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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

US Diplomat Visits ZANU PF And Pledges Washington's Support For ED, Claims Mutsvangwa

2 years agoMon, 06 Feb 2023 10:33:09 GMT
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US Diplomat Visits ZANU PF And Pledges Washington's Support For ED, Claims Mutsvangwa

An unnamed diplomat from the United States Embassy, Harare, reportedly visited the ruling ZANU PF party last week to pledge Washington’s support for President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s administration.

According to ZANU PF spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa, the American government official visited the party’s offices and said the US will no longer back the opposition against the ruling party.

Mutsvangwa made the claim while addressing a ZANU PF Mashonaland West Provincial Coordinating Committee (PCC) meeting in Chinhoyi on Sunday. quoted Mutsvangwa as saying:

Let me tell you that three days ago, for the very first time, a top diplomat who was representing the Ambassador, who is yet to come, came to our ZANU PF party offices.

The diplomat said we have come because you are faced with elections, so we want to assure you that we have dug a hole in the ground and spat to say never again shall we side with only one party … this time around, all of your parties are equal.

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America will accept the outcome of the 2023 harmonised elections expected to be held in a free and fair environment.

We as ZANU PF have maintained we are friends to all and enemies to none.

Relations between the ZANU PF-led government and the United States became strained at the turn of the Millenium after Harare embarked on the fast-track land reform programme.



Nkosi Ntini · 2 years ago
"Dug a hole and spit" zvichitaurwa nemu American here akomana. Ndazvishaya ini.
Mutsvangwa had dream like Martin Luther · 2 years ago
He saw an American diplomat in his dream The diplomat said America will remove sanctions next week. The diplomat said he will give Zim a loan. Then Chris woke up🤣🤣🤣🤣
Mutsvangwa Propaganda · 2 years ago
Nyoka Longo · 2 years ago
Over 40 years with the same old geezers who have no single inkling for passing the batton to young, agile, fit, virile, testosterone filled and mentally sharp young guys. Consider the ages of these old geezers at independence, the oldest was Nkomo at 62, Mugabe was 56, ED was 38, Mai Mujuru 26, the late General Mujuru was 35 to mention a few. These ages given here as examples should also be the years of the people who will usher in Zimbabwes' renewal and catalysed development
Anonymous · 2 years ago
"After Harare embarked on the fast track land reform program "kkk it's like Harare not Zimbabwe that messed things up.
Ace♠️ · 2 years ago
These r just lies....if they the US wanted to support vaitanga nekubvisa masangishenzi then we could have heard iye diplomat wacho achtaura or Yuwesi yacho kwete mnhu ari muno akutoda kuita demotivate imwe party #CCC chete
Aim Tech · 2 years ago
The moment he said the diplomat said "He dug a hole and spit" 😂😅l already knew this whole thing was a lie
Crde Van Gal · 2 years ago
Washington 4ED
Zuze · 2 years ago
Comrade Mutsvangwa, did you give him a ZANU membership card?
I · 2 years ago
Thanks mubve mabvisirwa ma sanction kana maakuwirirana,,,tikunzwei muchiti ma sanction fut
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Kkkk A representative of the representative of America bringing huge news to Mutsvangwa at the Zanu Pf HQ ZBC was not allowed to cover the event What a clown we have in the name of Mutsvangwa Kkkk
Jimmy · 2 years ago
How can someone representing someone to come make such assurances? That's could be a personal view it's the position of the USA. Only a substantive ambassador or foreign policy office can say that. Musanyeperwe
@Vhedza · 2 years ago
Let the American embassy respond on the issue
Zuze K · 2 years ago
Kugocha kunoda kuri kweZANU, dai ari Chamisa aiswera ave kuChikurubi.
Tintin · 2 years ago
if that truly would have been broadcasted on ZBC tv 24/ fact they would have opened a standalone channel for that one event...🥴🥴🥴
macomments ako · 2 years ago
kumberi 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Chris is day dreamer happy to meet a Western Diplomat. What is the difference between ZANU PF meeting a Western Diplomat and and an opposition party doing the same?
pk · 2 years ago
the moment you say Zanu pf and opposition the difference appears
Doug · 2 years ago
Digging a hole and spitting is done by Zimbabweans. Who was this American who cannot be named, and, which unnamed Ambassador who is not there was this diplomat representing? Americans, the British and others bury the hatchet.
MuPfungwe Chaiye · 2 years ago
Dai iri CCC yataura izvozvo yanzi irikuda kutengesa nyika kuvachena
Peace maker · 2 years ago
Yes of course munhu akamborwa nemumwe munhu ndiye chete angatarisirwa kuumba hushamwari,nekuregererana wangu
Bhora mberi · 2 years ago
ok noma problema handeyi tione
titus dzanwa · 2 years ago
if you want to destroy your enemy you have to be a friend of that enemy
Kule Kule · 2 years ago
siya mutoriro nezvi tondoni muzukuru wangu
,,, Dott · 2 years ago
American now makuona vision ya president E. D Munangangwa,,,, Voter E. D 4 economic development & high standards of living
Sorojena · 2 years ago
Ukamubvunza iye Chiwanga wacho pamsana penyaya iyi, anokurambira
jz · 2 years ago
inongoshaisa hope chete kwete simba saka hachityisi chisisisi chenyu tokadambura kuseri nekuseri
Only One · 2 years ago
Mukuru vakarohwa zvavo nechidodo get away
· 2 years ago
Whiskey anoiwanza Chris.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Kkkkkkk yaah Zanu pf dreams big, even dreaming of an American diplomat visiting their offices to tell them that we are behind you??? Tell this to gogos in the rural areas maybe they believe you
Only One · 2 years ago
Ccc inoshaisa varume vakuru hope kkkk
states · 2 years ago
we are broadcasting VOA so as to foster regime change and we are winning radios have already been bought for the rural folks and now they get our propaganda on on VOA 24\7. I wonder what grade of weed Mutsvangwa is smoking because the ruling party ZANU PF is about to be clobbered out of power forever
,,, Dott · 2 years ago
Opposition party wil never rule zimbabwe 🇿🇼 🇿🇼 🇿🇼
Zuze · 2 years ago
@,,,,dott of course opposition parties are opposition. When CCC wins the August 2023 election it ceases to be an opposition party. it becomes the ruling party. ZANU is going to be the opposition party.
McT Stands · 2 years ago
CCC is not an opposition party bt an alternative government..... CCC CHETE
pk · 2 years ago
ccc is a pressure group not a political party

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