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Delimitation Report: Do Not Listen To Mangwana And Charamba, Mudenda Tells MPs

2 years agoSat, 11 Feb 2023 17:09:47 GMT
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Delimitation Report: Do Not Listen To Mangwana And Charamba, Mudenda Tells MPs

Speaker of the National Assembly Jacob Mudenda has urged Members of Parliament to familiarise themselves with what the constitution says about the delimitation exercise and not be distracted by “sideshows”.

This comes after the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, Nick Mangwana, and the Deputy Chief Secretary in the Office of the President and Cabinet George Charamba claimed that the report that was given to President Emmerson Mnangagwa by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) was not final.

The issue was then raised in the National Assembly during a question and answer session by Glen Norah MP Wellington Chikombo, reported Open Parly.

Chikombo said the statements that were uttered by Mangwana and Charamba have caused a lot of polarisation, disharmony, and anxiety across the country.

He demanded that the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Ziyambi Ziyambi come through to elaborate to the House what the correct position is pertaining to the delimitation report process.

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In response, Mudenda said”musateerere nyaya yemuma newspaper kana social media.” He added:

Section 161 is very clear in terms of the processes. The report is tabled here in the House in Parliament, we scrutinize it and make our observations.

We then submit to the Head of State and Government in terms of Section 161. Within the specified 14 days, the Head of State must submit to ZEC, which was done.

After that ZEC will start on whatever contributions or analysis that were done by the relevant stakeholders.

They will look at them, make adjustments where it is possible and send those adjustments in a report to His Excellency.

Within 14 days, the President must gazette. What ZEC has said and done in that report is final.

So why do you want to listen to people who talk from the side shows… it does not matter, you must follow the Constitution.

… Do now worry about people who speak outside the Constitution.



The Center Nolonger holds · 2 years ago
As evidently seen on the ground the weakness has been evidently been seen by a total disharmony of the singing of the Propaganda choir which never happened during (MHDRIP) Mugabe's days in Power
otilia matu.zvi · 2 years ago
evidently kudiiko ibvapo
Chokwadi · 2 years ago
Ndechekuti hope idzi hadzipotsi
cde Hondo · 2 years ago
ZANU of is a confused party.toteerera UPI manje .confused leadership
Anonymous · 2 years ago
U.P.P Zanupf is now in state of confusion and total madness
Hippo · 2 years ago
Zvitaurisi zvagurwa muromo nekuda kwekusagona kuverenga chete thanks advocate mukaramba makadaro nyika inonaka very soon
Jeremiah Mafirakureva · 2 years ago
I remember two characters who were the Masters of Misinformation during my European history studies... Goebells & Metternich. I perceive the same tactics they utilized then being currently applied in Zim. They thrived on confusion and chaos to create disorder whilst increasing their hold on despotic power using state media to spew their arcebic vitriol ad nauseam the little 🥁 is getting too loud! Im observing , silently ... it's only a matter of time... ⏲️⏰
chifuse · 2 years ago
according to who?
shungu · 2 years ago
ccc kana mosarudza vanotimiririra muparamende ndokumbirawo kune vamwe vagarisa vari pazvigaro izvo vasina zvavarikuita muparamende kunyanya mumaguta vanoziva kuti ndakangomira mud****bha zvangu zvayita.vanhu ava vari pakudya chete tokumbira dayi vapawo vamwe mukana kwete kuti munhu akabva mdc ichitanga ari mp nanhasi ongoramba ari mp saka zvasiyana chiyi nezanu yacho
Doug · 2 years ago
These people are pad using our taxes and they go ahead and do things that are not constitutional to cause confusion. If nothing happens to them after what the speaker of parliament has said, then we can conclude that they are there to cause confusion. Should we ignore all of the many Mangwanas?
cc · 2 years ago
that top headline yakapenga
Jaison Ndlovu · 2 years ago
boy · 2 years ago
i do agree with honourable speaker
Pablo · 2 years ago
Mr National Assembly Speaker Sir, please advise your Zanu Pf to put its house in order. Those party watchdogs in the name of Mangwana and Charamba were put there by your party as government spokespersons and you come here saying we must not listen to them, why did you put them there? Zanu Pf Rongekai taneta nemi. Party yenyu yauraya nyika.

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