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I Won’t Be Reporting On Al Jazeera Documentary For My Own Safety - Chin'ono

1 year agoWed, 29 Mar 2023 13:33:19 GMT
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I Won’t Be Reporting On Al Jazeera Documentary For My Own Safety - Chin'ono

Hopewell Chin’ono, an award-winning journalist, has decided to stop reporting on a documentary called Gold Mafia by Al Jazeera for his own safety.

The documentary exposes gold smuggling operations in Zimbabwe. 

In a Twitter post seen by Pindula News, Chin’ono said President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s spokesperson, George Charamba, stated that the safety of those who keep reporting on the Al Jazeera documentary was at stake. He said:

Ladies and Gentlemen, After these continued threats from President Mnangagwa’s spokesman against journalists reporting on the Al Jazeera investigation findings, I won’t be reporting on this story for my own safety. George Charamba has made clear the consequences if we continue.

In an article published by Pindula News earlier, Charamba said the documentary is defamatory, therefore, journalists must desist from quoting it. He said:

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FRIENDLY ADVICE TO ALL RECKLESS JOURNALISTS: Al-Jazeera is not a court of law before whose claims impart privileges to defamatory utterances. It is merely some weaponised channel. If you are reckless enough to repeat what its phoney documentary defamatorily says, hoping to plead:

“I heard/saw it on Al Jazeera”, you will be sorry for yourself. Do not for once think there is no grit to act against reckless, defamatory and politically motivated journalism. Faceless Twitter names egging you on will not be a factor when brickbats come. Be warned!

Al Jazeera released the first episode of the documentary titled Gold Mafia on Thursday last week.

The documentary implicates a number of prominent individuals in the gold smuggling scandal. These include Henrietta RushwayaUebert AngelSimon Rudland, Lamkesh Pattni.

It also implicates institutions such as Fidelity Printers and Refineries and the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA).

The documentary notes that there is a network of individuals who are exporting gold from Zimbabwe in exchange for dirty money from abroad. The money is then cleaned in Zimbabwe. This is said to be a move to bust sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe.

Smuggling in Zimbabwe:

Smuggling is a big problem in Zimbabwe, and it is hurting the country’s economy.

The country is losing billions of dollars because of the illegal trade of goods like gold, tobacco, fuel, and diamonds.

The government estimates that $1.5 billion is lost each year due to gold smuggling and $300 million due to tobacco smuggling. Fuel shortages have also contributed to smuggling, which results in the loss of revenue for the government. 

Smuggling creates an uneven playing field for legitimate businesses and can increase crime and corruption. 

