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Zambian Politician Says "It’s Rain Season, Kariba Dam Is Full, Unless There's Another Kariba"

2 years agoTue, 29 Nov 2022 05:47:27 GMT
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Zambian Politician Says "It’s Rain Season, Kariba Dam Is Full, Unless There's Another Kariba"

A Zambian politician and member of the ruling United Party for National Development (UPND) has said the Kariba Dam is full and power generation is being conducted normally.

Joseph Kalimbwe‘s remarks come as the Zambezi River Authority (ZRA) has advised the Zimbabwe Power Company (ZPC), a subsidiary of ZESA Holdings, that it has already used more water than it had been allocated, therefore, must shut down its Kariba Hydro Power Station (Kariba South Bank Power Station) power plant until at least January 2023 to allow the dam to refill, according to Pindula News.

Kariba Hydro Power Station is Zimbabwe’s only reliable power plant, as Hwange Thermal Power Station constantly breaks down due to ageing equipment while the other smaller thermal power plants, such as Harare, Bulawayo, and Munyati are also unreliable due to coal shortages.

The closure of the plant could worsen Zimbabwe’s power crisis.

In response to the development, Kalimbwe who is a staunch critic of the Zimbabwean government expressed shock. He said in a post seen by Pindula News:

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It’s rain season, the Kariba Dam is full. We have full electricity generation this side – perhaps with some issues in certain areas. But unless there is another Kariba, I don’t see why others are claiming and telling their people that the dam is empty!!!

I trust the science, if you say the Zambezi river is empty in August or October, I will understand. If you say it’s empty in December – during rain season – you are peddling political lies !!!

Zambia has 3 456.8MW of installed electricity generation capacity, of which about 85% is hydro-based.

In July 2022, Zambia declared that the country has a surplus capacity of about 1 000 megawatts (MW) at a time the country is also enjoying an economic rebound.

Although there are pockets of private sector activity in the generation, transmission, and distribution, the vast majority of power in Zambia is operated by ZESCO, the vertically integrated state-owned utility. 

However, the sector is opening up to new IPPs for on-grid and off-grid transactions.

The government of Zambia expects to bring online additional MW of solar, hydro, and thermal power through 2030. 

Following the announcement that Kariba water levels were reaching unusable levels, Zambia’s power utility, ZESCO Limited, said there will be no load shedding in Zambia as the existing generation capacity can provide consistent power to its local customers, Pindula News previously reported.

ZESCO Limited Board Chairperson Vickson N’cube said Zambia no longer relies on Kariba Dam alone and has the cushion of the 750 MW Kafue Gorge Lower Power Station that will be fully operational at the end of November 2022.

Kariba has a generation capacity of 2 130 megawatts split between Zambia and Zimbabwe, which are separated by the Zambezi. 

