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Minister Mhona Defends Tshinga Dube's Appointment To The NRZ Board

2 years agoSun, 29 Jan 2023 11:58:34 GMT
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Minister Mhona Defends Tshinga Dube's Appointment To The NRZ Board

Transport and Infrastructural Development Minister Felix Mhona has defended the appointment of Retired Colonel Tshinga Dube (81) to the National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ) board.

Political analyst, Rashweat Mukundu, among other commentators, said the appointment was testimony that the country’s leadership does not understand what is required to revive the “struggling” parastatal.

However, addressing journalists at a traffic safety indaba in Harare on Thursday, Mhona said Dube was ideal for the post following his long experience in corporate affairs.

Mhona added that those criticising Dube’s appointment were failing to consider the positives that he is set to bring into the NRZ boardroom. He said:

It is surprising that some people from outside the country are concerned with his appointment while overlooking what he is bringing to the organisation.

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Cde Dube served as a board member at CMED and he will come with great expertise.

He is fit and has experience.

Dube, who holds an MSc in Engineering, will serve for three years on the board with his term set to end on December 6, 2025.

He served as the General Manager of the Zimbabwe Defence Industries (Private) Limited from October 1993 to August 2015.

Dube is a top ZANU PF official and a former Member of Parliament for Makokoba in Bulawayo. | ZimLive



Anonymous · 2 years ago
Let's vote for CCC this yr and you will never hear about these incompetent madhalas
Tkt · 2 years ago
Cde Dube is vital political stalwart who is going to nothing but to strengthen the Zanu-PF grip, capture and militarization of every gvt sector. He is going to empower the NRZ parastal with new corruption techniques from China and Belarus
Zuze · 2 years ago
Haaaa. ndiye Chikiti wandinoziva here uyu? Yoweeeee, ko kutaurawo zvine musoro nhai veduwee! Manje manje unenge waanhengo ye Yellow Brigade
Ribvungu · 2 years ago
What exactly is cde Dube set to bring in the NRZ boardroom? remember we need to make follow ups on his objectives.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Ndizvo zvauraya nyika zvokufunga kuti madhara ndiwo anogona basa. 81 years kuchembera - period. Munyika muzere nevana vadiki vakatodzidza kudarika madhara Aya. Give them a chance
sancho · 2 years ago
hooo bva zvakanaka
Machiavelli · 2 years ago
The fact that you have to keep justifying this appointment means that there is something radically wrong here. Furthermore the substance of your justification, viz. :- 1. The appointee was a Board Member of CMED ; 2. Has vast experience; and 3. He is fit. Further narrative talks of i) an MSc in Engineering; ii) General Manager of ZDI; iii) was an MP; and iv) is a ZANU cadre. I respectfully submit that all the experience he has points to political appointments. CMED is a government arm known for its poor corporate governance and corruption. Only a few days ago it was in the news for giving a tender award to a little known First Oil for fuel over 10 years ago, prejudicing the taxpayer of US$3 million with no delivery, when there are reputable fuel companies that could have delivered pronto. ZDI is another shadowy company whose corporate record reeks of shadowy deals, in arms manufacture, shady mining dealing DRC and lately a questionable exemption in the export of no-value added lithium ore. Finally and controversially it it on the American sanctions list. The Americans know something we don't. Someone on Pindula pointed out the qualification inadequacies, his frail mental faculties as a function of age. Which I won't belabour here. In short Dube is appointed for political consideration and not for outstanding experience.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
What else can the honourable say? He is also where he is courtesy of the same authority that appointed the retired colonel Would he dare criticise?
Jah 🇿🇼 Tsvarie-07 · 2 years ago
The bottom line is, we need new blood as a nation, ZIMBABWE's retirement age went down from 65 to 60 years only to upgrade an 81 year 🤔 hayiaah
2chii chakabuda ku cmed kwacho · 2 years ago
harahwa ngadziitire ngano vazukuru , nonsense

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