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"Harare-Chirundu Highway Now A Death Trap"

2 years agoMon, 30 Jan 2023 16:02:13 GMT
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"Harare-Chirundu Highway Now A Death Trap"

The Harare-Chirundu highway, which connects several southern African countries, is now dilapidated and has become a death trap, according to motorists who frequent the road.

The highway connects South Africa and Zimbabwe to Zambia, Malawi, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Tanzania, among other countries, and facilitates trade in the region, reported The NewsHawks.

The state of the road now poses many problems for travellers which include damage to car tyres, damage to vehicles, slowing down movement and business, and increasing accidents.

Ronald Kabeta, a commuter omnibus driver plying the Karoi-Harare route, told the publication that driving on the road, especially at night has become a nightmare. He said:

Of late, many travellers have been forced to park and sleep along the highway, especially when travelling during the night, after hitting dangerous potholes that are now a permanent feature along the way. The road is now dilapidated due to potholes and old lifespan.

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The road is now badly dilapidated; it is now a death trap. It’s difficult to navigate. It’s really dangerous.

With the current rains which have filled the potholes and eroded the road, some cars have been left on roadsides due to tyre punctures, malfunctioning engines affected by water and damages by the road dilapidation.

Chamu Gomo, a Karoi resident, has implored the government to repair the road as a matter of urgency. He said:

It is no longer advisable to overtake during the night along that highway as you may plunge into a pothole filled with water.

The road has collapsed, causing disasters and we wonder if the government has plans to quickly fix this road urgently as senior officials use it when they visit Kariba resort town for meetings or holidays.

When driving at night, never try to overtake because cars in front of you will be blinding you from seeing the potholes.

Speeding is dangerous on a potholed road like the Harare-Chirundu highway.

Kariba Tourism and Business Indaba administrator Cephas Shonhiwa said the bad state of the Harare-Chirundu highway is now negatively affecting tourism. Shonhiwa said:

The Harare-Chirundu highway is now a big issue as it has been neglected for far too long. With the continued rains and potholes, our clients are badly affected.

A poor road network is one of our challenges as a sector. We are appealing to the government to act on repairing the potholes along the highway as we don’t have any scheduled flights from Harare to Kariba for business travellers.

Without scheduled flights to both Kariba and Chirundu, the only mode of travel is by road which is in extremely bad shape.

The tourism sector is suffering from cancellation of bookings due to the road that is not easily accessible.

This has a huge negative impact on economic growth in the sector.

In early 2021, the government declared all roads to be a state of “national disaster”.

Soon after that, a second Emergency Road Rehabilitation Programme (ERRP II) was launched. | The NewsHawks



