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Commuters Urge Government To Re-ban Kombis As Fares Go Up

1 year agoSat, 08 Apr 2023 10:02:40 GMT
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Commuters Urge Government To Re-ban Kombis As Fares Go Up

Commuter omnibus operators in Bulawayo have raised their fares, with prices ranging from $600 to $1,000 per trip, depending on the time and distance, prompting some commuters to call for the government to re-ban the kombis. This is up from the previous fare of $500.

Fares are highest during peak hours and when Zupco buses are not available. Commuters feel the operators have not learned their lesson. One angry commuter told the Chronicle:

During the Covid-19 era the Government banned kombis because of among other things, wantonly increasing fares.  Operators should use the official bank-rate. Why are they suddenly increasing fares when they know most of us earn RTGS and fuel prices have remained steady for the past months?

Mr Ephraim Dube, a resident of Pumula South, expressed outrage at the increased kombi fares, as they now consume most of his salary. He noted that some suburbs still charge normal prices, which is frustrating. He is worried about the upcoming school opening week, as he and his children all study in town and the increased fares will be difficult to afford. He mentioned that one of his children takes two kombi trips per day, making it even more challenging. If he lived closer to town, like in Mpopoma, he would walk and not have to deal with the high fares.

Mrs Elsie Moyo, a commuter from Magwegwe West, accused kombi operators of contributing to inflation. She stated that when they increase their fares, moneychangers also raise their rates. She believes that kombi operators should be monitored and punished for raising their rates in bond currency. Mrs Moyo feels that the operators do this intentionally to force people to pay in foreign currency, as they raise their rates and leave commuters with no other option.

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Kombi associations Tshova Mubaiwa and Bupta stated that their local currency charges are based on the prevailing exchange rates. Mr Ndabazabo Mabunda, the marketing director of Tshova Mubaiwa, explained that the fares have not increased, but the rate has changed due to the influence of commuters.

Mabunda claimed that commuters often refuse to accept local currency change, claiming it is too little, so the kombi operators end up charging more to balance their money. He emphasised that the high local rate charges are mainly due to the behaviour of the commuters, as the fares themselves have not been increased. The Bupta administration director, Mr Alfred Ncube, said the association had not increased fares but operators were working with the existing rate of exchange.

The Zimbabwe dollar has been shedding value against other currencies prompting service providers to raise charges and fees. However, there are some service providers who are raising prices in both local and foreign currencies. Kombi operators often raise their fares during holidays such as Easter and Independence due to high demand.

