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Zimbabwean Govt Admits To Corruption, Smuggling And Money Laundering

2 years agoThu, 02 Mar 2023 05:35:40 GMT
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Zimbabwean Govt Admits To Corruption, Smuggling And Money Laundering

The government has admitted that there is rampant corruption, smuggling of minerals, and money laundering in the country.

The Permanent Secretary of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, Ndavaningi Mangwana, said the government is committed to dealing with the vices.

He was responding to reports that Al Jazeera is set to expose corrupt Zimbabwean politicians and their associates in a documentary set to be aired this March. Tweeted Mangwana:

Facts:-Is there corruption in Zimbabwe? Yes. -Is there smuggling of minerals and forex out of the country? Yes -Is there money laundering in Zimbabwe? Yes (including by NGOs) -Is the Government fully committed to getting rid of all the above ills? That’s a fact.

According to Zimbabwean award-winning journalist and filmmaker Hopewell Chin’ono, filming of the Al Jazeera documentary started two years ago and chronicles plundering and money laundering in the country.

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Chin’ono said the film producers have shown the films to a select group of corruption experts and journalists to give their comments before the documentary is broadcasted.

A snippet of the documentary featuring ZANU PF affiliate and President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s appointed ambassador at large, Uebert Angel has gone viral on social media.

According to, Angel, a preacher of the prosperity gospel, was dragged to court to answer charges of fraud involving a luxury vehicle worth US$300 000 in 2015.

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Anonymous · 2 years ago
Soo if the govt failed on corruption should we vote such govt in office so that it will fail again
gweja · 2 years ago
tichasvika kumagumo chete regai zvakadaro chisingaperi chinoshura
pasi nemhandu · 2 years ago
Dambudziko remapoliticians nderekufunga kuti vanoshaya vanhu vakapusa vasina kudzidza ivo vanokanganwa kuti machancers muhupenyu,madzvinyangwe vanopona nezvekupamba nekubira vacho vanotambura
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 2 years ago
Hahaha Miss Jessica has retired finally hahaha. Ana Nick Mangwana are talking vachibvuma corruption coz Hopewell wants to expose them. No one in their right mind will vote for Zanu..why vote for a party that is weak to corruption. Yakatowora iyo. Vakukwata the world hehehe Hopewell akapenga hahaha.
Miss Jessica · 2 years ago
🤣 Pindula is not safe today, hahaha
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 2 years ago
@Miss Jessica hahaha u made my day already. I will bring up this issue next time if u defend Zanu coz iyo yega yabvuma. But wandipedza lol hanzi Pindula is not safe today hahaha
Anon · 2 years ago
Those who loot and oppress people in zimbabawe ngavaite havo. God is watching all this oppression that they are doing. Ndezvepano pasi izvi. We will all die and leave all this behind. Their consciences are now rotten that they don't even have sympathy for the lowly suffering Zimbabwean selling tomatoes on the street or airtime to survive. All we can do now is look out for ourselves. Take care of your own well being by leaving this country with your family if you can for greener pastures. Endai ku UK kwatiri kudiwawo. South Africa is soon becoming another Zimbabwe. Irikudhakwawo manje manje when foreigners leave. They also have their own version of Zanu of yakutangawo kuita mashiripiti izvozvi.
Jack Roller · 2 years ago
yaa Zimbabweans so tinosvikapu nevanhu vene hundari ne humbangandya
Mbudzi Inofurira Payakasunirwa · 2 years ago
These guyz made the admission long back n condoned it when they failed to give their employees decent living wages.Ipai vanhu mari kwayo corruption inopera iyi
Sorojena · 2 years ago
I say kudos to the Documentary producers exposing the Zanu pf cartel stink, It's going to be laid bare for everyone to see and make a decisive and affirmative action. EU and the US have already added more sanctions to Zimbabwe, a bleak future beckons ahead, the onus is up to us the Patriot Zimbabweans to stand up and say No. Come elections, let's stand up in solidarity and remove the satanic curse that bedevils our beautiful Zimbabwe.
Führer · 2 years ago
Did Hopewell also feature the bulletproof car or it's just one-sided documetary
Anonymous · 2 years ago
It was crowdfunded you illiterate, dum-witted, ludicrous piece of s.h.i.t.
GudoGuru · 2 years ago
Kunyarara hakusi kupusa chiona wakutaura pupu dzakadai ,yu need to go umbonobvisa ma2zvi mudzoro iro
· 2 years ago
@fuhrer, When you are dead you don't know you are dead. Kind of like when you are S. T. U. P. I. D you don't know you are S. T. U. P. I. D. Anus.
The Adjudicator · 2 years ago
Now that yu hve heard that Al-Jazeera wants to expose yu we find yu admitting to looting the country to its knees. Nothing will ever happen to a LOOTER'S club where members are above the law and desenting voices are a crime. What happened to Wadyajena, Rushwaya,Karoro, Obediah Moyo,July Moyo,Tagwirei,Obert Mpofu? How about the sons of the first family and their runner Scot Sakupwanya? The list is endless. Corruption is now a Cancer in the Zanupf cartel. NEW BROOMS SWEEP CLEANER. WE need to retire these old guys and start afresh.
interested · 2 years ago
zvamunoziva kuti mune corruption smuggling of minerals looting and so forth mukagoitasei nazvo you catch and release shame on you I pity you nothing will be done by you coz you're all of the same flock no one will expose each other or brought to book ndava makangofanana sorry kwazvo mbavha sure kurwira Hondo kuti muzobira nyika yacho monyadzisa vakafa nyika isati yatora independent nema innocent war vets vakafira mahara vapenyu vakaendera kuhondo mahara ndanyara ne zanupf ko al jezeera isina kutaura zvekuda kukufumurai were you going to be oppen about this corruptive tyrannical government
The Adjudicator · 2 years ago
@Jar Tsvarie even yo name says it all,yu re psychotic
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Bvunzai member yeZanu pf pano Mistress Jessica. Hona chinhu chiye. Kutopihwa munda kwawakaita was to distract you from the grand scheme of things.

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