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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

Gold Mafia Al Jazeera Documentary Won't Influence Voting Patterns - Analysts

1 year agoTue, 18 Apr 2023 07:41:37 GMT
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Gold Mafia Al Jazeera Documentary Won't Influence Voting Patterns - Analysts

Political analysts say the Al Jazeera “Gold Mafia” documentary which exposed alleged gold smuggling and money laundering by individuals who named-dropped President Emmerson Mnangagwa may not have any impact on voting patterns in forthcoming general elections.

In a recent interview with, political researcher Alexander Rusero said Gold Mafia trended on social media platforms but a greater part of the electorate was not on those platforms. Said Rusero:

As much as you cannot downplay the role of social media in electoral politics, Zimbabwe’s political balance of forces is still pretty much offline, and not online.

The country’s political gravitas is offline. Online discourses, exposes on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube where this documentary has been popularized remain elitist in the current scheme of things.

There is nothing much. I would not want to go into the documentary’s shortcomings but to then say, people would change their voting patterns or perception will be desperation.

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This documentary can actually bolster Mnangagwa’s position in terms of loyalty in his party (ZANU PF); in terms of the Haves and Have Nots etc.

Another political analyst, Eldred Masunungure told the publication that corruption by the elites has been normalized and as a result, the Al Jazeera documentary did not induce enough shock to alter voting patterns. Said Masunungure:

Because corruption has been routinized in the country, there is not enough shock attendant on the ‘Gold Mafia’ exposés and therefore the impact on voting intentions may be muted.

The impact of the ‘Gold Mafia’ documentary depends on multiple factors, one of which is that the revelations are not entirely new except that people/voters did not have solid, irrefutable evidence as was provided by the documentary.

The corruption in the country, especially involving the ruling elite, has been so embedded and systemic that most Zimbabweans have become numb to the pervasive problem.

The other vital factor is the extent to which the revelations have been published beyond the urban areas and beyond the more politically sophisticated block of voters.

Is there a critical mass of politically conscious and alert citizens who can speak truth to power in the ballot box?

The Gold Mafia documentary exposed an alleged series of gold smuggling gangs in Southern Africa that help criminals launder hundreds of millions of dollars.

The gang members get rich while plundering their nations and keeping millions in abject poverty.

They use gold to turn dirty cash into clean, seemingly legitimate money for those with large amounts of unaccounted wealth.

The criminals do so by using a complex web of companies, counterfeit identities and fake documents.

