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OpenSCHOOL FEES: Form Five Learners Must Pay Less Than Other Classes - Ndoro

The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education has reiterated that school fees, be it tuition or boarding, to be paid by Lower Sixth classes should be less than the rest who started classes last month.
Lower Sixth classes start today, Monday 13 February, following the release of Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (ZIMSEC) O’Level results last week.
Speaking to The Herald, Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education spokesperson Taungana Ndoro said Lower Sixth fees for this term will be paid on a pro-rata basis. He said:
We do not expect any disruptions on reopening and in the learning process.
Schools must take note that since this group is coming in to join others who started on January 9, their fees will be charged on a pro-rata basis.
We don’t want our learners idling around aimlessly and falling victim to social ills like initiation into drug abuse.
In view of that realisation, we have decided that they resume their studies this Monday.
Ndoro said the ministry’s position was that three subjects are enough for Advanced Level learners and in cases where some see the need then they could go for four.
He also reminded teachers that paid-for extra lessons were illegal but in cases where teachers feel the need for extra lessons, they should include the whole class and should be at no extra cost.