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Zimbabwean Robber Shot After Breaking Into A House Belonging To A Member Of SAPS

2 years agoTue, 06 Dec 2022 04:57:18 GMT
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Zimbabwean Robber Shot After Breaking Into A House Belonging To A Member Of SAPS

A Zimbabwean suspected armed robber was shot and injured by his victim whose house the suspect had broken into in the company of two accomplices.

The victim, a serving member of the South African Police Services (SAPS), who had been shot by the intruders, managed to crawl and reach for his service pistol and shot one of his attackers.

The shot suspect was later discovered to be a Zimbabwean, NewsDay reported citing a statement by SAPS issued on Monday.

Limpopo Province Saps spokesperson Colonel Malesela Ledwaba said:

The Provincial Commissioner of Police in Limpopo Lieutenant-General Thembi Hadebe has hailed the response of an off-duty police sergeant whose reaction led to the arrest of one suspect following an incident of a house robbery. The incident happened at Lukau Tshishive village under Mutale policing area in the early hours of Sunday morning, 5 December 2022 at about 01:30.

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The police sergeant, attached to Mutale Saps was attacked in his house, while sleeping with his wife. He was awoken by a loud bang on the door and three unknown males entered the bedroom, one of them carrying a firearm.

The suspect carrying a firearm shot the sergeant on his shoulder and the other suspects dragged the wife to the nearby bushes. The brave sergeant managed to crawl and get his service pistol and retaliated by firing a shot at the suspect who was left behind in the room. The suspect ran out of the house and jumped the fence and disappeared into the bushes. The wife later returned and investigations are unfolding on what could have happened to her

The suspects demanded money and cellphones from the victim and ransacked the room and took some clothes, footwear, ladies’ handbags and a wallet with bank cards.

The wounded Zimbabwean suspect is expected to appear before the Mutale Magistrates Court to face attempted murder and house robbery charges.

A manhunt has been launched for the remaining two suspects.

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Mbavha ngadzibatwe · 2 years ago
The incidences of robberies reported everyday are typical if SA. A research must be done to correlate the pepertrators to having stayed in SA.
Tateguru · 2 years ago
Justifying Operation Dudula. Dzingwai – hamunzwe.
... · 2 years ago
limpopo kkkkkkkk kumusha kune magetsi....mombe ...mbudzi ...machiedf nemagirosaa
· 2 years ago
Imbwa dzavo dzinorara paMattress
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Asi kusango kani pakuzoti near by bush apo ummm last time yemunhu uya wekupfurwa nemapurisa vapotsa mbavha kwataita pakataurwa nezve bush futi
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Dai vanhu ava vema robbery ku zim vaishinga kuti pandikuria hurumwnde yedu
👤 · 2 years ago
zvivindi izvozvo havana vanoda kubira vanhuwo zvavo,vari kutotambura zvavo.
Strings · 2 years ago
maresults anezuro howfar ebhora
Vesto · 2 years ago
Tenga bepa
· 2 years ago
Uyu ajaira H-metro yekupisikisa
Die hard · 2 years ago
haaaaa tichapera kupfurwa nana tsotsi ivava if they return kuno dai vagara havo ikoko zvachose
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Ndo vanhu vachadzingisa vamwe ku south ikoko ava
Tinashe · 2 years ago
mbavha mkati

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