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"Money Speaks At Beitbridge Border Post" - Travellers Speak Out

2 years agoTue, 03 Jan 2023 06:32:14 GMT
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"Money Speaks At Beitbridge Border Post" - Travellers Speak Out

Zimbabweans working in South Africa and returning home for Christmas with family and friends have said “money speaks at Beitbridge border post” if they don’t meet some requirements.

Returnees who spoke to the Chronicle on condition of anonymity said those who were not willing to be tested for COVID-19 stashed money in their passports on arrival at the Zimbabwean side of the border and officers stamped the passports.

This way, travellers avoid lining up for their health status to be checked.

Some context:

These reports come when there is a resurgence of COVID-19 in some countries.

The Minister of Local Government and Public Works, July Moyo, recently urged Zimbabweans to exercise extreme caution in their contacts with diasporans coming home during the current festive season, and those visiting other countries in our region to protect themselves from contracting COVID-19.

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Zimbabwe national police spokesperson, Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) was taking the reports of evading COVID-19 screening seriously adding, “we are investigating the matter.”

Another returnee said that Zimbabweans entering South Africa through Beitbridge without permits simply place the amount of money demanded by immigration authorities and are allowed to proceed “without much further ado”.

The Chronicle also reported that the case was the same if a foreigner was stopped inside South Africa without possessing valid work permits – money was paid to bribe officials.

It is not the first time reports of corruption at the Beitbridge Border Post have been reported.

Several Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) officials were busted over the years for engaging in underhand dealings that have seen them amassing wealth at the expense of the whole nation.

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mdra · 2 years ago
aiwa paborder panotorwa mari
Pride · 2 years ago
issue ye Covid yadzoka futi and it's going to be used by Zanu Pf as a way yekudzvanyirira vanhu as we approach ma elections kuda vanhu vacharambidzwa kuungaba plus curfew the space.
Fence · 2 years ago
Nhai we son boy chinembiri unombofamba nedivi ripi tinombokuona uchikacha zanu pf tozo kuona zve uchirovera chipikiri patrupu ccc Uriwei uiri **** are you political prostitute
parasite · 2 years ago
someone is using his name sometimes. A copy cat
Int · 2 years ago
Corruption is now the order of the day, wat do you expect!
Dear citizens as you can see that corruption is on both sides of the fence. The corruption on the south African side is caused by pure greed, and the one on the Zimbabwean side is because of sanctions, which have caused untold suffering to the people of this great nation. The blame should be entirely only the MDC cum CCC, they are enemies of the state. [NO MAN BORN OF A WOMAN WOULD VOTE FOR CHAMISA IT IS SUICIDE] [CITIZEN COALITION AGANIST CHMAISA CCC] Yours sincerely William Sonboy Chinembiri [THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC]
poch · 2 years ago
Mhazi of Silobela · 2 years ago
this is a demented individual who needs to be ignored with contempt. @realbushlawyer happy new year. Visit Silobela Vote CCC
ComedyHalfHour · 2 years ago
Another failed comedian
Machiavelli · 2 years ago
We know that this is the doing of ccc operatives trying to tarnish the name of hard working border officials
foya · 2 years ago
aah iwe uri Kuna Jupiter usingazivi zviriku border.? ini ndine mwana akaenda south manje manje akapinda negonyeti asina mapepa. thus the tip of ice pane zvitrikuitwa pa border usada kupedza nguva uchinyora nhema kana uriumwe mushandi we ZMRA usada kutiita ma ****
Anonymous · 2 years ago
@Machiavelli is really funny I think you can make a very good comedian but do it like Mr Bean or Charlie Chaplin Don't say anything
ComedyHalfHour · 2 years ago
A failed comedian.. Next
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Zimbabwe elections will be disputed, The banner will read ZANU 53% CCC 45% and all hell will break loose. There will be violent clashes before and after the Elections and the current leadership in ZANU will be dissolved when the military intervenes. THERE After talks will begin for CCC and ZANU pf and some in ZANU will support the so called young boy Nelson Chamisa and he will be the next leader
Führer · 2 years ago
You will lose fair and square you are having drug induced dreams if you think Nero will have the support of the people much worse the security sector.
pk · 2 years ago
wadii wakurumidza kumuka ubike doro chero chi one day chaicho
Progressive Citizen · 2 years ago
This time there will be no violence, sema elections a 2013..Becoz zvaitwa Sikhala is in all citizens' eyes,, kut even his inner circle are acting like nothing is happening.. NHAMO YEMUMWE WAVO HAVAS KUIRAMWIRA SADZA🤨🤨so no one wants to join him kuUniversity kwaari uko
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Please tell us something that we don't know Telling us that there is corruption at the Beitbridge border post is like telling us that the sun rises from the east That police guy who is saying that something is being done is talking n-o-n-s-e-n-s-e
Sure · 2 years ago
Taura hako wamai,izvi zvinotongozivikana nemunhu wese saka hapana nyaya apa
Benny · 2 years ago
very true
SeeSee · 2 years ago
Corruption is now normal
chipikiri · 2 years ago
you're right. ini chinonzi corruption handichachizivi. pane asingazivi kuti police inodeyi pama roadblock? mukuru we police kana achiti hazivi kupenga. inyaya dzisisina basa
stallion · 2 years ago
yes apa wataura chokwadi even mwana wegrade one ava kuziva kuti kombi ikamira paroad block mapurisa anoda Mari yachioko muhomwe

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