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CCC MPs Say US$40 000 Loans Are Not A Donation

2 years agoWed, 07 Dec 2022 16:08:32 GMT
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CCC MPs Say US$40 000 Loans Are Not A Donation

The opposition CCC Parliamentary Caucus has denied claims that the US$40 000 loans granted to Members of Parliament by Treasury are donations.

CCC MPs have received a lot of criticism especially on social media platforms for taking the loans.

Critics accuse the opposition MPs of joining the “gravy train” saying they are no longer serving the interets of the electorate, but their selfish interests.

Even CCC president Nelson Chamisa has criticised his MPs for accepting the loans and warned them that they will be punished by voters.

But CCC Chief Whip in Parliament Prosper Mutseyami defended the party’s MPs, saying the loans are a “genuine part of the MPs’ welfare.” He said:

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The suggestion in some quarters that loans are donations is not correct. In the midterm supplementary budget of September 2022 approved, provision was made for a housing or vehicle loan of US$40 000.

This loan was understood as a genuine part of the MPs’ welfare. The loan is therefore not a surprise executive instrument but one that went through the due process of appropriation as is provided in the constitution.

It is not a discretionary issue or an executive gratuitous gesture like the grants granted to ministers and deputy ministers.

In October of 2022, MPs were made to sign binding loan application forms which they executed.

In late November, parliament made partial disbursements of these loans. The loan in question is above board.

Mutseyami, who is the MP for Dangamvura, said it was unfair to compare CCC legislators with those of ZANU PF simply because they accepted the loans. He said:

The loan in question is no excuse for state failure or the deplorable state of public services.

It is no excuse for 42 years of mismanagement and misallocation of public resources. And most certainly the loan cannot bribe or derail our cause.

We therefore reject the equalisation. We are not Zanu, have never been Zanu. We have remained principled and committed.

We have remained unwavering in our quest for transformation and change in our country We have faced dictatorship and its billions of dollars weaponised against our people.

Mutseyami also claimed that MPs are currently earning ZWL$$200 000 “which is equivalent to US$200.” He added:

The new salary remains way below the poverty datum line by a long margin.

It also remains way below the average regional salary of MPs which is US$2 000 even in economies smaller than Zimbabwe or countries such as Kenya and others where MPs are paid around US$13,000 a month.

This is in addition to the provision of constituency offices, and paid research assistance.

