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Residents Demand Suspension Of "Errant" Bus Operators

2 years agoTue, 24 Jan 2023 08:33:14 GMT
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Residents Demand Suspension Of "Errant" Bus Operators

The Bulawayo Bus Operators Association (BBOA) and the Bulawayo United Residents Association (BURA) have both urged the government to suspend the licences of errant long-distance bus operators.

The associations accuse some bus operators of flouting traffic rules and regulations by picking up and dropping passengers at undesignated places in Bulawayo.

Many buses are using undesignated places to pick up and drop off passengers thereby causing chaos within the city centre.

Popular illegal pick-up points include Harare Road, outside Eveline High School and the Centenary Park area along Leopold Takawira and Corner Fort Street and 8th Avenue as well as the corner of Fort Street and Leopold Takawira Avenue, popularly known as Tredgold.

Last week, the government suspended the operating licences of Rimbi Tours and Zebra Kiss buses after the two bus operators caused a fatal road traffic accident in Mutoko on Tuesday.

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The suspension came after a Rimbi Tours bus driver was involved in a race with a Zebra Kiss bus driver along the Harare-Nyamapanda Road leading to the death of one person and serious injuries to seven others.

Bulawayo Bus Operators Association chairperson Patrick Dube said:

The suspension of the operators’ licences was a decisive move which sent a clear message to operators flouting traffic rules and regulations and the same should happen here.

He said members of his association operate from Renkini, Entumbane Bus Terminus, Nkulumane Complex and Hamara.

Bulawayo United Residents association chairperson Winos Dube said:

The buses that are parking and picking up people at undesignated places such as Centenary Park, must have their licences withdrawn like what happened to these two bus companies.

Tshova Mubaiwa spokesperson NdabaMabunda said they are losing business to the illegal transporters and urged the police to get rid of the menace.

ZRP national spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said those who continue to flout the traffic rules and regulations must be reported to the police.

He reiterated that it is illegal for bus operators to pick up or drop off passengers at undesignated places. | Chronicle



Muzondi Maposvo · 2 years ago
vana Patrick Dube musarwadziwa nekunaka kwakaita ma bus e Harare ,if I check here in Byo there are only 4 operators with buses dzimwe dzese ingoro idzo ,dzidzai kutenga ma bus akanaka vanhu ve Bhuruwayo
o'brien · 2 years ago
shandisa iwewe ka uite billionaire.
bra joe · 2 years ago
Zupco is also using popular illegal pick-up points include Harare Road, outside Eveline High School and the Centenary Park area along Leopold Takawira and Corner Fort Street and 8th Avenue as well as the corner of Fort Street and Leopold Takawira Avenue, popularly known as Tredgold.
bra joe · 2 years ago
Zupco is also using popular illegal pick-up points include Harare Road, outside Eveline High School and the Centenary Park area along Leopold Takawira and Corner Fort Street and 8th Avenue as well as the corner of Fort Street and Leopold Takawira Avenue, popularly known as Tredgold.
Manikiniki · 2 years ago
The City Council closed Egodini terminus in the name of constructing state of the art terminus but as the norm in our cursed nation, monies were 'eaten' and thez nothing to show. Where do u want our Kombis and buses to rank now? You create problems then start blaming people.
Legend · 2 years ago
@ o'brien🤝 wataura point
o'brien · 2 years ago
kkkk pick up points kuita sei kwacho. A bus is not a train zvinorwadza rakusiya paHarare road pacho. Picking is not a problem but reckless driving on the way.
King Gupri · 2 years ago
good move this gonna save lives
Mushikashika · 2 years ago
Maparamuro · 2 years ago
Residents can just boycott those violating rules. Exercise your power, you don't need police to help boycott these errant operators. Residents should prioritise the well being and their safety. Transporters who violate the road rules endanger the lives of the commuters ad what's funny is the commuters continue to give them business.
Depon Ting · 2 years ago
Community arrest
skhumba · 2 years ago
not really my big guy, read again slowly this time maybe uzo understanda mtakababa
· 2 years ago
😂 That means that there will be no bus 🚍 operators 😂 😂

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