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Uebert Angel Says President Mnangagwa Doesn't Take Bribes

1 year agoFri, 07 Apr 2023 05:41:01 GMT
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Uebert Angel Says President Mnangagwa Doesn't Take Bribes

Zimbabwean preacher, Uebert Angel (born Hubert Mudzanire) has said President Emmerson Mnangagwa doesn’t take bribes. He made remarks while talking to Al Jazeera’s undercover journalists who posed as money launderers who wanted their dirty money to be cleaned in Zimbabwe. Angel who is portrayed as a gold mafia, tells the journalists that they probably need to pay an “appreciation fee” to meet President Mnangagwa, not bribes.

Angel added that Mnangagwa was donating US$240 million to the ruling party towards the 2023 election campaign. Appearing in the third episode of the four-part Al Jazeera documentary on gold smuggling and money laundering titled Gold Mafia: El Dorado that aired yesterday, Angel said:

His (Mnangagwa) election, I think they are spending like US$240 million and that is his money.

Watch the video below for more.

Angel’s sidekick, Rikki Doolan, a British religious leader and businessperson, claims that all the gold smuggling and money laundering operations are authorised by the president. 

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Angel has appeared in all three episodes of the Al Jazeera documentary – Gold Mafia – which allegedly exposes gold smuggling and money laundering operations in Zimbabwe.

In the episodes aired so far, Angel offers to use his diplomatic cover to facilitate gold smuggling and money laundering.

