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Financial Intelligence Unit Investigating Individuals Fingered In Gold Mafia Documentary

1 year agoFri, 31 Mar 2023 13:14:18 GMT
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Financial Intelligence Unit Investigating Individuals Fingered In Gold Mafia Documentary

The Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) has reportedly commenced investigations into individuals implicated in money laundering activities and illicit gold dealings in Al Jazeera’s documentary revealing alleged criminals driving gold smuggling and money laundering worth billions of dollars in Southern Africa.

Last week the Insurance and Pensions Commission (IPEC) launched investigations into Uebert Angel and Ewan Macmillan in a bid to ascertain the assets they own as well as the duo’s recent transactions.

Angel, who is President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s special envoy and ambassador-at-large to Europe and the Americas, and Macmillan are both mentioned in the Al Jazeera documentary as part of an alleged band of money launderers. reported a highly placed source in the FIU as saying the investigation nets have been widened. Said the official:

The scope of investigations has now been widened to target every individual featured in the documentary in order to establish their financial activities in a bid to ascertain the magnitude of their misconduct if any.

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These measures are in a bid to ensure that Zimbabwe, which was recently removed from the grey list of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in March 2022 after being deemed compliant in upholding the required global anti-money laundering banking standards.

So authorities now need to know whether these people have at any given time laundered money into Zimbabwe and how they managed to navigate while circumventing the regulatory measures in place.

There is suspicion that there could have been enablers within the rank and files of authority.

Plans are that if unearthed, the appropriate course of law must take effect both within and beyond the borders.

Individuals mentioned in the documentary include Angel’s personal assistant Rikki Doolan, Simon Rudland, Henrietta Rushwaya, Alistair Mathias and Kamlesh Pattni.

More: Pindula News



Tateguru · 1 year ago
That's a good show. They cannot just ignore. Al Jazeera is actually a whistle blow and investigations are eminent.
Bvu Bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 1 year ago
🍌🍌🍌 pakurova zvunhu vazhinji venyu havasvike pa quarter yemirivo yandaka testa Takahata takanonanganisa kubvira kudhara FIU uriko isu tiri Ku dzicheka Unit hatiite investigation tinongodya mirivo yatada kungotanha
Jah 🦓 Tsvarie-07 · 1 year ago
Financial Intelligence Unit note that AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION IS WORTH A TONNE OF DETECTION where were you when they were where they were 😀😀😀 it's a pity Ina the city anyway touch let's go go go worrior go we can only watch 🤔
worried citizen · 1 year ago
futile exercise😆😆😆
Bvu Bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 1 year ago
✈✈🍌🍌Zvakubhohwa izvi, hapana zvainobetsera team iyo, what will they do to Uebert when he is under the president's wing. No one can arrest ED even if he violates a woman. He is known to force women into sleeping with him. Zimbabwe can only be saved by God thru those who trust in him. #RESPECT!!!
· 1 year ago
God does not exist
@bvu bvu · 1 year ago
asi wakagadzirwa nhova nemuto we'be,che err iwe
LKJ · 1 year ago
Zvangu Pf kkkkkkk
Citizen · 1 year ago
Avavo ve intelligence dze finance hapana zviripo,,all along vanga varipi to wait for Al Jazeera kuti vatiudze zvitsotsi zvemuno yet ivo varipo
sugar boy · 1 year ago
even if you know them what are you going to do.useless people ma zimba birwai makanyarara.
Vekuye kuye · 1 year ago
Musada kuti sekesa. Munozvigona here zvamunotaura
FIU · 1 year ago
togona kusangozvida hedu but tazvida togonesa
Murdaa · 1 year ago
@vekuye kuye you have any fuc.king idea who the the FIU are....
Anonymous · 1 year ago
The FIU is a department of the RBZ and they want to investigate financial delinquencies which allegedly involve the RBZ. If you don't get where I am coming from and where the story is going when I say "munozvigona here", then forget about it.

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