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Mangudya Says He Has "Nothing Against" Al Jazeera

2 years agoWed, 08 Mar 2023 05:52:48 GMT
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Mangudya Says He Has "Nothing Against" Al Jazeera

Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) Governor John Mangudya said that he has no problem with Qatar-based broadcaster, Al Jazeera, following the release of snippets of a documentary exposing alleged money laundering involving the country’s gold.

Al Jazeera recently set the cat among the pigeons by announcing that it will release a four-part documentary titled: “Gold Mafia” exposing how Zimbabwe’s gold is used to launder money by top ZANU PF and RBZ officials.

On Monday, Mangudya issued a statement denying claims that the central bank is involved in money laundering, describing the allegations as scurrilous and malicious.

Speaking during a breakfast meeting in Harare, Mangudya said he has “nothing against” Al Jazeera. Said Mangudya:

That is why I said we don’t know the reasons why those people who were interviewed told Al Jazeera what they did. I have nothing against Al Jazeera.

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It was those people who were interviewed, who were volunteering, who were trying to be big people in talking about Zimbabwe, that this is a place where you can launder your funds.

Mangudya said the allegations of money laundering through the RBZ cannot go unchallenged. He said:

The snippets for the documentary that were coming are not rumours or grapevine.

When something like that is advertised, I will not sit down and wait when someone is demonising the central bank and Government of Zimbabwe. I am the custodian of the financial system in this country.

Money laundering is serious. Even when people say I responded fast or I was supposed to wait, wait for what when the house is burning?

You are told that there is an allegation of money laundering in your country and the Reserve Bank is the one cleaning it and you sleep comfortably waiting, that’s not acceptable. We are a central bank that has its own integrity.

We were just removed from the FATF (Financial Action Task Force) grey list which is about money laundering and counter financing terrorism because we worked very hard for it, then someone is trying to put a knife in us for whatever reasons.

According to NewsDay, Zimbabwe was removed from the grey list in March 2022, after being placed on the list in 2019.

More: Pindula News



Stitch · 2 years ago
AAA iwe Mangundla wakurumidzisa kudefender why. ko wadii kumirira the entire scripts instead of responding to snippets. Mirirai zvipere totsvaga independent auditors who reports to parliament .Zvowanikwa you were trapped and swallowed hook and twine
signor kantage · 2 years ago
shadows on the wall
Miss Jessica · 2 years ago
why are panicking nhai mangudya when you are clean why too fast to comment you are afraid to be exposed as well haaa zvisiye kana zvanetsa vote Nelson Chamisa
I_am_shumba · 2 years ago
Haaa al jez yakatakura. Vachema chema risati rauya.kkkk
John PM · 2 years ago
panotonetsa shuwa
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Documentary racho riri kutiudzeiko chisinga zivikanwe nakare???kana zvazivikanwa zvozonzwiii??? bcoz kungonakidzwa nekusasa kut nhingi imbavha akaba zvakati osungwa ne zacc kumatare obuda D otongo enderera mberi neku looter isn't helping.
True · 2 years ago
Jah 🦓 Tsvarie-07 · 2 years ago
vaMugabe vakati kana nyoka yapinda mumba tisapise imba hanzi tsvakai nyoka yapinda mumba muuraye 😀 saka in this case Zimbabwe ndiyo imba then ngatitsvagei nyoka...
Black Adam ⚡ · 2 years ago
The more you lie the more the truth becomes a lie to you because you would have programmed your mind never to do follow the normal process. To John Panonetsa Magudya he was now used to listening to the corrupt Zanu office which by-passed the system and did as it pleased. The Zanu tower is falling beautifully and also the RBZ board too.
Nimrod · 2 years ago
You blundered. simple. How can you react on rumours and what you have not seen and heard. Kuzeza cgati kwata hunge unekawakaturika
.1by2 · 2 years ago
the cat is now out of the bag
Miss Jessica · 2 years ago
Please Mr Governor, think before you say, you expose our rhetoric lies
Lolo · 2 years ago
Mangudya uyo ari mupanic mode haasi kumira kutaura
Epworth Resident · 2 years ago
Zvamakadya zvopfuka, I prophecy Zanu will demise, gore rino
pasi nemhandu · 2 years ago
panonetsa kkkkk

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