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74 Comments Je.ndekufa · 1 year ago
Hopewell is gonna be our minister of health muzimbabwe ya his excellency cde chamisa, Mirai muone! · 1 year ago
documentary hatina kana deal vana baba .haribvisi ZANU pf ichangotonga ,tsvagai zvekuita vana baba,,CCC kana ikahwina haikupi chikafu iye chamisa anodya nemhuri yake,mark my words.
Susan Mutami akazoenda nephew? · 1 year ago
We will not stop breathing because Hopewell has stopped reporting on the Al Jazeera movie.He just wants to draw attention to himself. I read tweets and I still have to see where he exposed corruption.Newshawk does that in Zimbabwe.
The Adjudicator · 1 year ago
Hopewell learned from what is happening to Job Sikhala.We made a mistake by allowing the "crooks sarounding the president" to rule. Power in the wrong hands is more abused.
GG · 1 year ago
When has Charamba became a judge at large.?The f***cking 🐒 is singing for his lunch.Go jump into a dam or two if one can not hold you son of ***
mlambo naume · 1 year ago
Ed · 1 year ago
Ma journerlist e Al jezeera mazhinji akafa plus mamwe ari ku jail ku Egypt Ed Ibrahim bin what what saka unofira mahara Zim ahichateerere zvinotaurwa ne western media or zviri agnaist government unofira mahara for Ed and vote wisely 5 million votes tapinda
Street Journalism · 1 year ago
Good riddance.Rega vanhu vaoene ma movie e AL Jazeera and do their own deductions. Chaanoda kuturikira chii? He has been warned saka ngaangwarire.
BUOY · 1 year ago
NdiChin'ono hre ari papicture apo
mlambo naume · 1 year ago
ehe wanku ndiye
Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
at Hopewell better do so coz this tyrants are fuming with anger ...that anger can be unleashed on if you do what they do not want there is no democracy in Zimbabwe they weaponize the judiciary to weaken anyone who has different opinions with zanu let's vote wisely pliz
Anonymous · 1 year ago
thumbs up @Daddy Hope,nice move...chikurubi hakuz safe n imim maInternational recognised journalists ndim munosungwa,so better kusiyah ruzhinji rweZim ruchizvionera nekuAnalyser rwega,no need to report kechi 2 2
RG · 1 year ago
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Authorities always do investigations on the said allegations.The $15B you are harping about was aired by a nonagenarian whose intellectual prowess has diminished to near zero.And those were baseless accusations implicating nobody directly but were political machinations of Grace the graceless.Hopewell knows that publishing false statements prejudicial to the state is treason and that's a crime against the State.Zvekuti hee hee Al jazeera ndiyo sungisai mayaz you're a coconspirator so you become liable to imprisonment for not less than 20 yrs.By Charamba issuing that it means all of you are now aware and by publishing your acts can be described only as reckless.The State will not stand at akimbo while dangerous elements of subversive nature publish offensive material#insights of a progressive youth#
Anonymous · 1 year ago
We are living in invisible chains, another man black responsible for the hurting of us of the same skin . They are doing for food for mouth at the expense of everyone kkk mopihwa rice in lines 😅 this time am voting advocate nelson chamisa for 2023 mu right my choice
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Hopewell is very clever kkkk imagine a internationally recognised journalist claiming fear of life. It will be flagged as a major human violation Imagine is elections are violent. Tripped sanctions economy in the toilet 🚽
Ziggy · 1 year ago
Thank you Jorge Charamba for protecting Patriotism and preventing properganda from spreading ...Jornalist must stay on a rope like a dog or they will go away biting everyone in the community..bite bite........... ........bite bite..
Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
¹Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
The implicated organizations in the aljezeera documentary has issued several statements to clarify the misunderstandings and confusion rising, but the efforts were rubbished by journalists within and across our borders. Making it impossible, hence the need for such measures from the spokesperson. I'm glad Mr Chin'ono has stops spreading false information, he's hellbend on discrediting the government and we won't allow that!
@Jessica · 1 year ago
kkkkk wena soo u seem to blame chin'ono instead of urging the outhorities to do investigations on the allegations, $15billion was reportedly looted n up to nw not even an inquiry was done n we didn't even heard charamba uttering such threats n we ask u kuti WHY kkkkkkkk n can u tell the whole world kuti wen rushwaya was cought ne that gold ayiendep naro??? we again never heard charamba uttering such threats
Jaison Ndlovu · 1 year ago
I am not taking Chin'ono serious, what he has said is more deadly that reporting after Al Jazeera. Saying "I'll no speak" is actually speaking too loud
Tateguru · 1 year ago
A cat has nine lives but there is a way to kill it. International social media will do the trick. Muzzle the horse but you'll not keep it so if your to use it tomorrow
Tateguru · 1 year ago
But kutaurisa zvako kunomakisa
Anonymous · 1 year ago
I have a couple of questions is Charamba threatening journalists as an individual or he is doing it as President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s spokesman because if it's the latter one God Save Us All. And Suppose he is commenting based on his office as spokesman doesn't that mean the one threatening journalists is actually the office of the President??? Please someone make this clear to me.
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
forwarned is forarmed 🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊✊✊✊✊✊✊
· 1 year ago
