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Uebert Angel Reveals First Family Features In Al Jazeera documentary

1 year agoSun, 26 Mar 2023 07:37:02 GMT
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Uebert Angel Reveals First Family Features In Al Jazeera documentary

First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa and her son Emmerson Junior will most likely feature in Al Jazeera’s “Gold Mafia” documentary, with three out of four episodes yet to be premiered, it has emerged.

This was revealed by President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Ambassador At Large Uebert Angel in a statement released on Saturday as his office tried to clear his name after undercover Al Jazeera journalists showed him offering to launder US$1.2 billion boasting that he was the second-most-powerful person in Zimbabwe.

In the first episode of the documentary, titled “The Laundry Service”, Angel is seen calling Zimbabwe Miners Federation (ZMF) president Henrietta Rushwaya in the presence of the undercover reporters.

Angel made the calls in an attempt to convince the “investors” that he was able to facilitate the laundering of more than a billion US dollars in cash.

However, in a statement on Saturday, Angel’s office said during his interactions with the Al Jazeera crew, he suspected that they were not genuine and decided to use “decoys”.

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Angel inadvertently revealed that the President’s wife and son will feature in the documentary when he said “these decoys… posed as Henrietta Rushwaya, the First Lady and the First Son”.

A statement released on his behalf by the Chief Investment Officer in the Office of Presidential Envoy and Ambassador at Large (OPEAAL), Sobona Mtisi, read in part:

After these suspicions, the team switched to ‘red’ protocol, with the decision to proceed with extreme caution, be in the middle, and play along, and never to facilitate a meeting between the “investors” and the His Excellency, the President.

With this knowledge, and at the insistence of the “investors” Ambassador Angel made several calls to decoys working with our office.

It is these decoys who posed as Henrietta Rushwaya, the First Lady, and the First Son.

The calls to the decoys were made in light of the leading questions asked by the “investors”.

They kept pushing to have the First Family in the discussion, especially the First Lady and the President.

They even threw in figures to help in the charity organisation which Ambassador Angel refused and even told them he had his own money; this part was omitted from the documentary.

It’s just amazing how people are made to believe what has been propagated as gospel.

The best these people got are the audios from the decoys, they never got the chance to film the President or the First Lady because the Ambassador was already informed by the security agents prior to getting in the meeting that they didn’t have the money they claimed to have.

However, as aforementioned, we battled with what if the intelligence is wrong and the country loses the much-needed investment.

The decoys helped in asserting that if they were real investors, we would be able to get it from their reactions after the call.

There is no way Ambassador Angel could get hold of the First Lady and First Son without pre-arrangements and standard security clearance procedures in place in meeting with the First Family.

Moreover, the Ambassador has never met the First Lady. They never met and never had any direct dealings.

It would have been prudent for these “investors” to verify if the calls were indeed made to the people that Ambassador claimed to be calling.

More: Pindula News 



kaMpond0 · 1 year ago
Those in denial should openUbert 's utube channels and hear him boastingabout selling Zimbabwe.
July · 1 year ago
Only God knows
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
Saka muchaita sei?
Registered Voter · 1 year ago
plus of u look at the trade hana yako inopihwa mari nani uye inoziva aipa mari here. Guys llkana vanhu vachida kubvisa Zanu OF ndavazviite pasina propaganda iri shallow so
Registered Voter · 1 year ago
Im sorry to say this but the docu series is targeted for Africa not Zim of which thr move the poayed on U Angel is shallow tese mlpano tozviziva. Imagine munhu ouya ne deal to be supplied 1000 chickens a week iwe usina. Wobva wati bho deal . owe nerwe seri wotsvaga vanhu vanawo machicken kiti umaendese. os it now a crime if so Most of us tine mhosva
Registered Voter · 1 year ago
im not ashamed to say this but the truth is pa documentary they never said somebodyvstole but said He believes. However, kana pane ma proof if receipt from both countries humbavha wacho uri papi. Of muchoziva tiudzei ka kwete kuti kwakabiwa
Registered Voter · 1 year ago
ini im not easily persuaded. If u watvh the episode 3 times u will find out that they are actually trying to put people in a corner ehich is asking leading questions. However in the 1st episode no vrome was committed but theyvtried to put up a narrative that snuggling can be done. This documentary is not even targeted at Znu pf becoz
twabam · 1 year ago
vakatotibuditsira zvirimberi ne statement rawo takuziwa kuti varimo futi first lady mugiridhe umu..madecoy kuita sei kuda kutinyepera hanzi protocol (red)🤭🤭🤭🤣security yamunayo ino investigator iripi🤣🤣 ma Ashur akuchechi kwenyu ayoo ndoamukuti security.. tiudzei security yacho yakawanei payaka investigator. shame uebert zimbavha gororo chenjera kuba
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ihhh ma1
Tiffany · 1 year ago
The best P. R Stunt they can employ in this whole diplomatic fiasco is to keep quiet, ignore and let the people speculate until they get fed up. DO NOT i repeat DO NOT attempt to play down or defend yourself. You risk exposing your incompetence and or hard evidence.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Documentary iri rakatanga kuadvertiswa kare vakadii vakataura zvemaDecoys zvavo izvi
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Whatever you think of doing, do not come back home. They are waiting for you
Tateguru · 1 year ago
I like where the Ambassador at large's office says, "It’s just amazing how people are made to believe what has been propagated as gospel." The man we are talking about here is supposed to be a high profile man of God as most of us have been made to believe. If he used decoys in the presence of the "would be investers", then he used the craftiness of the serpent when beguiling Eve. Yes, the office says he does his business overboard, but using decoys to win confidence from potential investors is not overboard. This act leaves listeners worried about truths from the Ambassador's office.
freelance n · 1 year ago
be wise as a snake and harmless as adove
Anonymous · 1 year ago
MaOrdinary Zimba hatina basa you can tell us all the **** you want, you always do that anyway. Asi Genarari vari kuziva kuti wanga uchifamba uchiti havana dhiri iwe ndiwe chamangwiza wacho.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Damage control iyo they think we are that gullible
and show us the* · 1 year ago
Jah 🦓 Tsvarie-07 · 1 year ago
Takatotsamwa we won't forgive, if you want us to believe broadcast live for the nation to prove it wasn't her, bring Al-Jazeera take them to whichever network was called in Zimbabwe and the name under the audio 😀
dee~tales · 1 year ago
So Zanu pf guyz think Zimbabweans are all stu.pi.d
K**** · 1 year ago
Patinozosvika Ku episode 4 paint iri kumeso inenge yapera taakuonana feyafeya
Nij · 1 year ago
Aljazeera wakativhura ndochokwadi ichocho hazvichinji
new kingz · 1 year ago
hatisi madinga comrade chokwadi ndochiri pa aljezeera ipapo
Registered Voter · 1 year ago
Chipi. no evidence of stealing vakutotaira the real issue which is SANCTIONS
uGatsheni boya beNyathi · 1 year ago
Angel's PR team thinks we're **** to believe their bullcrap
Bishu · 1 year ago
Voice recognition technology will confirm if the recorded voices are genuine or not.
ZIMBA🇿🇼Original · 1 year ago
I love EMMERSON MNANGAGWA & Uebert ANGEL bcz varikumira ne Zimbabwe ,isu hatidye Al Jazeera saka vote yangu count pa Zanu Pf

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