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ZAPU Appalled But Not Shocked By Al Jazeera Documentary

1 year agoFri, 24 Mar 2023 16:46:05 GMT
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ZAPU Appalled But Not Shocked By Al Jazeera Documentary

Opposition ZAPU has said it is appalled but not shocked by the contents of episode 01 of Gold Mafia, a documentary by Al Jazeera that details corruption and looting in the mining sector in Zimbabwe. In a statement seen by Pindula News, ZAPU said it knew about corruption in the ruling party since pre-independence. Reads the statement:

ZAPU’s statement on the AI Jazeera revelations

Zimbabweans have been waiting impatiently for the explosive documentaries by media group Al Jazeera of the systematic looting and plunder of resources by the ruling elite. Today, the world watched with shock the first instalment of four, detailing how ZANU PF has sanctioned us and the unborn generation to perpetual poverty while a litany of fake prophets, criminals and state operatives mint millions from our national resources.

ZAPU is appalled but not shocked. We have known that our erstwhile colleagues never sacrificed for the black majority. We knew it pre-independence and we said it post-independence. As a result, over 20 000 of our supporters were murdered in cold blood. The masterminds of the genocide are today occupying the highest offices In the land. To protect their lootocrasy, they even deposed their own godfather through a coup. The lot has even imprisoned journalists for merely reporting the looting. Today we all understand why they had to embarrass their godfather the way they did.

ZAPU calls on all Zimbabweans, civic organizations, political parties, religious groups, student movements and the youth to prepare for action that will demand that those implicated must account for their actions. We caution every Zimbabwean to wait until all four documentaries our released before any action is taken. We implore all those implicated, including those yet to be Implicated, to relinquish public office immediately and for private citizens to bring into confidence the general population by exposing the real culprits in government robes.

In the end, which is soon, Zimbabweans must understand that Al Jazeera has pointed at the cracks in the walls of Jericho. They’re wide, but by episode 4, they’ll be wider. All we have to do is push and they’ll collapse. But this calls for the unity of all forces. ZAPU is ready and willing to be part of this revolutionary effort. Our ZPRA heroes, mothers and fathers did not die so that a few white people can own the Reserve bank of Zimbabwe. Our ZANLA colleagues did not perish in Nyadzonia so that families of government leaders loot our country dry. If this does not invoke your revolutionary spirit, then nothing ever will.

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After the last episode, ZAPU will be making an unequivocal call to action. In the meantime, consultations will begin in earnest. We must all be united by our desire to save our motherland from vultures in sheep’s clothing. We are aware that they’ll immediately run a narrative that this gold gate was a sanction-busting scheme. Nobody can be fooled, and as the next episodes will reveal, this is a mafia syndicate which was birthed through the 2017 military coup.

