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Zimbabwe Still Controlled By White Commercial Interests - Tendai Biti

1 year agoSat, 01 Apr 2023 11:17:23 GMT
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Zimbabwe Still Controlled By White Commercial Interests - Tendai Biti

CCC vice president Tendai Biti said that Zimbabwe’s mining, farming, manufacturing, banking, legal and auditing sectors are still controlled by white people and serve white commercial interests.

Biti, who is Harare East MP (CCC), made the remarks while contributing in Parliament on Thursday during the Defence, Home Affairs and Security Services Parliamentary Committee debate on war veterans’ welfare. He said:

Forty-four years after independence, much of that land is still intact and owned by white commercial interests.

Billy Rautenbach for instance, owns tonnes and tonnes of land in the Chipinge-Chisumbanje area.

Whilst we complained about the problem of white ownership of farms and multiple ownership of our farms by white farmers, right now the biggest challenge is multiple farm leasing by white interests in this country.

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This country is still owned, controlled and run by white commercial interests, whether it is in mining, farming, manufacturing, banking, legal and auditing sector, white commercial interests are still dominating in this country.

It is not yet Uhuru; there is unfinished business in the liberation struggle.

The former Finance Minister also urged the government to give war veterans title deeds of farms they acquired in the Land Reform Programme, saying the offer letters given to the ex-combatants were not enough. He said:

Many of the war veterans have nothing to show for that. We are giving them pensions in a volatile, non-stable currency.

Let us give our war veterans their pensions in a stable currency.

The government itself has recognized the volatility of the Zimbabwean dollar by levying everything in USD; passports, number plates, birth certificates, milk from Pick ‘n’ Pay, school fees and license in USD but war veterans’ salaries in RTGs isu tonyebera kuvada vanhu ava.

He said there should be a permanent representation of war veterans in the National Assembly through a quota system.

ZANU PF has often accused the opposition of being against the land reform programme and failing to appreciate the noble role played by war veterans in the liberation of the country from settler colonial rule.

More: Pindula News



mdra · 1 year ago
varungu tinovada ivavo
sugar boy · 1 year ago
war vateran are useless.ndivo vakaunza nhamo yatinayo Ivo vari kutamburawo Im bwa dzavanhu.vakatadza kuenda kuchikoro vachienda kuhondo ndok upu sa ikoko.mapurazi vakatora asi hapana chakabuda vari kuchema nzara saka vakatoretei mapurazi acho.they destroyed our country thiz so called war veterans,they are suffering beco of their ****.
Patriot · 1 year ago
Ndiyo First time kuonawo munhu we CCC achitaura zvine musoro. Ndiye aifanira kuita president , chinjai muise Biti pamwe mungahwine.
Mutsa Washe · 1 year ago
nyaya iy ava ne time achitaura nezvayo. kutanga kwako kuinzwa nhasi kunoratidza ignorance plus dunderhead.
jimalo · 1 year ago
vote advocate Nelson Chamisa
Siyoyo · 1 year ago
if Chamisa is wrong just vote for ED and suffer five (5) more years, it's all up to you. ngaapinde hake mkomana. Tendai Biti, Job sikhala, Nelson Chamisa nesu vatsigiri vavo tine pfungwa dzekusimudza nyika, it's crazy to appreciate Tendai Biti's speech and dislike his majesty the president Nelson Chamisa.
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
Saka muchaita sei nhai va Biti
cid · 1 year ago
@maparamuromo haufungi nxaa
cde · 1 year ago
vanaBiti vakaita avo mapato akashaya vanhu ,mkomana siyanai naye ndewamwari uyu hamusat matanga vanaimbwa imi
Georg · 1 year ago
Sharia Law · 1 year ago
Nero anofunga..anotaurisa hake asi Anofunga..
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Biti unogona kutungamira nyika wena bcoz you're more intelligent than mkomana Nero.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Biti tungamirira triple C wena kwete mabhosvo na dhafu varkungoti nyaudza nyaudza ryt nw.
Mutsa Washe · 1 year ago
inga agara ndi president wani. kkkk dhofoo
bhobhojani bhadhiza · 1 year ago
haana kwake sedoto rehuku kumwe kuchena kumwe kutema
Biti Law Firm · 1 year ago
We are controlled by the whites That is how we ended up representing Gideon Gono.

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