The mafia has spoken
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
Kuramwa munda nekuti maita ****mba yegudo. Don't report just comment and say there is no case here
jumbo shrimp · 1 year ago
may the lord grant us his mercy.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ma armchair warriors dai matinyararira henyu this is Zimbabwe this is Africa kana chabvondoka munozviitira wiwi mufunge pavekuimbwa mupanduki chera mwena nguva yakwana zvichinzi chokwadi cha comrade chirikupi zvichinzi ku****!!!!!!Uchinzi tokupei short sleeve here kana long????? Farisai henyu tambo yezanu pf irefu zvisingaite let me see you go low low low........................
007 · 1 year ago
But kutaura chokwadi ndofunga yekuti long sleve short sleve ndeyebaiz or its over exagerated,kamutaurirwo kainoitwa its like thousands of pipo vakagurwa maoko nemamachete,but i have never seen a one armed person mtown kana kukusha in my life kunze kwezvirema or vanhu vanesugar,plus mamachete akatotanga kupengesa manje manje.....mozviwanepiko zvamotaura
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Chamisa,ndakufungabkukuvhotera,asi ukaisa chingoch ani ndokurooova wazvinzwa,eyhee usazoti handina kutaura
good fighter · 1 year ago
taneta ne al jazira mhani chimbotipai nguva yekuzorora please
· 1 year ago
Wati wadii? Pachasvika Part IV ndipo pauchati baba ñemuridzo
MAMBO · 1 year ago
Ukaona panonyarara chin'ono wozoti iwewe hako pombiyadonha varume munofira mahara nenyaya yekuda kunzi munogona kutaurisa iyi
Susu · 1 year ago
Zvino todiniko,tongonyarara here pindula ichititi Add A Comment
Tateguru · 1 year ago
Yeah kutaurisa kunomakisa but Chin'ono did actually mock Charamba ipapa kana manyatsomuteereresa
Hombre · 1 year ago
True. Chin'on'o is actually making a huge point yekuti, "The dictatorship is very dangerous. See, they have silenced us, and I'm now silent and very afraid".
@Kgosi de_Ricch · 1 year ago
Qiniso lelo jaha batshele abafana
Patriot · 1 year ago
It's high time we unite as Africans and stand against Imperialism. Why keeping sanctions against us as a nation. When we find ways to source forex as a nation ,u start to call it smuggling. Just remove the heinous sanctions for free trade to flow in the global market. These blinkered CCC maffias need a shjambok
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Meanwhile the reserve bank governor said there are no sanctions on Zimbabwean gold, are you deranged liars or are all zanu people ****.
sad emoji1
@anonymous · 1 year ago
Aljazera said there are sanctions on zim gold,watch the documentary kana wakaita yekuudzwa,sanctions are there,aljazera said so,unless u are saying aljazera is a manipulative lier only trying to serve its interests
Sir Zimbabwe · 1 year ago
@Patriot, you know nothing about sanction mafana keep quiet!
Sanctions are real · 1 year ago
Sanctions are there and they are real.There are no sanctions on gold exports meaning we can export gold to the USA and Europe. The sanctions are on financial transactions meaning transfer of funds for the gold may be held back. So we exported our gold to UAE where some of the buyers pay cash for the gold.If USD cash are not available small scale miners and makorokoza will simply stop selling gold to Fidelity Refineries.
Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
You think with your ass.hole
Dispenser · 1 year ago
Chin'ono has done a good thing in distancing himself. However this did not mean to say e truth will be buried.
Ndimba Ndimba · 1 year ago
Charamba looks like someone trying to hide something by those threats ! All they need is to prove themselves innocent .
stallion · 1 year ago
iyi inopisa inomoto mukati
Zelensky · 1 year ago
Chikono musandoso akamboenda,kuti adzokere futi aramba😃😃😃😃😃😃
Hopeless Journalism · 1 year ago
Zvakanaka zvakadaro.Give people time to listen, read and interpret vega. Taneta nekuudzwa kuti kuPari hakuna a cancer therapy machine. Saka gold raana Rushwaya ndoo rinotenga ma cancer machine.Are cancer machine the number one priority in our healthcare delivery system?
Anonymous · 1 year ago
dai ukaita cancer uri m.hata yemunhu
sad emoji1
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Yes @Hopeless Journalism cancer machines are some of the top priorities in our healthcare delivery system if you did not know that d.u.m.m.y Maybe you don't have a close relative who has been smitten by cancer so you would't know how important this is I for one love bold journalists like Chin'ono who report on topical issues like these ones not the usual crap spewed by ZBC When you say 'taneta' who else are you speaking for? Speak for yourself
kg · 1 year ago
Belief · 1 year ago
Its a shame to Zimbabwe leaders to intimidate journalists from reporting from Al Jazeera.
Fearless · 1 year ago
kkkkkkk aaah vanhu vanotya wena ,Hopwell hana irikurova kkkkk
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Its a publicity stunt,I saw that man on SABC,haisi type inongokwata like most zimbabweans
Sir Zimbabwe · 1 year ago
@Anonymous, you're rit brah Hopewell is a fearless guy akatopedza basa chero vakada kuita zvavari kuita the world is wwatching them
Ferez · 1 year ago
same newe thus how you using fake name kkkkk
Anonymous · 1 year ago
USANGOOPOZE FOR THE SAKE OF OPOSING MHAN,ucharamba mwana wanzi ndewako
Agent 23 · 1 year ago
Well I don't give a Pindula you can do the zanu pf thugs a favour and give them my internet info. You cant put a muzzle on the truth. In other words you Charamba
· 1 year ago
Well said 👏, let's not be intimidated by the mafia.
¹Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
Tapiwa machakaire Gift mlambo Suzan chitiyo Malvin pasipanodya Alvin dube Chrispen murambiwa Christian chimwe Zack doko Aldris dokora Tinashe adams Still counting....

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