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Shamwari Yemwanasikana Tackles Drug Abuse In Mbare

1 year agoSun, 09 Apr 2023 09:39:48 GMT
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Shamwari Yemwanasikana Tackles Drug Abuse In Mbare

Shamwari Yemwanasikana (SYS) held a drug and substance abuse campaign in Tagarika 3 Flats, Mbare, Harare, on Wednesday last week and engaged drug users, victims of drug abuse and concerned citizens.

Mbare is considered one of the country’s drug hotspots and has witnessed a rise in cases of rape, school dropouts, teen pregnancies, family disputes, delinquency and theft.

In a statement, Shamwari Yemwanasikana urged members of the public to join the fight against drug and substance abuse. It said:

Mbare has no stability and not every child has access to educational material or can afford to go to school.

As a result, they end up resorting to drugs and substances such as glue, broncleer, mangemba, cane sprit, marijuana, codeine and crystal meth.

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The situation we encountered while conducting our campaign is very disheartening and it is sad that we are letting an entire generation go down the drain because of pressure from drug users and from things they encounter in their communities.

According to the Ministry of Health and Child Care, people who have problems with drug abuse can be assisted at the following public as well as private health centres:

In case you have a son, daughter, friend, or relative who has a problem with drug abuse, the following public psychiatric institutions offer help in fighting drug addiction:

1. Sally Mugabe Psychiatric Unit (Harare)

2. Parirenyatwa Annex Psychiatric Unit (Harare)

3. Ingutsheni Psychiatric Hospital (Bulawayo)

4. Ngomahuru Hospital and Half-way House (Masvingo)

The following institutions also offer counselling and rehabilitation services for patients battling drug addiction:

1. Highlands Halfway Home +2638644210999

2. Ruwa Rehabilitation Centre +263273790238

3. Serenity Mind Centre +263716825245

4. Tirivanhu Rehabilitation +263773593014

5. Beatrice Rehabilitation Harare

6. Tariro Rehabilitation Centre, Harare

More: Pindula News



Before Christ · 1 year ago
World Youth Interact · 1 year ago
Thanks to SYS
rass · 1 year ago
legalize marijuana,it cures glocoma,asyma and wipe away your slaving mentality
rass · 1 year ago
slavish mentality*
🐔 Chicken · 1 year ago
Drugs do not resolve lack on jobs but increases idolness and rowdyness. It leads to self destruction michiti muri kupisa yet you are behaving like a candle rinopisa but richipera. Mayouth Ari kupera in some areas asi vamwe vari kuitawo zvirefu chaizvo zvinodadisa because they shun drugs and concentrate on their studies. Parents should be on the alert and monitor their children. Kufumogara pagate uchitadza kana kudiridza garden rine two beds kwakutsvagirwa garden boy vana varipo, hazvishandi. Vabereki munokuvadza vana muchivayemedza . Chinonhomukira kunogara kugate nemashamwar zviputa madrugs, chodzoka chichipengera amai kuti hamusati mabika sei kuita sekuti iye Ari pandima. Vabereki batsirai van. Rimwe ndorinomuka na12pm kana 1pm richihuta nenzara. Vabereki batsirai vana
Captain Jack Sparrow · 1 year ago
The answer to everything is the lord Jesus Christ
Before Christ · 1 year ago
No disrespect but we need to fight 4 your freedom Me woke up choz violence
good fighter · 1 year ago
there are so many things affecting the youths other than drug abuse to include but not limited to $€x before marriage,p#rnography, masterbation, alcohol abuse,pro$titution and all these socal illl need to tackled in their enterity
@gafa · 1 year ago
yaaaa u ar right there n the only solution is to vote zanu out bro
cid · 1 year ago
Siyai ma ghetto yuts adhakwe nxaa
laugh emoji1
pm · 1 year ago
mazvokuda mavanga enyoka
Tongombeya Ngowani · 1 year ago

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