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Mablazo · 1 year ago
Zvawataura zvose nechiAnalysis chako chenhema ndachiverenga uye hapana kana cent randavvisa. Thanks to Pindula news. For your information every house-hold in the rurals has a small solar panel for charging phones n radio so power is there 24/7. In rural areas we listen to such radio Stations as Studio 7, Change radio etc . We get every news my dear n if u think we will vote for these Gold Mafias, to hell with your misleading n unfounded analysis. Vote CCC.
jaa · 1 year ago
thanx for the truth there will be no difference in the voting pattern ,ZANUPF WILL TRIUMPH
Ndimba Ndimba · 1 year ago
People are now on whats app kumamisha don't think they are backward as before .They have information on most things happening in the country. Most of them are in whats app groups which feed them information yezviri kuitika. The analyst got it wrong to think social media is strong in urban areas only, no ! We even communicate with our relatives in rural areas using whats app from urban areas tichitovaudza zviri kuitika. Don't fool yourself that Gold Mafia will have no effect ,it will have a big negative effect. Who do you think is foolish enough to vote thieves back into political office? Only a fellow thief will do that. Wait and see how thieves will fall from grace dismally come election time !!! !!
coni · 1 year ago
zvamunotaura analyst kuri kuti ichokwadi sei wadyajena akabviswa pachigaro so are you saying he was just dethroned without any reason I don't think so kubuda kweguori wake ndokwakaita aburitswe so as zanupf
Advocate · 1 year ago
For me the analysis was on point .....what Zanu has achieved so far is routinizing corruption it has been normalized to the extent that we have become numb to it ....and who doesn't know the ruling elites are corrupt but we repeatedly put them in power....hazvina kutanga nhasi izvi so its fair to say the documentary will not influence the electorate
APOLITICAL · 1 year ago
thus when you see the wrong analysis from these so called analyst. It may seem as if people or voters are acting out of ignorance, but the majority always come up with shocking moves. Never misjudge people silence, because silence is another way of saying something. 2023 voters have learnt from the previous experiences and come election day those who have been silent will speak out loud. We can all learn from the recently held elections some big wings lost their seats... so watch out
TTT · 1 year ago
Koiyo zvayo studio 7, plus word of mouth patownship apo, nepa dhibhi. Inga wani radio 📻 Mozambique 🇲🇿 yakava ne significant impact kusati maradio awanda sanhasi.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
No to zanu pf pasi nayo
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ichokwadi nyika yawora baba I thot kuti ndiri kuzviona ndega vote wisely ccc chete chete
Jah 🦓 Tsvarie-07 · 1 year ago
Our rurals are no longer of old age, most people in rurals are now on social media sharing information with the elderly, to prove it people need to watch Tinashe Mugabe's DNA shows and see him deep in remote areas 🤔
Patriot · 1 year ago
yes its true with or without Aljazeera humans have already changed their perception
Sorojena · 1 year ago
Analysis coming from the elitist analysts is quite misleading, They're out of sync with the trending New Media shock waves. Ever realized that people no longer read newspapers, they read their cellphones right in the middle of Nkayi or Murambinda. Studio 7 has even become the most popular radio station in Zim's communal areas. Ignore Social media at your peril
Inkunzi Yemnyama · 1 year ago
It is a mistake to look too far ahead. Only one link in the chain of destiny can be handled at a time. Imbomirai tione.
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
Very true. Zimbabweans don't care about the looting and human rights abuses or abuse of office. They actually look for those in the people they vote for. The clean and honest with no known scandals cannot make it in Zim politics. Bad behaviour is what voters look for in Zim politics. People have already made up their minds, those who decided to vote for donkeys are not going to change their minds now.
Zklkl · 1 year ago
And they will continue to suffer more than now
Anonymous · 1 year ago
No puresha genalisti wangu tosangana mubarroti ....
Ega Mandega · 1 year ago
Anal- sis yake
5***** · 1 year ago
I agree with the political analysts. Social media has an impact on the mindsets of the urban electorate. The greater part of the electorate is in the rural areas, arguably the ruling party's power base. The "Gold Mafia" phenomenon is a non-issue out there and wl never influence the election out come. Criminals can be arrested but people. have their own choices when it comes to party affiliation. A party is bigger than individuals.
,,,,,,, · 1 year ago
Zanupf supporters support corruption and bad governance for they have no moral compass or integrity.
nhema · 1 year ago
@5 star...nhema idzo...the documentary got to villagers through many of theirs who have smart phones..and Pindula free news platform helped much..pamisangano ye zanu zvaitaurwa...change of voting pattern surely will be there as a result..if it hadn't already manifest ed as a result of harsh economic environment kumisha uku.⁰
Ega Mandega · 1 year ago
6 - 1 Yakawhina
hoyo... · 1 year ago
Liverpool yakatamba sei
Chaka · 1 year ago
Leeds 1--- Liverpool 6.
Fifi · 1 year ago
🤣🤣Nhasi zvangu. Ndomafungiro ake.
CBI · 1 year ago
even kana vamwe vanhu vari offline asi zvakazvika munzeve mavo zve Gold mafia izvi🤣🤣🤣 ko kuzoiti EP ra kabuda iri worse
GOLD MAFIA BOSS · 1 year ago
The analyst is out of his mind unofunga kuti vanhu vanoramba vachitida isu takaba hupfumi hwenyika that is out of this world
GG · 1 year ago
We have reached new levels and only the dead will not react. Since 1980 no independence celebration has never been without electricity,this one is the first of it's kind.The🐒 Business continue.Mati madii henyu.

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