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Team Pachedu Cancel Gold Mafia Protests

1 year agoTue, 18 Apr 2023 12:20:49 GMT
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Team Pachedu Cancel Gold Mafia Protests

Data analysts Team Pachedu on Sunday announced they had cancelled their planned mass protests against the deteriorating socio-economic environment and the continued incarceration of Job Sikhala.

The protests were also against the looting of the country’s resources by the elite exposed by the Al Jazeera documentary called “Gold Mafia”.

In a Twitter post, Team Pachedu said they cancelled the protests which were scheduled to coincide with Independence Day celebrations on 18 April due to a lack of stakeholders’ consensus. Reads the post:

We have been pushing for a peaceful national protest on April 18 in light of the deteriorating socio-economic environment, including the Gold Mafia saga and the unjust continual detention of Job Sikhala. Regrettably, we are calling off due to a lack of stakeholders’ consensus.

However, some civil society organisations said they had not been formally approached by Team Pachedu about the planned protests.

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Speaking to NewsDay, Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition chairperson Peter Mutasa said:

We are not aware of any discussions around this. We were never approached or consulted about it.

So we do not know much about why stakeholders didn’t support it as stated.

Centre for Natural Resource Governance director Farai Maguwu also told the publication that Team Pachedu never consulted them about the protests. He said:

I am not privy to who was coordinating, how they consulted and who was consulted.

I think the coordination should have occurred through or with established movements such as workers’ unions, student movements, and civil society.

The Gold Mafia is a term used to describe gold smuggling and money laundering gangs in southern Africa who share links with top officials in Zimbabwe’s government.

The Al Jazeera Investigative Unit recently produced a four-part series titled “Gold Mafia” which exposed how the gangs work.

The gang members get rich while plundering their nations and keeping millions in abject poverty.

They use gold to turn dirty cash into clean, seemingly legitimate money for those with large amounts of unaccounted wealth.

The criminals do so by using a complex web of companies, counterfeit identities and fake documents.

More: Pindula News



xx · 1 year ago
Zanu pf Chiwororo vafana ve CCC we really know you in and out you are serious thieves,if we allow you to rule this country even us Mbinga tinochema Mari dzedu dzapera mine nzaraka imi Chamisa anoba regai ndikuudzei chokwadi chamusingadi kunzwa Mari yebulletproof yakaendepi ?;Uyu kunyange akanzi awhinha haatonge ega tinoita varombo nemufana Uyu .Imi une ka say kekuti zviri Nani timboisawo mbavha yatisingazivi but to tell you the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know.
jack · 1 year ago
hogwash 🚮
kg · 1 year ago
noise dzemu town hadzitadzisi kuvhoterwa kwe zanupf mumaruwa kana mbichana. mumaruwa makarongeka kare kare kubva nguva yehondo kusvika nhasi
Pombiyadonha · 1 year ago
VanaTeam Pachedu rongai zvimwe kwete zvemaprotests .Hapana chinobudirira.Kuvaraidza zuva vapfanha kuteya nzou neriva.Wasting time muchirega kupinda mumaruwa kundoita campaign.Zvino this time munodyiwa zvinosemesa
ano · 1 year ago
asiwo nhai team pachedu ingawani zita renyu rotaura roga kuti pachenyu saka madii kuita protest pachenyu handiti muri pachenyu saka isu tapinda papi
Advocate · 1 year ago
Vana XX nana Patriot those are lunatics hasitombori vanhu kwavo l suppose they need psychiatric help nechavano tsvaka pano pedu isu hedu ve CCC tiri broke tisina mari dze data ivo ve Zanu vane mari ngavaende ku Twitter nana Fb..... kkkk Just ignore those fools
Anonymous · 1 year ago
As much as I am not in support of the looting and corruption prevailing in the country I don't subscribe to people or groups like Mukanya and Team Pachedu who want to 'organise' or 'urge' people to go out into the streets and protest from the comfort of foreign lands Please come back home tiite mawonera pamwe
CBI · 1 year ago
uno ona mumwe munhu mu comment section achi saidhira Zanupf like the likes of xx 🤣🤣dziri kuda kunyepedzera kugarika dzine nhamo ,ana xx ava ndeve kumusha hamugambova goni ava coz vakaiphwa chimbage ne mbeu vanenge vakutozviona kunge vakagarika 🤣🤣.XX zvimwe zvacho zvinogodawo kuzvinhura vashandi vehurumende kunze kwema soja ne mapurisa ndovarikuhora mari yiri nani vamwe vese nyoka.🤣🤣🤣urikuti Zanu Zanu hee heee uri murima futi ivo izvozvi vatori muma solar shame on you apa kuzoda kutuka vanhu zvino nyadzisira manje shame on you 🤣🤣.uchagwara hako kana guva yakwana
xx · 1 year ago
@viwer hazvichinje Kuri kutonga vatonge musatya vafana Zanu pf yakatouya zvachose munofa Muri maroja izvo zvamunonzwa beAl jezira hazvikupei sadza zvinongoita kuti mugare muchipopota isu tigere stress free wangu
Anonymous · 1 year ago
@xx you can't even copy the word 'viewer' neither can you copy 'Al Jazeera' This reflects hugely on what kind of person you are
laugh emoji1
viewer · 1 year ago
pasi newe xx,try say something mature
viewer · 1 year ago
pasi newe xx,try say something mature
xx · 1 year ago
Dambudziko renyu munofunga Kuti munhu wese iroja tisu tinokutungidzirai madzimet eyu vafana ve CCC .Muri marovha anoswera achityper Dai watokboenda kuindependence wambonodya nyama better than kutaura nezvenyika sekuti kwenyu kwakamboita sabhuku hako ibvai apo Enda kumaricho mushandire amunogara nawo mavakutipa mutoro kukuchengetai
Tsitsi DangareChin'ono · 1 year ago
So Pachedu wanted to organize demonstrations for us ivo vari ku America? What kind of madness is that.Kuda kufurira ivo vachiswera vari pa twitter.
laugh emoji1
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Love your creativity u shown on your name kkkkkkk
Jah 🦓 Tsvarie-07 · 1 year ago
Workers union and students are used in politics 😀 ncch it's too bad, we need to find JESUS 🙏🙏🙏
Pombiyadonha · 1 year ago
Zvadhakwa.Hapana achada kushandiswa ,
@ · 1 year ago
The hands of team Pachedu have been greased with the green buck. 🇺🇸🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
pfeee ed · 1 year ago
ndirikutsvagavo basa even garden boy ndiraramise mhuri inoda kuendeswa kuchikoro zviro zvachoo zvaoma guys help
Takudzwa Chikomo · 1 year ago
zvirikwese bhururu kana uchirevesa unowana

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