| ZimLive



Teacher · 2 years ago
Meanwhile teachers still moved from pillar to post just to get 20000 bonds ($15) for school fees. Teachers have signed more thn a dozen papers yet to receive a cent
Muzondi Maposvo · 2 years ago
idyai Mari team rangu nguva yafamba
Manikiniki · 2 years ago
So only the welfare of MPs is what matters in this Zanu country!! A civil servant cannot access a loan of US500 from any bank because the bank will say your salary is too low and the US dollars you are earning are not a salary but an allowance that can be stopped anytime! The ordinary civil servant has been crying for a living wage for so many years yet they are ignored and boom for the Mps here comes a fat check of US40 000 for their 'welfare'. As for CCC MPs the best you can do right now is just to shut up and eat yo money because the more you try to justify why you accepted the money the more you irritate us with your lies as you would be taking us for fools.
R'G · 2 years ago
MPs are not being paid 200 thats a lie
Anonymous · 2 years ago
A minister getting half a billion USD loan
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Issue yecorription and inferiority yakatanga kuhondo whereby general people were regarded as povo. Magandanga were not ashamed to demand meat while muridzi wezumbu adya nederere. In leadership they believe in boss lootings and could not care for the suffering masses. Be analytical comred magandanga zanu do and never believe in equality within the masses they always think they are better inkosi
Dougie · 2 years ago
kana ccc mps varamba Mari ipai isu Ve mdct tinoziva mashandisirwo emari
Sorojena · 2 years ago
Zanu pf yakatovha kwasara the military junta....of course the military junta can only be removed by the same system that installed it. Zanu pf is scattered in exile trying to regroup.
rrrrrr · 2 years ago
Wero naNero · 2 years ago
If the welfare of MPs is a priority then Hon Mutseyami you are far from what the Citizens envisage. Never compare Regional salaries for MPs before comparing tge economies they preside over. Idyai mari yeZanu kekupedzisira naNero tichasvika chete. How many problems were going to be alleviated ne14 million US yamapanana neZanu.
Pride · 2 years ago
@i love my country, at least one comrade are patriotic comrade dai mafundisawo vamwe avo zvimwe Nyika yedu inganakawo.....#Nyika inovakwa nevena vayo
biden · 2 years ago
What if you lose the next elections how do you repay the loan
Responsible citizen · 2 years ago
We are waiting to hear what Jonso"s comment
Pride · 2 years ago
shamwari let me be honest with you..we are not going to fix anything for you people especially mukaramba muchida kuramba kutivhotera, pese apa totopinda busy yekurigger tozviwhinisa and zvinotirwadza zvisingaite kuti munoda kutibvisa panyanga so hatimbofe takanakisa nyika yacho bcz mutori mhandu kana musingativhotere....just change your behaviour and start to love Zanu whole heartedly and vote for us moona kuti hatigadzirise nyika here. vote Zanu Pf tinakise Nyika.
Its your money CCC · 2 years ago
Its not ZANU PF money its tax payers money use it.
Peace maker · 2 years ago
Zvimaboss ma horse
Pride · 2 years ago
2023 Zanu Pf panyanga zvakare...only in Zanu Pf u find genuine comrades vakapindira politics nyaya yekusununguka kwenyika yeZimbabwe...vamwe vese ava vavakuuya they are just getting into politics for their selfish interest chete. I urge you citizens of Zimbabwe to vote for Zanu Pf...kunyanya team Harare vote for Zanu Pf...CCC or MDC or whichever has failed you bcz they are not genuine they are only after money these guys...takuratidzai wani...chii chimwe chamuchada nhai mazim Zim.
I love my Country · 2 years ago
I think zanu pf biggest failure is not acknowledging their mistakes, we all know there has been mistakes but let's reach a point of acknowledgement so that we deal with the crisis at hand. Zanu pf wants to win the 2023 elections so do we too but let's be realistic with the current situation, we can't have a government that still insist on that the bond note is equivalent to the usd, we can't have a government that looks away on political violence. Let's move forward, and I tell you CCC will never rule this country, that's one bitter pill most Zimbabweans aren't ready to accept
XXX · 2 years ago
Bambo Imi, ndizvo zvayitaura Smith kuti mutema haafe akatonga. Nhasi zviripi. Zanu Pf achabva chete maybe neimwe nzira yamusingafungire. Hitler aive ari strong kupfuura Zanu Pf government but zvakashaya basa. Kana nguva yakwana change inoyitika. Vanhu vaneta nenhamo .
mtt · 2 years ago
ichabva in your dreams only to wakeup to find zanu ruling
Biggaz · 2 years ago
Mnangagwa is very clever. The bait was well taken, and slow poison is now effective...come election time, those who failed to pay back the loan within the #tipulated time would be barred from contesting...the BINGA by-election style.
Sorojena · 2 years ago