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Anonymous · 1 year ago
Buy your own car.Stop complaining.Kombi guys are in a business, they ain't running a charitable organization.If you can't afford their fares, board Zupco.
Chamvari · 1 year ago
Ko paPeak hour yacho maZupco acho anenge arikupi nhaimi. Not only in Bulawayo but its a national issue Zupco dissappear during peak hours. Solution haisi yekudzinga maKombi but managing Zupco better
gumlaz · 1 year ago
if you are in business in Zimbabwe wants you wake up you have to nkow kut marates akamira sei bcz ussadaro unonyura saka vakut makombi adhura vakuregerei kutenga dzavo mota asiyane nezvema kombi acho vaone kuti hapana anokwira hr kombi 50 cents pakufamba that's all ma zupco ndoemahara bcz imari dzedu dze tax dzavanenge vakuzama kudzosa chivande uyo akut anevana vanodzidza mutown ngaatenge yake mota achinomwa fuel ne rts ne bond very simple
Anonymous · 1 year ago
This is simple there are zupco buses left so if you can not afford mushikashika just go and wait in the line for zupco please just don't go making decisions for everyone calling a ban on mushikashika. I knock off late from work at around 9 and by that time there are zupco buses left
There is no spares shop that sells parts using RTGS · 1 year ago
How can we possibly charge using bond is when fuel is bought in forex and so are the spare parts
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Flood the transport sector with the new ZUPCO buses , we will fix those mshikashikas and Khombis
Murccurrer · 1 year ago
The major problem in our transport system should have never been accepted. However, at first it was Mugabe's campaigning strategy under 'Indegenisation and youth empowerment ' mantra. The hwindis were allowed to flock in all the ranks to assist commuters to bored the buses as if most of the Zimbabweans could not read. Well, you will find that, on every combi the hwindis load, they will charge a fee on which there is nothing the combi crew can do but to transfer the charge to the traveller by hiking fares. At some point especially on long distance travellers unonzwa hwindi achiti ndazadza mota ndoda 15 mari, meaning driver mari yaarikupa hwindi achawedzera pa fare yangu kuti zvimuitite. Ko hurumende yadii yangobvisa mahwindi pamisika makombi ongomita in labelled bays, tinongokwira wani tisina kumboitirwa noise, kudhonzewa, kutukwa pamwe nekupopoterwa nemahwindi aya
good fighter · 1 year ago
bonyora · 1 year ago
unofungakuti gvnt inopafuel mahara kwiridza burugwa knawashaya zvekukwidza
kkkk · 1 year ago
endakuzupko pambwa iweee
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Hakuna service station inotengesa fuel ne rtgs ,the us$ is sourced from the black market. Black market rates will be used if one is paying kombi in rtgs . It's very simple the rtgs has fallen against the us$ pa market. Variku complainer should complain aganist the gvt, they should just dollarise as zvinhu in us$ have remained stable .
Sorojena · 1 year ago
Abantu asikhetheni into eyodwa, amabhasi akhona sibili kasiwapheni usekelo siwasebenzise. Okwemitshova lokho siyazibonela kuphethwe ngabantu abalemihobholo, yibona njalo abalawula imikamba yezemali emnyama. Amakhombi kasuswe emigwaqweni nxa befuna ukuzilawula
Anonymous · 1 year ago
zivai kuti ma bond amunovapa iwawo ndoavanono tanga vatenga nawo ma US$ ... kuti vagowana kutenga fuel nema spares sei muchiita kunge makat**** mudzimba imi ...
Anonymous · 1 year ago
@kadora ... taura hako iwe they never mentioned kuti dai ma employer avaa wedzerawo mari inoenderana nezvirikuitika munyika vakuti takarasima nekuti makombi are you being forced kukwira ma combo or what..? ingomiriraika ma zupco ano charger ma normal fares ... vanhu vajaira kuitwa spoon fed vanonetsa.... nonsense mhan... haaa
🐔 Chicken · 1 year ago
If they are registered transport organisations they should go to the bank, RBZ auction and buy cheap money at an official rate. kwete black market. ZUPCO bhoo me 50c parwendo. at zw$450
Kadora · 1 year ago
Taurirai vamunoshandira vakuwedzerei Mari Macomb haana mhosva varikuchaja zvinoenderana ne rate hakuna fuel yema bond
No combie no cry. · 1 year ago
The people are their own worst enemy. Those zanupf bootlickers who are crying are the cause of their suffering. We need new leaders let's vote wisely.
4kof · 1 year ago
vanobhadhara kupi tax varukungotora Mari chete. Saka varikubatsirei munyika. they causing more confusion.
Mr Bo.nyo.rai · 1 year ago
Pamberi me zanu pf!
sad emoji1
Murrooph · 1 year ago
Chaora chinhu ichi nxaaaa
· 1 year ago
meeee eee sembudzi 🤣🤣🤣
Grandpaa · 1 year ago
Unorwarwa iwe rombe remunhu
Doug · 1 year ago
Have they also looked at what the very few remaining ZUPCO buses and kombis are charging? Is that what they are allowed to charge? Where are the buses ZUPCO bought and was supposed to buy? We were told 90 buses a week will be coming, and by now we should be having thousands of buses owned by ZUPCO.
kkk · 1 year ago
ayasssssssss kkkkkkkkkkk @bro bhiza kkkkkkk mosquito will never cure malaria hanti ?????? eishhhhh wat an observation kkkkkkkkkk
Anonymous · 1 year ago
So 600RtGs is too much. How much is 1US$ now using our rate not the RBZ one
bro bhiza · 1 year ago
haaàa **** commuters kkkkk hw can u cry for help to cure malaria from a mosquito, zanu is the trouble cozer of all this problem u ask help from them again haaaaa imika
laugh emoji1
Mdara Odza · 1 year ago
When injustice is committed on people, some will accept it as a way of life; I just cannot believe there are people who would call for the government to reimpose unjustifiable kombi bans simply because they cannot afford kombi fares. It is an injustice to put people out of business rendering many into unemployment. The government has no capacity to meet the transport demands, evidence is the long winding queues at bus ranks during lockdowns. Mnangagwa lost some of his marbles before imposing that ban, it was unreasonable and unjustifiable
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Go buy Yr forex at bank rate then come board a kombi with forex
Kombi owner · 1 year ago
We don't buy fuel with bank rate....and we get forez from black market not RBZ
🐔 Chicken · 1 year ago
Kombis have always been a problem. Zupco idea was the only way to go but the same kombi owners made is believe kuti kudoka kwemakombi ndokuri bhoo. Now zvopisa tave
Zed · 1 year ago
I Don blame them coz ama fuel prices are also high , mele senzen thina owindi
Zed · 1 year ago
Ahh kkk

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