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RBZ Doesn't Have Money To Buy Gold, Rudland Buys On Its Behalf - Al Jazeera

1 year agoFri, 24 Mar 2023 07:24:18 GMT
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RBZ Doesn't Have Money To Buy Gold, Rudland Buys On Its Behalf - Al Jazeera

Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit (I-Unit) has reported that the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) is broke and relies on individuals like Simon Rudland for money to buy gold.

In episode 01 of its documentary titled Gold Mafia, Al Jazeera says Simon Rudland is connected to ZANU PF ruling elite including the late former Foreign Affairs minister Sibusiso Moyo.

Rudland, who survived an assassination attempt in South Africa in 2019, has a different deal with the government.

Simon Nango, South African Airways Customer Service Agent, explained that Rudland has a contract to move gold to Dubai and get cash to Zimbabwe.

Rudland’s bags are exempted from search. They use Emirates. He has serious buyers in Dubai, Nango says.

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Airport officials will be waiting for Rudland’s several couriers who fly to Dubai with gold and back to Zimbabwe with cash. 

The documentary says due to sanctions on the southern African nation, importing cash is difficult and gold is one of the effective ways of dealing with that problem. Therefore, Rudland helps bust sanctions on behalf of the government. 

According to Ewan Macmillan, another mafia in the Al Jazeera documentary, the Zimbabwean government does not have the money to buy gold from miners. That’s where Rudland comes in. 

Rudland has money from his company, Gold Leaf Tobacco. According to Ewan Macmillan, Rudland then lends the government the money to buy gold from miners.

Rudland provides an advance payment to Fidelity Printers and Refiners, a subsidiary of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, which is the sole buyer, refiner and exporter of the precious metal.

Fidelity, a subsidiary of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, buys the gold and gives it to Rudland to export.

Former Finance and Economic Development Minister, Tendai Biti, says Zimbabwe is losing approximately US$1 billion per year through smuggling and Rudland is at the centre of the operation.