Lecturer · 2 years ago
@Bird eye Urichibaba. At least those who are making noise about the facts of road disfunctionality can read from you. Road iya yaparara this zvanyanya kubvira pakanaya mvura panemaAreas aisamboita maPotholes like area yeAgr1 just after Willdale and gomba rawataura near Chikuti river nzvimbo idzi dzaakufa nekufamba kwemakore plus maAbornmal trucks awandisa road iyi pavakuda imwe soonest before a national disaster remember tinemaBhazi anoenda kuZambia anomhanya zvisingaite mumakomba imomo one day cross
Bird eye · 2 years ago
For those who don't know about the road and are planning to visit either Chirundu or Kariba with high powered vehicles pliz avoid going over 100km/hr and start looking for hazardz as early as Willdale entrance, 2. Gwebi curve up to Nyabira shops very dangerous dish-holes 3. Carswel entrance before tollgate 4. Between Darwende turn off and Little England Farm dish-holes are deep and difficult to spot from afar. 5. The stretch between Little England river and rail road crossing after Mapinga escapement is better but beware of Haulage trucks which are hazards themselves. 6 From Mapinga shops to Banket the whole road is a death trap, there are popping dish-holes, dips and bump surfaces. 7. Area between Banket and Chinhoyi has got moderate potholes. 8. Areas between Chinhoyi and Lions den watch out for failing heavy trucks at Chinhoyi curves as well as impatient motorists who want to overtake failing trucks on the curve there. Also be vigilent at 11miles near the tollgate heavy trucks park both sides of the road and the road itself is damaged such that overtaking is impossible there. After the tollgate there are dish-holes and the road is bumpy. 8. Between Lions den and Chikuti ummm if you here motorists complaining, this is the worst part of the road. Just after Angwa bridge and Rainfield area ummm drive not more than 100km/hr pliz the road has got mashroom type of potholes. At Shubbara shops the skerting of the road is off and there are dish-holes . 9. As you approach Chikuti area there are some curves and a blind rise then a very bid dishhole towards the bridge. At this dishhole, many a time I saw Haulage trucks avoiding it posing danger to other motorists. It's very big. 10. Between Chikuti river and Karoi ummmmmm pakaipa. Here, Haulage trucks are hazards, also abnormal loads, the road itself has got a number of blind dips, a number of dish-holes and worn away skerting making speeding very dangerous. If you happen to have break down along this stretch, pliz call for help to be towed earliest the area is armed robbers infested during the night who target motorists on break down. 10. Kumberi uko ummmm maone muazoti kukuudzai. Ndamirira pano except to tell you that after boom gate in Marongora there is no road to be specific
Anonymous · 2 years ago
I know kuti they are rehailitating the Beitbridge - Chirundu highway but their strategy yekutanga vapedza Beitbridge to Harare then vozoenda uko was not wise
· 2 years ago
kana yakanaka ingoshandisa Mari yako unotinyaudzirei
J Samanyanga · 2 years ago
Mari yakapiwa ma idle and incompetent ministers yaitobatsira gadzira those roads
Mujopeni · 2 years ago
nyika inovakwa nevene vayo ichiparazwa nevene vayo
Tongo · 2 years ago
Smith muka uone mugwagwa uya wawakavaka zvawaita nezanu of gorvement
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Joao Cancelo will leave Manchester City to join Bundesliga side Bayern Munich on a loan deal until the end of the season. The switch is a surprise one as the Portuguese full-back has been one of City’s most important utility players over the past few seasons. According transfer news journalist Fabrizio Romano, the loan agreement has an option-to-buy clause that would allow Bayern to sign the player permanently for around €70million. The Portugal international is said to have informed boss Guardiola about his desire to leave, and he is set to undergo a medical with the German side this evening. Related Posts
Anti Rotten Zanu · 2 years ago
Zanu has failed in everything lets vote out this party people
Bright · 2 years ago
Road iya inoda 4way chaiyo bcz inoshandiswa nenyika dzakawanda
Fradrick Shereni · 2 years ago
This pic is the current one ndakabvako recently paripo panhu ipapo kana pasina kutowedzera.
Soviet Union Leader · 2 years ago
@Pindula pls try to use current pictures kwete kungonhonga photo ra19gochanhembe
· 2 years ago
nofunga kuti vangafambira kungonotora picture chete rekut iwe uone wakarara muchiimba chako chehuswa
bus driver · 2 years ago
even Bulawayo falls road
bus driver · 2 years ago
Soviet Union Leader · 2 years ago
Zinara is collecting money everyday from the 2 toll gates but they can't even patch, resurface or dualism the road, cry my Citizen friend
Anonymous · 2 years ago
'Thank you your Excellency for the emergency road re-habilitation programme' Tune in to ZBC if you want to get a glimpse of the roads which are being re-habilitated
muzimba 🇿🇼 · 2 years ago
wake up my friend kubhabhadzirana kwenyu uku wil get us nowhere
Legend · 2 years ago
road yakagadzirwa na Ian Smith nanhasi is not even rehabilitated, pasi ne ZANU PF
Legend · 2 years ago
@Gringo they were just imagining 🤣🤣🤣
Gringo · 2 years ago
Ko migwagwa inodohotaurwe pamatv irikugadzirwa ndeipi manje
Crocodile · 2 years ago
Register to vote madhara agarisa pabasa hapana zvichazikamwa
· 2 years ago
The state of our roads tells you a lot about the government.
unknown boy · 2 years ago
Thiz Zanu things can't do anything REGISTER TO VOTE
conguering · 2 years ago
kkkkk sureRegister to vote
realbud · 2 years ago
Hanz nyika inovakwa nevene vayo.......tikuvaka madish holes zvedu

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