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Gred · 1 year ago
Appreciation fee🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
Mablazo · 1 year ago
Can someone give me definition of Dirty money n how it is cleaned.
· 1 year ago
Criminal acquired wealth legitimized through the legal system.
CCC · 1 year ago
guy let's fix Zim Vote CCC
Zec Zec · 1 year ago
where is Mangwana kkkk
· 1 year ago
He's stressed out and embarrassed so keeping a low profile.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
If he can buy us only 5 cancer machines from that $240m we will vote for him
· 1 year ago
And what about the gold coins you could buy with the useless Zim dollars.. Mmmm makes me think?????
@Kgosi de_Ricch · 1 year ago
i think there is only 1 zanu pf suppoter here on pindula comment section arikungochinja mazita kt zviite kunge vakawanda bcoz why every comment ine chirungu chakadhakwa mukureva kt vese matofo here varimucoment section. Message written by @R.G
@Kgosi de_Ricch · 1 year ago
Reply to @R.G by a brilliant Patriotic Socialbrite👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
@Kgosi de_Ricch · 1 year ago
Sorry Teacher for CCC keep on correcting other people's mistakes while isusu tichidya mari #Zibenzi remunu #Zirombe #Zanka elihamba lisuza #M.s.u.n.u ka .n.y.o.k.o
Anonymous · 1 year ago
kkkkkk taura hko,hanz fence cars....
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mongataura henyu chi gold mafia chaita block buster kuma you tuber likes and almost trebled ma returns zvokuti actors involved are smiling to the bank wait a minute Rbz froze their accounts muno but Ku Dubai is in good working order ktirikuzo kumbira futi mari kwavari this time very much cleaned and if paid ku Zim Rbz restructured asi iri rinenge rave USZD dollar currency probably 1:1 ne USD ratiri kutambisa iri haaro
@Kgosi de_Ricch · 1 year ago
Surely its expected that deliveries will fall since we smuggle the mineral out of the country as we wish. Message written by [Henrietta.B]
@Kgosi de_Ricch · 1 year ago
Here is what a brilliant, Patriotic Socialbrite had to say👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
@Kgosi de_Ricch · 1 year ago
That cash ndeyedu isusu Ma Zanu Pf @Henrietta B. #Mari yakawanda inodyiwa nevapfupi sekutamba sekuseka #General Nyikadzino goveya Constantino Dominic Chiwenga #Generari aka trainer heavy job trained to kill his ex is suffering inside ku Chikurubi Maximum Prison along with CCC cowardice-powerless Warrior who eat beans inside the Cells while Chamisa is eaten Hot Chips,Pizza, Chicken Inn, truth is that Chamisa throwed Sikhala under the bus #Triple CCC has no structure #CCC RIP crowling one year old baby competing wirh a 43year old Party Zanu Pf #Hapana match apa #CCC stop marking vakuru ZANU PF is like (PSG) inowinner pazvese kukunda Mdc ya Mwonzora, G40 ya Grace Mugabe former first lady #Thokozani kupe for Mdc Thokozani political party #Ya Joice Mujuru political party sengizengayikhohlwa and iro bhunuuuu Robert Chapman akaperera pai crush ya Jessica we Zanu Pf the Real Jessica bhebhi re team yevakuru. Ese ma team epolitics here in gut no power to remove Zanu Pf from the throne #Sadc inodya nesuwo #Eu nesuwo fut #Ma sunction ariku affecter imimi ma CCC supporters #With or without Sanctions #isusu ve Zanu tinoguta sidla butepu driving fence cars imimi ma CCC riding on Foot #Keep your Us i'll keep my Zimbabwe line from The late R.G mugabe who ruled for 37years. #Pamberi ne Zanu Pf #Pamberi neku winner ma election #Zanu Pf is Zimbabwe #Zimbabwe is Zanu Pf #Bhora musango ibhola egedini #Zimbabwe @43 still under The rulling Party E.D Pfeeee pfeee pfeee #Pasi nemandu #Happy Easter Friday to all the Zimbabweans
Don't subvert elections · 1 year ago
Everyone is allowed to dream. let's have elections not these hindrances to elections. whoever wins zvooneka pa jekerere. lt's not about how old you have been in politics but it's about how well you can convince the electorate.
CBI · 1 year ago
· 1 year ago
This moron of low intelligence thinks he is brilliant 😂 😂 😂
Okongo The Villager · 1 year ago
He is just protecting his handler
Toky · 1 year ago
gegegegegeeeeeeeeeeeee hanzi appreciation fee not bribe kkkkkkk ayasssssssss so where is the difference
Basic Economics · 1 year ago
@Dispenser: Don't confuse your emotions and economics.You have been poisoned by Hopewell logic.When Zimbabwe exports tobacco, gold etc worth USD1.2 billion, the government DOES NOT earn USD1.2 billion.That is the VALUE of the tobacco or gold or other minerals etc. For gold you earn by being in the gold value chain▶️gold miner➡️buyer➡️exporter/smuggler. The government share is Taxes/levies/royalties not the VALUE of the gold exported.
o'brien · 1 year ago
@Basic I buy that one. unofunga seni iwe
Anonymous · 1 year ago
How much tax is the government earning when people smuggle gold?
Nimrod · 1 year ago
Gvt gets nothing officially but the Gold mafia benefit clandestinely
· 1 year ago
@basic... A simpletons way of looking at it. Don't defend corruption.
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
