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"ZESA Owed $14 Billion By Consumers"

2 years agoFri, 09 Dec 2022 18:21:17 GMT
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"ZESA Owed $14 Billion By Consumers"

The Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (ZESA) is owed ZWL$14 billion (about US$20 million at the official rate) by its customers.

This was said by Deputy Energy and Power Development Minister Magna Mudyiwa in the Senate on Thursday while responding to questions on the current power crisis.

Mudyiwa said ZESA introduced prepaid meters because people were not paying their bills. She said:

People would (use) as much electricity as they wanted and would not pay up. For your information, ZESA is owed about $14 billion right now.

ZESA is not getting any funding from the government for its operations. It is a company that is supposed to run on its own just like any other company.

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It is supposed to buy equipment (such as) vehicles that are used when attending to faults.

They are supposed to procure fuel and are not getting forex because many people are paying in Zimbabwe dollars.

ZESA is supposed to pay its workers. You might have heard that there is a lot of brain drain that took place at ZESA and a lot of professionals left this country and went as far as UK and Australia and ZESA is supposed to pay its workers adequately – all that is not happening because ZESA is owed a lot of money by consumers.

All these units that we are using at Hwange need revamping, they are very old and need rehabilitation but there is no money because ZESA is owed more than (14) billion dollars.

Zimbabwe is facing one of its worst power crises due to depressed generation at its power plants resulting from low water levels in the case of Kariba, and recurrent breakdowns and coal shortages at its coal-fired power stations.

On 09 December 2022, the Zimbabwe Power Company (ZPC) was generating a total of 438MW from its five power stations.

Hwange was generating 218MW, Kariba 200, Bulawayo 20, Harare 0MW and Munyati 0MW. | The Insider