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Mr Gold · 1 year ago
Some people who comment here are empty vessels like Jessica. 1. The gvt controls resources and in Gold Mafia thus not control of national resources. 2. Zimbabwe is open for business but he paid 200 000 usd to see President for business deals. 3.If you manuevour paying tax as a gvt official them you are a criminal official 4. Surely appointing ambassador at large to fulfill personal intrests at gvt bill is very criminal 5. We learnt Kenya lost 10% of its GDP value from this As Zimbabwe lets learn to point wrong as wrong whether you benefit out of it or not, if we continue this ****ic devision we remain a joke to the world
¹Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
Dear @Mr gold. You must have exhausted your data bundles before the ending. Which is not my problem. My problem however is you calling me out and pointing out up to number 5 useless, baseless, information... 1)gvt doesn't control resources, it's the rbz subsidiary called fidelity. 2)in the documentary who paid $200k to meet the president or you've seen a different version from the rest of the world? 3)do you understand the word maneuver itself? 4)A post in government arises due to its substantial need, South Africa has an energy minister and apparently working on appointing a minister of electricity 5)you're not in touch with your history, you just learnt of Kenyans and suddenly you've become an activist. We don't know about Kenya but we know about Zimbabwe, Infact I know about Zimbabwe what about you? Do you know, even today you can apply for a gold claim and in a few weeks get one? Do you know in Zimbabwe you can actually be a gold buyer, exporter without any hindrances? These are lessons you should be focusing on as a Zimbabwean. Focus on the things that matter!
sisi · 1 year ago
miss Jessica **** unofa uchitambura munuwe zanu apa ndenga rakakumirira
sisi · 1 year ago
miss Jessica **** unofa uchitambura munuwe zanu apa ndenga rakakumirira
¹Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
I'm living a comfortable life at the farm @sisi. Stay in your lane!
Earnest · 1 year ago
runyararo pliz..itiranai rudo muno
¹Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
Thank you, I seem to have provoked many kkk
@Kgosi de _Ricch · 1 year ago
musatukane pliz zanu haina chainokupai mese vanongozvidyira Vega iwe unovasapota uchida nenhamo miss Jessica wezanu enda unofa muroi wehama
jb · 1 year ago
miss Jessica garapasi zanu yakuwondonga pfungwa unonyadzisa ziva zvekukwirwa usingapiwe mariwakanyarara
jb · 1 year ago
miss Jessica garapasi zanu yakuwondonga pfungwa unonyadzisa ziva zvekukwirwa usingapiwe mariwakanyarara
Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
iwe miss Jessica wezanu chipi chirungu chisvinu chaunotaura unoda kuzviona sewakapenga iwe unenhamo uri rombe chikwambo chezanu kupenga kwaarikutoita ikok kwakakufita shameless senseless clueless dunderhead disgusting filthy wretched black woman go hang you idhiyotti wakapoya mukondomu mai vaenda kunohura shame on you rubbish
Tateguru · 1 year ago
Asi imi munofunga Munhu kana achikupai Doro nohwahwa plus beer kuti mumuvhotere anenge achida kuzodii kana ahwina? Zvaari kuita ndizvo zvaakagara achida kuita Saka hapana chakanganisika. Iye nhasi ariko mamwe maElection – muvhoterei stereki
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Although ididn't see the document, Facts are that Fidelity does not have money to buy gold from miners.Sanctions hamper free trade and equality in possesion of property in other countries.Mudzanire once made some junior pastors of another church fired because of his claims that the church was demonic.
ruth · 1 year ago
The documentary is a clear testimony that our so called vatongi are deeply corrupt such that ,the coffers are now empty .How can a gorvenment run a country without money? The likes of Rudland are govt money
Bvu Bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 1 year ago
✈✈🍌🍌This is sad, apa isu we will be busy having lots of seex kune mbavha dziri kuba and making Dubai gain lots of profit. I saw the documentary, business men like Mathias have made a lot of profits ripping off RBZ. Ana Macmillan are enjoying the corruption game looting. Zindege rangu raka dzika last night nekurwadziwa. Uebert Angel will burn in hell, he is so self centered hapana zve kuAmbasaador. We need justice. #Justice!!!
Fifi · 1 year ago
Thats why Zim isnt developing in many areas. Governor Mangu is a failure. Its a heartbreaking documentary and its only a few people involved in the gold mafia who are selling the gold. Its crazy how the boxer Charles Manyuchi had his golden glove taken and yet we have gold smuggled in and out everyday. Uebert Angel is doing whatever he wants and sees himself as Joseph the governor of Egypt. He gets in and out with money and gold right now he is in Dubai doing his invasion preaching zimbavha
freelance n · 1 year ago