Ane mari ndiye mukuru. Now you will understand why Chamisa is going into an election that he knows he is going to lose and give legitimacy to zanupf rigging. Chamisa laughed at Dougie for challenging the delimitation in court, has accused him of attempting to prolong his stay in parliament by postponing the election, well Dougie knows under the circumstances prevailing now no opposition can unseat zanupf, worse with the recent delimitation. Chamisa says he will win despite all the rigging by Zanupf. Isu venjere shoma toti Dougie akatengwa😅😂🤣😆😄🤣😅😂😆😅😄 Svinurai now not after the election. Chamisa is going to give zanupf legitimacy for a fee, after all everyone has a price. $240mln is Idhi's personal money not party funds, he can bribe anyone the matters to get the result that he wants
Mutsa Washe · 1 year ago
kupinda mu election kune advantage yekuti munowedzerawo ma mps mu parliament vanozobatsira pa debate. now muzere vangu ve zanu ne mdc mwonzora. Haunga farire kuitirwa debate na mwonzora
@Kgosi de_Ricch · 1 year ago
A round of applause to you maparamuro Chigumba bavomuvara muromo with $500 000 000 then Zanu yodzokera muparamendi😅😅😅😅😅 #imali yimpande yesono #Hapana munu anoramba mari #Chigumba bhebhi ramwari tora mari iwe odla nemuri yako Chamisa hana Chinu #CJ Malaba baba thath' mali ublese imuli yakho umthetho usezandleni zakho ufunde kakhulu wena amboni ukut u unganothisa umfanyana osadlala amadlwane ongakayazi into ayifunayo
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
@mutsawashe we have had opposition in parliament since 2000 and 2008 opposition had a majority but where are we today. What have the debates you talk about produced? You think Charlton Hwende is a better debater than Mwonzora?
· 1 year ago
You are misguided, CCC will win. Wait and see.
Nimrod · 1 year ago
lf Angel is arrested anonyatsoaura chokwadi. our police is good at arresting and investigating latter. ngavasungwe team racho rese
ED Pfee · 1 year ago
lt's getting more interesting. This Angel guy ngaasanyepere president. He should carry his own cross
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Tanga waverenga nyaya
Black Adam ⚡ · 1 year ago
Isu takutongoti nyarai woo, chinyarai nekuti zvapachena zvamaita behind closed doors.
Jah 🦓 Tsvarie-07 · 1 year ago
First it was said it's all lies from Al-Jazeera now FIU has frozen assets 🤔 ZIMBAREMAMBWE chii nhai TIPEIWO MARI INOPINDIRANA NEKUDHUURA KWAKUITA let's share the spoils 😀 we don't want grants, all we need is jobs that pay enough so we can also put food on our tables like ANGEL... DEUTERONOMY 18 VERSE 20 it says those who prophecies things that won't happen are not sent by GOD and don't deserve respect...
. · 1 year ago
Patriot · 1 year ago
Saka kana ED achiisa US240 million for campaigning , Chamisa ne CCC angamira here ipapo. Achaputitswa left right and centre. I once told that Zanu pf has amassed tonnes of US $ pa period ye 5 years dzadarika. Chinonzi politics i mari kwete vote .! Tinokuudzai isusu tinodziziva. With money u can buy anything under the sun.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Apa munenge muchiramba kuti imbavha, kana achikwanisa kupa USD240m of his own funds, saka kwaatora iyoyo kwasara marii? Akaiwana kupi mari yese iyoyo
o'brien · 1 year ago
Ko iwe zvausina mari uchaita sei manje. Kutozoti 'I once told you.......' kkkk. I think we need to be liberated from neuro-captivity not Zanu. U seem to have a rural mentality my bro where people celebrate tsikamutanda anozotora mombe dzavo nevakadzi futi. The money you are celebrating is yours but due to hu**** haukwanise kuzvifunga. The rich are getting richer the poor are getting poorer yet we enjoy this Gold mafia s...h...i...t. President ED is a good man but the people working for him are tsotsis. Right now he is cracking his head kufunga kuti what's next. At the end mkomana anozopinda hake. Ko ndiye adii.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
with money u can buy a house BUT not sleep. U can BUT food BUT not appetite
@Kgosi de_Ricch · 1 year ago
Zanu Pf is for Upper Estate (1st Estate) in#CCC include lower clergy which comprise of Chiefs, Military, Scientists,sub Chiefs, Ministers | Middle Estate includes Doctors,Councillors as well as Priests | Third Estate or Peasants include Teachers, police,vendors,Thiefs,Journalists,nurses, hair dressers, soccerstars, Actors/Actresses, Poetry, Dancers, Drawers,Radio Deejays,P.r.o.s.t.i.t.e.s, Producers, Musicians (Artists) and etc France's anciety time is what Zimbabwe is alike now @Lous Xvi is exactly like E.D #What a moment
· 1 year ago
and that's true man of God, our president doesn't take bribes
· 1 year ago
😂 😂 😂 😂 $240million 😂 😂 😂 A well paid civil servant.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
You should have read the whole text @no name Of cause the president would take a bribe but Angel gave it another name He called it an 'appreciation fee'
Gred · 1 year ago
Bribe or appreciation fee🤣🤣
lebza263 · 1 year ago
we are waiting for a train @ a bus terminal Mina sengidiniwe vote wisely especially yutz

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