R'G · 2 years ago
20 million is nothing to makes us suffer you people
g · 2 years ago
guys open a lkinkedin account search for job opportunities in aussie,Canada,England zesa mofa nenzara iyo haina deal zvayo
Anonymous · 2 years ago
The solution is in removing ZESA monopoly in grid power production, transmission and distribution. Let other competitive players come on board and see if you ever hear of load shedding or blackouts. Some are benefitting from lack thereof, no wonder they are not in a hurry to find a permanent solution. Some problems are man-made since we are in that period going forward in the run up to elections. Create a problem and then solve it, you become the most brilliant person of the moment.
X · 2 years ago
Let's be honest, zesa is run by selfish, self serving fools who don't care about anyone, how can a whole unit breaks down kusvika ya beyond repairing, vanhu veku zesa are some of the most paid mu zim, braindrain kuikuita sei, ngavaende it's not like running those turbans is rocket science, kune vakawanda vari capable, they don't disconnect those places that owe them because vanenge vachida ma political favour, kozoti minister uyo ndaadzingwe basa cause hapana chinozivikanwa, lastly kune vanoti zvinofanhirwa kuiswa mumaoko evarungu ndinoti kune nyika were they are run by whites, they should go there, this is our messy, we have to rectify it ourselves, we are our own saviours
chin chu · 2 years ago
Nerthelands vustek
Cityzen · 2 years ago
Netherlands 2-2 Argentina Argentina won 4-3 on penalties
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Netherlands kumusha
Qatar · 2 years ago
Netherlands vs Argentina ..who packed the bags🎒 ✈️
Progressive Citizen · 2 years ago
Best solution when there is a crisis, magetsi ngaangobhadharwa ne USD se zvir kuitwa Fuel.. Munhu anoshandisa zvinoenderana nehomwe.. 20 million USD is not much for a big company like ZESA..
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Mutambo wakamira wakadai ARGENTINA 2 NETHERLANDS 2 92 minutes played
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Coal producers.. 'We are owed billions by Zesa' Zesa.. 'We are owed billions by consumers' Consumers... 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Stop nonsense · 2 years ago
We are owed trillions by government.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Thought everyone is on prepaid meter yet others are free riders..... Life will never be near equality as long as Zanu is in power....
bafo · 2 years ago
zesa is expensive to those using cash power
Black Jack · 2 years ago
ZESA should SWITCH-OFF the lights of those who owe them money without any fear or fever. Those who use prepaid are being made to suffer because of these people. Its unfair. Ngaapinde hake mukomana. Tanzwa ne Darkness. From Sunshine City to Darkness City.
nittin · 2 years ago
next time gara wakapfeka **** because magetsi iwaya achakupa njovhera isingarapike
Anglebert Tinashe Chilimanzi · 2 years ago
gd night ashie wekuAFM😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Anglebert Tinashe Chilimanzi · 2 years ago
ndatojaira rima zvekuti pabaka magetsi ndavhunduka zvisingaite... sidney gara usadaro
tinitini · 2 years ago
uchafa wakapfeka ****
Anglebert Tinashe Chilimanzi · 2 years ago
iwe benzi
ndini ndadaro · 2 years ago
kutonga kusvika Kariba yaoma😆😆😂
Anglebert Tinashe Chilimanzi · 2 years ago
varipiko vakomana vaviri ava
Vesto and gummidge · 2 years ago
drowned in the water.May they rest in eternal peace
Worzell Gummidge · 2 years ago
@Worzell Gummidge vari tii. VakatoChiller zvavo murima, vachiverenga neRambi novel rinonzi 'The Brothers Karamazov' rakanyogwa naFyodor Dostoevsky. Dzimwe nguva ndinonyarara kuti ndidzidzewo kubva kunevamwe vakaita saVesto (OG), Machiavelli, Maparamuro, nemi mese hama dzangu muna Kristo munonyora maonero enyu paPindula. Stay Blessed....
Gred · 2 years ago
ZESA should disconnect people who owe. Most of them are ZANU pf officials thts why law abiding citizens like us are suffering because of these people who dnt pay bills
Anonymous · 2 years ago
12 billion is owed by gvt departments, 1billion by mashefu(zpf) 1 billion by business dzevari political connected
Mufaro · 2 years ago
World Cup Update Brazil out lost on pelnaties 6-4 4-6 -4-6
kusuwa · 2 years ago
ndafarira kurohwa kweBrazil
Anglebert Tinashe Chilimanzi · 2 years ago
uribenzi zve
Anonymous · 2 years ago
doku mamisa
Crde Van Gal · 2 years ago
Morocco irikuuya ne World Cup ku Africa
Anglebert Tinashe Chilimanzi · 2 years ago
bhora reparadio
repadhishi · 2 years ago
repa dhishi atori mahwani Zimbabwe yaitoveko kuWorld Cup ikazobuditswa mavhet varwadziwa nemaskills edu
this time zesa is lifting the world cup muchirikuti vana ningi vachatora mukombe manje mayi rasa... zesa bhora
Nkust · 2 years ago
Varume zvimwe tingataura muno munyika vanhu vakuru ve government havasi kubhadhara magetsi izvezvi pamba peumwe former air base commander pakaipa by pass meter reading, mungaramba chokwadi henyu asi nyika yaida ku runner ne vachena nekuti uchipinda pautungamiri hwenyika munhu unofanira kutsvaka nyaya mbiri first magetsi chepiri fuel ndiko Kty economy kwete kutsvaka ana sigauke kty haa mutape vachatichengeta nekuti vanogona zve hondo
Maparamuro · 2 years ago
Vatema can run this country efficiently, just put the right people in the right offices stop nepotism and cronyism. We need to learn to identify talent and use it. Not every noisemakers is a good manager. In Zim politics we love the loudest noisemakers and always cast aside the people who make the most sense because by nature they don't make noise
zesa to specify who is owing them coz some of withoutse paid meters of which we know that you can't use electricity without buying electric ity tokens.Of which zesa is now being unfair to it's customers, for we not getting the service we are paying for. Going for 3days without zesa while someone could have bought zesa tokens to get service. Yes we prioritize industries for production,then why keep on supplyung most of them while they owing the utility huge amounts of bills. Simple they should cut of those companies who are not meeting their agreements. Let business be business and all shall be well. those with pre paid meters should not go for 2days without zesa while some are just using electricity as they please while they owing the utily. the same thing being done to individuals of cut of power should be done to other big industries until they pay what they owe.
Ching chu · 2 years ago
Brazil ,Spain vustek Netherlands bhora
Crde Van Gal · 2 years ago
Brazil rapera sei?
John Chibadura · 2 years ago
Brazil going home
Soviet Union Leader · 2 years ago
kana tikakupai mari yacho mgetsi handsome saka bttr zvivharane, ****sesi
Wisdom · 2 years ago
Anglebert Tinashe Chilimanzi · 2 years ago
results pliz
Nimrod · 2 years ago
2:2 90 minutes nw going extra time
Babalao · 2 years ago
Name a shame the bad debtors 1)All Government departments 2) All Shefs farms ....................
Anglebert Tinashe Chilimanzi · 2 years ago
3 all ghetto residents
soccer⚽⚽⚽⚽⚽⚽ fan · 2 years ago
ko game renetherlands 🇷🇺 neAgentina🇧🇼 rakamira sey gays

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