this was just a sanction bursting scheme belive me even big countries like Iran have their own ways
kkkk · 1 year ago
CCC iripowo panyaya iyi wy yakanyarara chamisa arimowo muchikwata let's shut down zim
Fable · 1 year ago
Eish ..I hope hamuuraye **** guys
⚡ REVERSE FLASH ⚡ · 1 year ago
This is very bad news , the worst news possible...ngadai. Vagara ne Documentary yavo..now we're gonna go into turmoil
Hokage · 1 year ago
ZAPU · 1 year ago
We suggest a mass protest apa even pakafiwa
Pombiyadonha · 1 year ago
Viva Putin Viva.Ukaona uchirota uchibvisa Zanu PF neMovie yeAljazera,muka ubike doro udzinge mamhepo iwawo
Anonymous · 1 year ago
We need our Gold back , Eubert Angel must explain.
War · 1 year ago
@putin watsamwisa vanu
Unite · 1 year ago
Unite and stop splitting votes if you're really serious.
@ · 1 year ago
🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔 Opposite of male is female
stallion · 1 year ago
wakarasa pfungwa nes**** ukasara musoro uzere mvura
stallion · 1 year ago
wakarasa pfungwa nes**** ukasara musoro uzere mvura
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🐓✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🧱🧱🧱🧱🧱🧱🧱🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊5 million votes
chipenzi putin · 1 year ago
apa une nhamo zanu haina chainokupa yoti kukukwira chaiko kusvika kuzasi kwakushosha uchiitwa mkadzi wevamwe varume woti nzara shame on you
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
munongovukura muchingovukura tichingofamba, ZANU haife Aya ma lighters ma primary mangwana tichibva ikoko tinenge takabatana se ****,EU iri ku kumbira kuti iwuye kuzoona landslide victory ye ZANU, hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah,tsepete, tsepete pa Masvingo ipapo#ED 2023
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
munongovukura muchingovukura tichingofamba, ZANU haife Aya ma lighters ma primary mangwana tichibva ikoko tinenge takabatana se ****,EU iri ku kumbira kuti iwuye kuzoona landslide victory ye ZANU, hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah,tsepete, tsepete pa Masvingo ipapo#ED 2023
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
munongovukura muchingovukura tichingofamba, ZANU haife Aya ma lighters ma primary mangwana tichibva ikoko tinenge takabatana se ****,EU iri ku kumbira kuti iwuye kuzoona landslide victory ye ZANU, hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah,tsepete, tsepete pa Masvingo ipapo#ED 2023
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
munongovukura muchingovukura tichingofamba, ZANU haife Aya ma lighters ma primary mangwana tichibva ikoko tinenge takabatana se ****,EU iri ku kumbira kuti iwuye kuzoona landslide victory ye ZANU, hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah,tsepete, tsepete pa Masvingo ipapo#ED 2023
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
munongovukura muchingovukura tichingofamba, ZANU haife Aya ma lighters ma primary mangwana tichibva ikoko tinenge takabatana se ****,EU iri ku kumbira kuti iwuye kuzoona landslide victory ye ZANU, hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah,tsepete, tsepete pa Masvingo ipapo#ED 2023
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
munongovukura muchingovukura tichingofamba, ZANU haife Aya ma lighters ma primary mangwana tichibva ikoko tinenge takabatana se ****,EU iri ku kumbira kuti iwuye kuzoona landslide victory ye ZANU, hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah,tsepete, tsepete pa Masvingo ipapo#ED 2023
king · 1 year ago
Kkkkk goridhe rarwadza vanhu, manje madhara aya akangwarisa nyaya dzenozobuda vatokokota kudhara, vatodya vatoguta, pese paidyiwa gold vanhu vaive busy kupopotera diamond rakarohwa kare, izvozvi next 5 years futi muchipopotera gold, vanenge vachirova ku lithium, motozoti pepu vatoguta. Lithium irikutotsengwa so 🙌🏾🙌🏾😔😔
Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
now I know why pple hate zanu pf I have been supportive of their deads but this have shocked me also how can someone all alone benefits eish am in loss of words many people fought for this country but only a few selected pple benefit I agree with those who call for leadership renewal
¹Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
My friend, you can't even write proper English, and yet you steal an English username, wadii Kuba mazita Ana sekuru nhingi? Atleast waiteerereka
Dr M · 1 year ago
English doesn't matter. chero wazvinzwa. how many Zim whites can speak or write a shona sentence yet when they speak broken shona you ululate
Jah 🦓 Tsvarie-07 · 1 year ago
Nhasi ndatsamwa zvisingaiti ndabva ndafunga pension yangu yakadyiwa naGono in US$...
lootocracy · 1 year ago
chipenzi putin · 1 year ago
siyana na Hopewell ndiye akaita mube hre ukwane
Niz · 1 year ago
haiwawo haachatyi kutyiswa kana akutya atotya kuti akutyei
Anonymous · 1 year ago
