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Cyclone Freddy: Malawi Declares State Of Disaster In 10 Districts

2 years agoTue, 14 Mar 2023 09:41:32 GMT
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Cyclone Freddy: Malawi Declares State Of Disaster In 10 Districts

The President of Malawi, Lazarus Chakwera, on Monday, declared a “state of disaster” in the southern region of the country after floods caused by Tropical Cyclone Freddy killed at least 99 people.

Heavy rains and strong winds destroyed houses, washed away roads and bridges, flattened crop fields and disrupted power generation.

Chakwera also appealed for help locally and globally for the tens of thousands of people who have been left without food and shelter. He said:

Government is already responding to the emergencies, rendering urgent assistance to all affected districts, and appealing for local and international support for all the families affected by this disaster.

The state of disaster has been declared in the following districts: Blantyre City and District, Chikwawa District, Chiradzulu District, Mulanje District, Mwanza District, Neno District, Nsanje District, Thyolo District, Phalombe District, and Zomba City and District.

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Malawi’s Commissioner for Disaster Management Affairs, Charles Kalemba, told CNN that rescue efforts have been compounded by the rains that have continued to pound the country. He said:

We are still having a lot of rain coming down. We are now experiencing landslides, flash floods, and stones rolling down some hills. Because of the weather, rescue efforts are not easy.

In some of the places we have to go and rescue people, it’s not easy to get there. It’s tough but we are making sure we do the job that we need to do.

Schools in the 10 southern districts will remain closed until Wednesday, Malawi’s education ministry said in a statement Sunday

Tropical Cyclone Freddy has broken records for the longest-lasting storm of its kind after travelling thousands of kilometres since it emerged on 6 February.

The cyclone has been described as a “very rare” storm by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), which called its journey so far “incredible and dangerous.”

More: Pindula News



Pombiyadonha · 2 years ago
Musanyanya kurezva maonere enyu or else zvinoshaya direction.We are now acivilised state under the stewardship of his excellency ,the president of Zimbabwe and the first secretary of the ruling party and the commander in chief of the Zimbabwe defense forces .His excellency Cde Munangagw
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Bible kuita seiko imi that's hogwash God help those who help themselves kwete kungoti pweshe munova ma prayer warrior xuwa spiritual but muhomwe musina kana cent bcoz Mwari ndiye akatoti oh sluggard go to the ant uone mabasa anoitwa nesvosve chairo.
Rita · 2 years ago
moz pamuromo here asi bible unoziva zvako
laugh emoji1
mz · 2 years ago
Iye Ed and ake makore aakanz achatonga naMwari kana achinzi Gore rino achabva pachigaro anogobva kana ari chamisa achapinda anongopinda bt hazvife zvakapedza nhamo nematambudziko munyika izvozvo nekut nguva yatave tavekungozadzisa zvakanyorwa muhhaibheri Basi so ngatisazvinetsa kuda kupindira politics
Soviet Union Leader · 2 years ago
hatisi kupindira politics asi politics ndiyo irikupdira muLife yedu, iwewe kana usingade zvePolitics urikuzvitaurirei. hapana mwana mudiki pano waunoudzira zvekuita
mz · 2 years ago
zvese izvi hapana asiri kuziva kut kwave kumagumo marudzi nemarudz opandukirana Russia be ukraine hazviskuita Hondo ndiwo kamarudz acho vanhu vachave nekuzvikudza vanhu vachange vasina rudo munhu wese achada kunzi mukuru kutonga nyika pwere me pwere zvirwere nzara matambudziko mazhinji ndiyoyi kaa nguva yacho imi mukutarisira zvipi Koo nhai vana veZimbabwe vamwe voti voda Hondo kuwedzera matambudziko pamusoro peamwe chii mwana wevhu musadaro sooo munhu moti Cheri chamisa akatonga pane chichachinja here hapana chichachinja nekut Ave mazuva ekumagumo
mz · 2 years ago
haiwawo murikkuti ka ccc yakutonga muchafamba muchitsika ma usd here nyika inochinjwa newe through working hard hindava muchida zvemahara kunge honye moti rusunguko munyika munaro Moda kut muwane zvinhi mahara ukashanda nesimba hauone change munyika zvinongokunakira iwe , zvekut prsdent this president that can not change anything till God vada Ivo kuita zvavanoda kut murarame mazimba hamutende nyika yenyu inerunyararo nyika dzamunochiva dzakabudirira hamuna peace munongoitwa year year public bt muno zvoitwa bt chivande ended wakangobatwa zvaendwa so ivai vanhu vane appreciation kwete kuita kunge Ana imbwa mupengo kwamukuita uku paya ndimi zve makabvisa Mugabe muchiti Ed pfeee nhas uno Ed uya makut ngazviende , mangwana muchaita kut chamisa apinde mangwana muchati akadhakwa munodei vana vezimbabwe dzidzai kushanda nesimba kut murarame zvamoda nyika haisi nyore sezvamukufunga kut ingaita
Miss Jessica · 2 years ago
vote triple c the party of genuine change
trust · 2 years ago
taurai hako even zvekurwira ukuru izvi kana mubhaibheri zvirimo
trust · 2 years ago
taurai hako even zvekurwira ukuru izvi kana mubhaibheri zvirimo
trust · 2 years ago
taurai hako even zvekurwira ukuru izvi kana mubhaibheri zvirimo
saint · 2 years ago
zvakaporifitwa mubhaibheri zvese zvinhu izvi kare na Jesu Christu
Patriot · 2 years ago
We are very sorry for the people of Malawi on their losses. Pliz let's help our counter parts guyz
Machiavelli · 2 years ago
Plethora · 2 years ago
Uri musana? Back n Behind 👀
laugh emoji1
CCC Pindula Commisariet · 2 years ago
Right on time Machiavelli. Since most members here on Pindula are CCC, candidate selection inotangira pano.Which constituency do you want to represent in the forthcoming elections?
Jessica White · 2 years ago
· 2 years ago
Good to have you back Machi. Your wisdom has been missed.
Isaac · 2 years ago
This could've been us

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