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Grade 7 graduate · 1 year ago
Can someone jekesa kuti parikubiwa ma billions ndepapi. 1. RBZ does not print or have USD 2. So they contract Rudland and other licensed gold buyers to bring the cash. 3. The USD are used to buy gold locally. 4. The gold bought with USD is exported. Saka parikubiwa ma billions ndepapi? Pardon my ignorance, but isn't that the same scenario at tobacco auction floors?
_______ · 1 year ago
Sanctions can cripple a deveped country let alone this nation of ours.We have gold but we can't sell it our leaders have no option but to use these methods to bring in money to use for development of the nation Al-Jazeera is being used to destroy our nation.Documentaries like these can cause instability which provides Al-Jazeera with more news to generate their own money at the detriment of this nation. somethings are better of left alone.
Stallion · 1 year ago
Kana musingazive musanyepera kuziva we have no leadership in zim mune mafia squad nema foreign looters chete
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Iyo Al jazeera yenyu iyoyo yapedza zve corruption in own country kuvhurira ziso zvemuno???even ku America ariko makoronyera ecorruption saka hapana apo asingazive zvehuwori hwemuno ndiani makuda kuvhura maromo nw becoz zvataurwa nemabhambi akaitwa bribe neC.I.A????
Inonomasi · 1 year ago
Blaz mukutotaura mad.hod.hi zvenyu ..hamusikutoziva zvamuri kutaura .Plaz futi Aljazeera haizi yeku America ..izvo zvichiratidza kuti hamuna breni ..Ende futi muri wasted semen ..ngadai vakangobonyora havo makawira pasi ..hogwash dzega dzega
uGatsheni boya beNyathi · 1 year ago
Al Jazeeragate
Baba Sarah (Simon Rudland)) · 1 year ago
Itaiwo Mari inokwana kukweretesa hulmend
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
Rudland buys gold for himself and RBZ exports it for him. We don't have a gvt, we have a mafia. RBZ works for Rudland, that means the gvt works for him.
________ · 1 year ago
this government does this to ensure this country continues to have cash its a means to survive
Raymond Gunda · 1 year ago
Nyorai ne shona imi
truth · 1 year ago
they are aimed at destroy our escape way from affects of sanctions
African Industurialist · 1 year ago
July · 1 year ago
waiting for it episode 2 will shock many.....
Captain Jack Sparrow · 1 year ago
My fellow Zimbos who have bewitched you? Haven't you heard of " negative publicity " It is all a plot so that ED will be the talk of the town publicity duh Grow up Zimbos. It is another strategem by the ruling party to stay in Power. It is the same strategy that Trump is using to ensure that he will be the presidential candidate kkkkkkk Makapusa continue to suffer until your eyes are open
Blue says · 1 year ago
Vanhu varikushaya mvura kuMabvuku neTafara izvo iyo yakatozara mumusoro mako
laugh emoji1
Zelensky · 1 year ago
Hot pot ndiyani angabate imwe mbavha imo mudanga dzingori tsotsi dzenga dzenga.paipa
Anonymous · 1 year ago
The money is not going into individuals pockets but to the govt to fund the Forex allocation plus pay their expenses. Vanhu ngwarai Govt can't do it themselves because Zimbabwe Defense Industries is own the sanctions list and it is the company that controls minerals in Zim same as what happens in America in critical sectors. So it's not knew. Have u ever had of munhu anoita zve good ku USA or who owns land inoitwa mining. Not even 1 u mine but they own the land and get a commission. So cha shamisa pa Zimbabwe chii
. · 1 year ago
👁️ 👃 👁️ · 1 year ago
stop trying to hide behind the sanctions you clueless foolish party 2 of documentary is coming soon and you will realize that you just a foól demet mhani
Dispenser · 1 year ago
Mismanagement at its gross. Zvanzi ma sanctions. Let's vote fr change. I cld be hearing wave of change.
worried citizen · 1 year ago
aikaka@ jessica you seem to be like a chameleon that always changes to suit the environment,ithot you support zanu according to your statements🤣🤣🤣🤣
¹Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
Stolen username, I'm zanu pf pro max kkkk
worried citizen · 1 year ago
ndazviona hangu kkkkkk
Dr M · 1 year ago
I think we now need to set differences aside and reason as Zimbabweans. This looting is not good for the country and as it shows right now there is a leadership crisis in Zimbabwe. Nyangwe uri ZANU PF supporter I dont think ungade kuti nyika ibirwe zvakadai ! This is shameless and pathetic and to honestly think we all marched to remove Mugabe only to pave way for this is really BAD
Dispenser · 1 year ago
Va expose chiwenga.
Patriot · 1 year ago
eheka madhiri
interested · 1 year ago
iwe lolo wainditukirei nezuro xaa ndokuputitsa usandijairire
Junior4ANC · 1 year ago
Inga pakaipa Bank Guru renyika harina Mari .That's why vachitipa malimits kumabank uko .Vachinyepera Inflation ...........................The Governor is totally Corrupt..........2023 Takanonanganisa muOffice ............Vote President Elect Advocate Nelson Chamisa .........Vote Wisely 👍
Zimbabwe Law on trading in Gold · 1 year ago
In Zimbabwe, the law allows you to buy, refine and export gold. To do that, you need a license. The licence costs $200 000.
Simon Rudland · 1 year ago
Ehe ndozvita ska murikida kundimhanyisa kusvika ku border hr 😃😃
Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
we are tired of these clueless people we only need leadership renewal vote wisely vote Nero
Unopenga Jessica · 1 year ago
The documentary will cause senior party members in ZANU PF as well as ordinary card carrying members to question the leadership style yaED .....senior security members in Army,CIO and Police who don't support corruption who are really partriotic vanoona kuti varikuitiswa and their loyalty will not be 100% ...the next is ZANU PF and security sector will divide again from the inside.....
ZIMBA🇿🇼Original · 1 year ago
stop dreaming
Secret Admirer · 1 year ago
Holy shi.t ..

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