After the last episode zapu will be making an unequivocal call to action????what action precisely bcoz ehedeeeee akomana zveku urayisana maya itai tione.asingazive zvekut zanu pf started looting of national resources since 1980 ndiani???asingazive kut they have been holding on to power through force since 1980 ndiani???
uGatsheni boya beNyathi · 1 year ago
skeletons are tumbling out of the closet where Chris Mutsvangwa, Ndabaningi Mangwana
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
Hopewell let's hope you did not breach airport rules, taking of photographs is strictly prohibited
¹Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
As far as I see it, Uebert angel was conducting million dollar deals something most of here can/will never do. Don't hate the player. Vazhinji venyu pano haven't watched this documentary and for those who have how does it implicate angel in any way, what crime did angel do on that video but you just believe what the narrator is saying? Avo vasina kuona you're all basing your judgement with the comments ndopamunokwarira ipapo. Akabirwa gold iri pano paPindula ndiani? Don't crucify Angel just coz you weren't part of the deals. If you get your hands on such a deal vangani pano vanoramba. Asiri Kuba or kuita hutsotsi muZimbabwe ndiani? Just coz waba $5 and someone steals $5 million you're crying, theft is theft, live with it! Zimbabwe has been open for business, farms/plots are to everyone's disposal, late alone mine claims of gold, diamonds etc but you wait for the Uebert Angels from America to come and exploit all these resources yet you're all here on Pindula for comments? ... What are you doing about it? what did a lot of you do or even get out of that privilege? Who has made attempts to venture into mining or farming akarambidzwa? You're busy commenting badzi. Makamirira chamisa chete chete apinde, achipinda kupi? Bitter truth is Chamisa is never ruling Zimbabwe, if you don't take your position in this country you're gong to die poor, and you'll be remembered by your generation as the insignificant one. Keep chanting chamisa, but you'll die broke. Period!
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Uyu mwana waPapa chete ....akadyiswa
TERRORIST · 1 year ago
You heartless stu.p.id little bi..tch .have you any fu.c.king idea what you're defending ..This isn't how a country is run you piece of sh.it .. you're saying doing wrong is alright as long as everyone is doing it ??... you're so fuc.xking ****..that is exactly the mentality that destroys society ..well since everyone is obtaining money illegaly in Zim and its good because everyone is doing it .Im going to start my own venture .. kidnapping and murdering your fu.c.kin.g children and exporting thier organs to the highest bidder...is this what you want from society JESSICAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!👹😡..YOUUUUU BIIIIIIIIIITCH...IS THIS WHAT YOU WAAAAAAANT????...
Dr M · 1 year ago
dangerous mentality
@jessica · 1 year ago
it happened to diamonds the question is who is benefiting from all this
¹Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
Kkk ayas, saka unotoda kunokerwa pamba pako to benefit from diamonds you're not a part of? Diamonds benefit whoever is dealing in diamonds. Same as gold, lithium or any other resources out there. Nobody owes you anything my friend
Bhmora Zvekuti · 1 year ago
@Jessica its clear to me from tone that u are using you know that what the Gold mafia is doing its hurting our economy badly. RBZ isnt getting any profit from dealing with Macmillan and the Indian-Kenya fat pig. RBZ haitogone kutenga from the korokozas. Wake up Jessica or i will start believing kuti u are a daughter to evil Zanu Pf parents who took a farm from a White man ayigona kuishandisa bettet than them.
Hwisiri · 1 year ago
Miss Jessica the real, tibvire apa, u are bitter coz zvafumurwa. Hasha dzako ndekuti u dont have a man in your life and u are lonely. U dont have friends coz they can't hang around with someone asina compassion over the majority of zimboz who are suffering under Zanu's corrupt leadership
¹Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
@bhomora Hi old friend!
Logical Nonsense · 1 year ago
@Bhmora zvekuti: RBZ does not buy gold.It facilitates through Fidelity. Partners with cash are brought in to purchase the gold from both the large producers and amakorokoza.You cannot say gold bought by the likes of Rudland belongs to us Zimbabweans- nderake.He has a licence to export!
Bhomora Zvekuti · 1 year ago
@Jessica am good long time, its been a while since the team battled, the likes of Big Dhara, Yoyoyo and Zuze etc
¹Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
Today I've met the first sensible individual on Pindula. My friend (@logical nonsense) Thank you. You're amazing!!!!
¹Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
@terrorist I don't respond to individuals with a kill buck mentality. Get a hold of yourself cde. Re-read my comment & do the same on your comment. Then wozouya

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