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Anonymous · 2 years ago
kkk Kariba hakuna mvura.
HomeTrackOrg · 2 years ago
Quorta share is used mainly when 2 or more people/organisations share the same resource. Whatever one uses is recorded cumulatively toward your budgetted target. if it's exhausted you won't have anything else to use. hazvisi kureva kuti mvura haimo miKariba asi kuti share yedu takapedza. tokumbira Zambia kuti Tishandisewo fraction yavo kana zvichiita or start consuming next year's quorta.
Grandpa Rick · 2 years ago
Yah nhasi even kana unenharo, people cane with tangible facts concerning the Kariba issue. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Guys musanyeperwe the new steal plant ndoirikushandisa a third of electricity generated by zim
Jah 🇿🇼 Tsvarie-07 · 2 years ago
Most of Kariba water comes from Congo 🤔 is it rain season ikoko here?
convict · 2 years ago
This kalimbwe guy is just an attention seeker asade kuitisa vanhu marombe zim side rine maturbines harina mvura.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
This kalimbwe guy is just an attention seeker asade kuitisa vanhu marombe zim side rine maturbines harina mvura.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Unoshanda kuKariba hydro power here urikutiudza kuti side redu kuzim hakuna mvura asi side reku Zambia ndiri rine mvura. Utikwanire nekusupporter zvisirizvi iwe. Hautonyari urikugara mucherima asi unobvuma kuita brain wash zvakadaro nevanhu vasina hanya nevanhu vavanofanirwa kunge vachitungamirira kwete kutonga nechisimba.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Zviripachena kuti tikureverwa nhema. Kusanyara kwacho. Apa unoona rimwe richiti pamberi nezanu pf zvinonyadzisa hu**** hwacho.🤣🤣🤣
Farai Sonzawabura · 2 years ago
Hapana anogara kuKariba here or akasvikako these days atiudze kuti zvakamira sei kkkkkkkk
· 2 years ago
kana mukati kalimbwe anonyepa,ko magetsi ehusiku zviri kumbofamba sei chaizvo.🤔🤔
MuPfungwe Chaiye · 2 years ago
Chandaona chiri kupedza mvura muKariba ingura (rust).irimumichina yeHEPS kuZim side. How come the other side kune mvura and the other one yapera asi tsime rimwe haaa imi tiitirei mushe 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Cde hondo · 2 years ago
Zanu pf must go.... You have failed this once great nation.
DUB POET · 2 years ago
Catchment of Zambezi is in DRC, right in the Rainforest. So together with our rain season Kariba might have enough water to generate electricity. Zim politicians are great liers
Dofo · 2 years ago
Mukwane rain season is just starting kupi isu takutopedza kusakura
Sir African · 2 years ago
Zambezi river starts in the equatorial forest of DRC where it's water catchment is so you cannot say it's water levels are not determined by the rainfall of Zimbabwe. Lairs and propagandistic maroons peddling misinformation.
· 2 years ago
Zambia is putting Zimbabwe to shame 😂 😂 😂 😂 That is the power of the opposition. Well run "H. H" 👍
munetsi Wilbert · 2 years ago
idzi nhai hadzis munya vemuna October here kkkkk I think that official akadziburitsa kuPindula forgot to use past tense kkkk
TT · 2 years ago
Iwe kwana who is the fake son of David
nxaaaa · 2 years ago
mukuti anorwara apa iye nyika yake haina load shedding isu tiri murima saka anorwara ipapa ndiani nxaaaaa
nxaaaa · 2 years ago
murikuti anorwara but nyika yake haina load shedding imi muri murima. Saka anorwara ndiani ipapa nxaaaaa
Putin · 2 years ago
Kariba dam is fed by the Zambezi river and other tributaries. Where the Zambezi River comes from rain season yakatotanga kare so the dam is full.
Ta@aa · 2 years ago
Mazimba hamudi kuudzwa chokwadi .Madiro amunoita Zanu kunyange mukafamba makashama munenge muchingoti Ed pfee .Zanu yauraya nyika hapana kana paunoti ukatarisa wogutsikana kuti zvirikufamba .Zvese yava kiyakiya muzimbambwe.Zambia irikukuudzai imi moramba kwavo hakuna mapowercuts imi moramba vachitora magetsi pamurikunzi hapana mvura.
Anglebert Tinashe Chilimanzi · 2 years ago
someone in kariba tibatsireiwo.is it empty or is full?
Lawson Gunyuka · 2 years ago
1st Kalimbwe isnt a Zambian Gvt official.2nd He is nothing but an ignorant loudmouth!
Sabhuku · 2 years ago
Ko makazodii ne power station yaifanirwa kupera this November? Considering nhasi ndi 29... Tichadiizve na Wickneil?
PVC · 2 years ago
water in Zambezi is not rain collected from Zimbabwean rivers only it comes as far as DRC guys
King👑👑 · 2 years ago
So you mean there is no contribution of rivers and rain all the way from DRC it's just a closed tunnel which opens in Zimbabwe to turn into a river don't shy away from the truth face the reality 🤣🤣🤣
Joe · 2 years ago
Saka Zanu ndiyo inotaura chokwadi kupusa kwemamwe maZimba taneta nenyaya yekariba apa vachingoba Mari haipere kugadzirwa yakaita sei 20 years kuchingonetsa Zanu is ful of thieves
CT · 2 years ago
l think this guy is Crazy, Rain season ichiri kutotanga obva oti Kariba yatozara. small dams like vana lake Chivero in Harare haasati atombozara ko kuzoti Lake Kariba. he is just exposing himself kuti haana njere.
PVC · 2 years ago
mvura idzahwii
Static major · 2 years ago
I don't think the dam has to be full fr it to generate electricity, it surely must have an operational capacity for us to use whist we anticipate its full capacity by the end of the rain season Kariba dam doesn't have to be necessarily full so we light up Zimbabwe
CT · 2 years ago
l think this guy is Crazy, Rain season ichiri kutotanga obva oti Kariba yatozara. small dams like vana lake Chivero in Harare haasati atombozara ko kuzoti Lake Kariba. he is just exposing himself kuti haana njere.
Sir African · 2 years ago
Zambezi river has its water catchment in DRC and Zambia so the lairs and propagandistic peddling maroons should find another lie.
DJ Kariba Levels · 2 years ago
Kalimbwe murwere Imagine he is the spokesperson were the tiling party in Zambia
nxaaaaaa · 2 years ago
mukuti anorwara apa iye nyika yake haina load shedding isu tiri murima saka anorwara ipapa ndiani nxaaaaa
xyz · 2 years ago
Zambia is generating electricity from the empty Kariba,kkkkkkk,zesa used more water ....we don't know for what,if it was for power generation then where is the power, guys chinhu chaora ichi kunhuwa zvekupedza mvura muKariba.
Citizen · 2 years ago
Zambia is putting Zimbabwe to shame 😂 😂 😂 Power of the opposition. Well done H. H..
VYBZ KARTEL · 2 years ago
Murikuiona hama ya Chamisa iyi inogara ichitaura manyepo sa sahwira wake
That Guy · 2 years ago
toziva zvipi manje
Registered Voter · 2 years ago
Kalimbwe anonyepa. Being s critic does not mean u abandon facts
Tateguru · 2 years ago
Kkkkk anenhema uyo. Kariba haisi dziva rinozara muna November unless there is another Kariba.
Maparamuro · 2 years ago
Zikomo kwambili
Sly · 2 years ago
The Lying Government
Chinese zodiac · 2 years ago
Ini ndaizvidoubter nemuzariroowakaita zambezi river izvezvi
Worzell Gummidge · 2 years ago
The Zanu government is full of lies, deceit, propaganda & malicious shenanigans towards its own people. They are saving millions by switching off electricity generation. Some of the saved money will be looted & some will be used for campaigns & election rigging in 2023. Ask yourself why Zambia is producing enough electricity from the same Kariba Dam that Zany Pf claims to have unusable levels of water? When electricity is switched on at midnight till early morning, dies it mean the dam will be full at night only? 42 years in power without building new electric power stations. 42 years of lies and excuses and they want another 5 years to continue looting & destroying. The party of senile gerontocrats & haggard harridans must go ASAP.
· 2 years ago
ende zvakatoomesa chaiko
Citizen · 2 years ago
🤭🤭🤭 kubva zvakaomazve

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