangomudzosa kuZim zvipere
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Strike the shepherd and scatter the flock. All Papa's children are very quiet. No comment. Only Zanu Pf is left on his side.
Evangelist · 1 year ago
I've been closely monitoring the the tragedies around the lives of Shephard Bushiri and Uebert Angel after they jointly insulted one elderly South African Apostle JB Makananisa, a true man of God, a few years ago. Not long after that incident, Angel had to flee Zimbabwe over allegations to do with a luxury vehicle. Wakazodzoka kuZim after the coup. Unfortunately for Shephard, who started the attack on Apostle Makananisa, his whole empire collapsed. He lost everything in South Africa, all that opulence. He had to flee to Malawi to escape from the law. He also lost his dear daughter, may her innocent young soul rest in eternal peace. Apostle Makananisa never answered you guys. He simply turned to the true living God. Since then, you two's lives have never known peace. Even Number1 cannot protect you from the wrath of God. Swallow your pride both of you. Go on your knees and repent. Humble yourselves and ask Apostle Jerry B Makananisa to forgive you and pray for you. I just felt that you might have forgotten this episode of your past. To Apostle Makananisa, you have seen the hand of your God. Forgive these overexcited young boys. They knew not what they were doing. (True story available on Internet)
· 1 year ago
Ndo pamunotangira kupata ipapo , waziva sei kuti Makananise wako iyeye Mutsvene rumbidza Mwari chete kwete munhu anodya zvine salt
Anonymous · 1 year ago
zvehutsvene mazvionepi king
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Exactly Mwari chete ndiye ane Mercy ari mutsvene kwete ana makananise avo.
P.TS.D · 1 year ago
@Evangelist.. Dzirimo dzese here ? Waunoti true man of god,how sure are you of that... Tikwanirei baba
@Evangelist · 1 year ago
Haaa shati the faki apu mhani hapisisina zvemaprophets , nguva iyoyo yakadarika 2000 years ago .ava vese vamakuona ava madhimoni ega ega
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Don't make this to be about makananisa and some cronies fighting to get a pick from loyalists ' pockets how do u Know that makananisa z a tru man of god
ubert · 1 year ago
ndakaba kare
coni we CCC · 1 year ago
we are now enjoying the fruits of Al Jazeera documentary I pray and wish for a speedy freezing of those corrupt wealth if you were thinking u a God's favorite it has turned out that you're devil's advocate
Horse Cock Harry · 1 year ago
I wanna enjoy your fruit , I want to eat it with all my heart
Hillbillies Auctioneers · 1 year ago
Prophet Uebert Angel gonna repent and movement forward in holy spirit, he is a human like us and prone to mistakes
,, · 1 year ago
The only mistake he made was being caught. He is a disgraceful human being.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Rikki,go to hell mother ****er.Go and clean your smelly as s hole
laugh emoji1
Murdaa · 1 year ago
😂ooo ,anger ,I likey
NotYetUhur · 1 year ago
Good move, looters deserve such acts
Uebert Angel · 1 year ago
My fellow zanu's keep supporting me I want to keep may family safe ..@putin keep that faith zanu loves you
Me · 1 year ago
Vana msoro bhangu the likes of Putin, Patriot maiti vachaita sei
Me · 1 year ago
@Uebert Angel tell them you were acting those series
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
They have already moved their money to Dubai where noone can touch it now
Tino · 1 year ago
it was written in the bible ,u shall see them with their works of darkness(false prophets)
Dispenser · 1 year ago
Someone tell to engel that, do not put God to test. The truth has spoken itself. Don't say God has told yu this and that again, least yu will be condemned. The creator is almighty, and he will never play dilly darling with anyone. Angel need to repent and start to pray God honestly.
. . · 1 year ago
God does not exist.
2pac · 1 year ago
You would find out Ubert will be lawfully charged for such misconducts in Britain than in Zim
pk · 1 year ago
yaaa apaUbert Angel inomuzvimbira. haatingwe muno asi ikoko. kanofarisawo mhani. we are the army police juducial ruling party etc it was uncalled for. kumakisa security yedu
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Hinobhururuka chichamhara the end is nearer... fall fall big tree
Anonymous · 1 year ago
🗣Vote CCC
Star · 1 year ago
We comment not compete
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Im a champion!!! I'm always first , suckerzz...i was born to winn..winnn I tell you..
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Uri champion wekugadzira mombe dzekuumba xuwa I see.

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