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MPs Criticise COTTCO For Paying Farmers Using Groceries

2 years agoSun, 12 Feb 2023 10:09:13 GMT
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MPs Criticise COTTCO For Paying Farmers Using Groceries

Members of Parliament have expressed concern with the Cotton Company of Zimbabwe (Cottco)’s inability to pay farmers for their 2022 deliveries, reported ZimLive.

The legislators also bemoaned Cottco’s tendency to use groceries to pay farmers for their cotton.

Speaking in the National Assembly last week, Kambuzuma legislator Willias Madzimure (CCC), demanded that the government cotton merchant treats cotton farmers with dignity. Madzimure said:

The issue of giving farmers groceries and sometimes equipment to use in the fields does not augur well for farmers.

When farmers deliver produce, they are expecting to get their money in cash so that they will then decide on their own what they want to use the money for, instead of them being asked to go to a shop and pick up groceries or implements.

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Gokwe-Kabuyuni legislator Spencer Tshuma (ZANU PF) noted that cotton farmers were now failing to pay school fees for their children.

Responding to the lawmakers, Acting Agriculture Minister Felix Mhona confirmed farmers have been paid using groceries.

He, however, added that farmers were never forced to accept groceries saying it was a voluntary arrangement between the parties. He said:

I think the time when that was happening was more of a voluntary programme where one would opt to get groceries. Of late, this is not happening.

Where people were actually getting groceries in terms of payment, going forward and as it is now, the government is going to pay farmers their hard-earned money and not in the form of goods.

Mhona also acknowledged that payments to cotton farmers had been delayed and said the government was looking into the issue to ensure that the farmers are paid.

Finance Deputy Minister Clemence Chiduwa said cotton farmers were owed more than US$28 million. Said Chiduwa:

Last week but one is when we agreed that in order for us to pay out that money, we are paying US$5 million per week.

So, I expect that in the following week, we will be able to pay all the outstanding money in tranches of US$5 million per week.



Gubha · 2 years ago
Chiduwa, usaona skt vanhu vakapata,wee uchazvionera paerection
Jurumba · 2 years ago
chiduwa haana zvanoziva, ungazogona finance achikonewa chizaka east chake chapters kuda vanhu nemalaria mgaaende amdodzorera coach wekwasvuure kumusha kwake kuita politics nepazvipatara,manje Gore rino takamumakira izvozvo
Mgondi · 2 years ago
chiduwa shld stop utter nonsense ngainde kuzaka eat kumapenzi ake, ASI Gore rino achamaona mapenzi acho amuka nenhamo
Hombre · 2 years ago
Let those with ears hear. Ask yourself what kind of a people's government allows its people to be beaten by foreigners at will. What government allows foreigners to overwork without protection and underpay its own people in their country. Remember it's the same government which brings in such people. What government forces its citizens to sell their farm produce to one entity and watch them being paid with groceries; destroying their livelihoods and hope for the next season? Only satanists rejoice in doing that. They are telling you, "We rigged our way into power. You did not vote for us. Therefore we don't owe you anything. We're going rig again this time like always." Only you the citizens can kick them out of power and reclaim your God-given dignity.
Anti Rotten Zanu · 2 years ago
Give hard working farmers their cash you selfish greedy Zanu m o r o n s.
Mbwirembwire · 2 years ago
Kkkk , anyway mari yacho nyangwe mukaipiwa munongonotenga ma grocery,Saka ibvai mangopihwa riri grocery racho ka
Anonymous · 2 years ago
People where forced kutora zvigrocery vakaramba nanhasi Havana chavati vawana
muzimba 🇿🇼 · 2 years ago
why give groceries as an option?who does that?
pirato ponjo · 2 years ago
misanyepa mhan we never opted groceries .. hant you forced us to accept groceries muchiti hamuna cash musatidaro imi
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Kana iwe usina kupiwa girosari usaite nharo nhaika ahapenge mp akutaura izvozvo tibvire kumhepo ne zanu yako iyoyo

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