Zanu pf was forcibly removed from the throne by the military junta, and is scattered all over in exile. The military junta is a Zanu pf masquearade. To dethrone a military junta you need the same system that installed it. This is a matter of the spineless amadoda sibili
mtt · 2 years ago
vote for Strive
Gred · 2 years ago
@l love my country its either you are retarded or drunk you are just waffling nothing zbunu zakho
PVC · 2 years ago
if you fail to repay the loan you not eligible to contest mark my words
Chero zvazvaita · 2 years ago
PVC kana vakanzi they are no longer eligible to contest hazvina basa tongoisa mumwe. Mind you voting yemuno is not for munhu anogona basa but party chete ndiyo ino voterwa so hazvitadzise CCC kuhwinha
👤 · 2 years ago
I second you@zvazvaita.last election ndakavhotera mp nacouncilor vandaisatoziva ini.ndaingotsvaga pakanzi MDC A chete ndotoisa x.
pvc · 2 years ago
but it's sort of disturbing
MaZimba paCanada · 2 years ago
PK uri**** , kuita Sola ne borehole zvashamisirei , indawa munoda kushamisira pasocial media ,Boss Crocodile I second u bro , bharanzi avo upstaire dzavo dzakadhakwa nxaaaaaaaaa . Kna zvichinzi vanhu varikufa nenzara hazvirevi kut Munhu anyora arikudya doko dzezvironda bt arikuedza kut munyika vanhu varikutamba nhamo simple #PK usafadze mafans nekus*r*
Crocodile · 2 years ago
@Bvoo Nhai mukuru chashamisa pakutonga kweZanu chii chamungati makagona you have been ruling this country for 42yrs but takutofa nenhamo kudarika nguva yehondo Magetsi izvezvi ruzhinji reZmbabwe havana magetsi achi akatanga kunetsa kare mukatadza kugadzirisa dambudziko radai kunetsa Mungaswra kutenga mabhazi hobho ekuti muendese kuma rally eZanu instead of fixing and maintaining Hwange thermal power iyo yachembera
pk · 2 years ago
usaite mumiriri wevanhu. iti uri kufa nenhamo. zvimirire wega. pangu magetsi ari tiiiiiii. solar 24hrs, iwe uchimirira zesa
Vendor · 2 years ago
ko isu ma vendor tichapihwawo maloan nani?
bvoo · 2 years ago
torai mari munofunga kuti ccc ichatonga here munofa nenhamo
· 2 years ago
They won't be voted back into parliament if they take the blood money. Nhamo dzacho dzotowedzerwa
Cde Bvondo · 2 years ago
But they have already taken the money...
if EFF SA had MP's in that parliament they would have rejected it I bet you.
Grandpa Rick · 2 years ago
So how are they expected to pay back 40K with 200 bucks salary? God have mercy
pk · 2 years ago
all along I was waiting for tendai Biti to comment. but ndatoona kuti akatotyorera chibhanzi muhomwe kudhara
Maparamuro · 2 years ago
You earn a salary of $200 per month and get a loan of $40000 to be repaid in six months??? Seriously and you justify that loan?? How are you going to repay the loan over 6 months?? Matengesa ma citizens. You are making the gvt a loan shark, how is that possible. What's the use of banks and other financial institutions? Can ordinary citizens earning $200 per month also access these loans with the same conditions?? Matengesa ma citizens. You have sold out the struggle, you are no longer representing the interests of the masses but your own. Pasi nevatengesi
Ceremonial President · 2 years ago
So where did the Twitter President get his conspiracy theories from? Is he in charge? Why didnt he get the correct information from his MPs before ranting on Twitter?
I love my Country · 2 years ago
Kkkkk he keeps proving himself.
Tang ku · 2 years ago
But I warn you not to revolt or .. But I wish you to use the funds correctly because zanupf is after infiltration musazopandukire musangano murangarirewo varombo vakakuvhoterai .
Sorojena · 2 years ago
With an MP salary of 200 000 Bonds, do you think they could service a 1 million Usd loan...handei tione.
Sir Zimbabwe · 2 years ago
For your better future For your better salary For your better education system For your better health ccare For your better living standards Vote Chief Champion Advocate Nelson Chamisa CCC party #Registertoveforchange #NgaapindeHakeMukomana
Anglebert Tinashe Chilimanzi · 2 years ago
mungatii idyai mari dzenyu makanyarara musatinyaudze
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Sarwadziwe Tintin dai uriwe wairamba here mari? Put yourself in their shoes 😉😉😉
Responsible Citizen · 2 years ago
I impatiently waiting to hear Jonathan's comment on what Mutseyami said
Sorojena · 2 years ago
These loans are not donations...Yes. ...and they are not loans at all but bribes. How can an incapacitated MP who only earns Usd 200 afford a loan facility of Usd 40 000? Obviously this loan which is not a loan has sinister intentions, its apparent that the MPs, Mliswa included are faraway from the comfort zone to qualify for those loans. Plus the MP position is not a job, it runs in the same manner as the School development committee does, it is voluntary and seconded by the electorate, MPs are not elected to those post in order to loot from the state coffers.

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