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EU Envoy Meets ZANU PF, CCC Leaders

2 years agoFri, 02 Dec 2022 13:27:12 GMT
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EU Envoy Meets ZANU PF, CCC Leaders

European Union (EU) human rights envoy Eamon Gilmore has met ZANU PF and CCC party leaders where he urged them to work for a peaceful environment ahead of the 2023 general elections.

EU ambassador to Zimbabwe Jobst von Kirchmann on Thursday said Gilmore had met ZANU PF’s finance secretary Patrick Chinamasa and CCC leader Nelson Chamisa. He tweeted:

EU special representative for human rights Eamon Gilmore met with the two main political parties, CCC and ZANU PF.

He recalled the importance of credible and peaceful 2023 elections and encouraged everyone to keep respectful and non-violent rhetoric.

Gilmore is Ireland’s former Deputy Prime Minister, and former Foreign Affairs and Trade minister (2011- 14).

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Since 2015, he has been the EU special envoy for the peace process in Colombia.

The EU recently pledged US$5.9 million to support the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) to conduct a fair and credible election next year. Kirchmann said:

A credible election will allow Zimbabwe to create a prosperous environment and will help the country to achieve its national development strategy.

When I presented my credentials to President Emmerson Mnangagwa in October, I asked him how the EU can support the electoral process next year. He suggested that we support ZEC.

I think it’s a good thing because the EU is committed to supporting Zimbabwe to hold credible and peaceful elections in 2023 and beyond.

| NewsDay



Anonymous · 2 years ago
Kkkk ko Polad ichitungamirirwa naMwonzora haisi opposition here? Pamwe vakati inenge yakamiririrwa naChinamasa Huye Zanu ukapusa inokuita chikorobho chaicho
Raymond Gunda · 2 years ago
@Gb Its your leaders and party Zanu who are crying to be associated with the Americans British et al Where is this Zimbabwe is open for business mantra coming from They desperately want recognition from the so called collonialists
👤 · 2 years ago
uyu anozviti Gb ane kakupenga,kutonyora maziku paragraph achitaura zvisina basa
Vesto · 2 years ago
@GB anofunga kuti zvaakanhonga foni ine WhatsApp GB, it will improve his image on Pindula
Anglebert Tinashe Chilimanzi · 2 years ago
🤣🤣🤣 gb=gure boss
Gb · 2 years ago
Dai MaAmerican and their allies speaks good about our country was better. Manje havatovate vachifunga Zimbabwe Imi mazimbabweans acho mobva mavakuza kuti ndivo manje zvinototiwedzera jealous tikuudzei maccc. Offcourse Nyika ndeyedu tose but aka muchine pfungwa yokuberekwa hamusati makura. Tichazokuvhotera kana morega ku bigger nekuda support dze vakanga vakati dzvinyirira titori negodo Boyz ndikuudzei takarasikirwa nevazhinji Tinozviziva munoti zvakapfuura asi muti, panoti wakatemwa haukanganwe
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Zvamurimi vanaGb murikuzhamba muchingoti masanctions nokuda kuita rejoin Commonwealth I think you have got a very shallow mind wangu or maybe weZanu
Worzell Gummidge · 2 years ago
@GB. (Green Bomber). Mhuri yaMtuli Ncube inogara kuSwitzerland. Matwins aMngangagwa aitimbogara kuBritain. Nurse Aid Nick Mangwana aigara kuUK ndiko kune vana vake. Mwanasikana waKembo Mohadi uya akaiswa kuZEC akadzidza kuAustralia, murume wake murungu. Last born yaChris Mutsvangwa iri kugara kuCanada kuchikoro. Iwe uri paPindula pemahara munyika isina magetsi uchitaura patriotism yausinganzwisise. Ana ED vachitumuna Rhamaphosa kunokumbira kuti Zimbabwe idzokere muCommonwealth under Britain.
Gb · 2 years ago
Problem with us ndeye kuda zvemahara muchizonzwa government ichiti munotengesa Nyika munozonyanya Boyz dze ccc kunamata vane mari Zimbabwe yakarwirwa pasina mari now you are talking about someone who donate 6 meter ndoziva tisingadi hatina nguva nevanhu avo isu chedu tinotamba nevanotambika navo kwete vasina vate vakatarira Nyika yedu
mtt · 2 years ago
watohumana humana vemutoriro veccc
Gb · 2 years ago
Ed has more important things to Do as the president of Republic zim where as mukomana he is not yet occupied with any national duty thus why that envoy found a chance to have a dialogue with him. To all ccc member it not arguable that triple C is amoung big parties in zim but it is a newly born baby, thus why our government said mdc Mwonzora is also a big recognised party
· 2 years ago
Hehehehede.... What's more important than re-election? All the setting up of 4ED groups, opening boreholes and Blair Toilets, woshaya nguva yekuona someone donating US$6 million? Goreketai tusvinu mhanduwe
OG · 2 years ago
Mwanzora 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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