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Dynamos Says City Of Harare Is Being Run By School Dropouts After Rufaro Stadium Deal Collapse

2 years agoMon, 21 Nov 2022 17:36:43 GMT
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Dynamos Says City Of Harare Is Being Run By School Dropouts After Rufaro Stadium Deal Collapse

Dynamos Football Club has castigated the City of Harare after energy company Sakunda Holdings walked away from a deal with the local authority to upgrade Rufaro Stadium.

DeMbare wanted to play home games in Mbare next year and the club had hoped that the agreement signed by Sakunda Holdings and the council earlier this year would give Rufaro stadium a much-needed facelift.

Addressing the media on Friday, Dynamos spokesperson Tinashe Farawo suggested that the local authority is being run by school dropouts who do not appreciate the value of football. Said Farawo:

We condemn in strongest terms what is happening at the Harare City council.

I think football, at the end of the day, should be the winner. We are not happy with what happened and it must not be allowed to continue.

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I think to us, as a club, we want to encourage the formal legislature to, at least revisit, the requirements for one to be elected into office.

Some of these people who are running our cities are just school dropouts who do not appreciate the value of football.

We are exploring other options but we have made it clear. We are appealing to the central government to help us in this regard so that people are called to order.

Why would people not want development? It is going to benefit everyone we should all be proud of business people who are willing to help.

Earlier this month, Sakunda Holdings notified Harare mayor Jacob Mafume that it had formally withdrawn the deal to partner with Harare City Council to refurbish Rufaro Stadium.

The company said it was withdrawing from the partnership due to “untruthful and malicious allegations” emanating from the local authority. |



CC4ED · 2 years ago
Pano pane ne maschool dropouts, dzokerai kuchikoro vana vevhu it's never too late If Sakunda want to develop sport they should build their own stadium, land vanopiwa neZanu
wasu · 2 years ago
Dynamos yacho naTagwirei wacho ngavangogadzira ravoka ground voregedza kungotinyangadza nekuda kungotipinzira politics padzisingakwani, insteady of pushing for the Fifa ban sunctions lifting muwane kutambawo bhora svinu muchitengwawo kunedzimwe nyika plus more sponsers imi moswera muchitiudza zvisina
rei de o selva · 2 years ago
The problem is E.D.
Sir African · 2 years ago
Dynamos must just sit down and shut up.What happened to the land they were given in Waterfalls in 80s?
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Saka PINDULA yavaku filter mamwe ma words nhayi and they replace your word with ****
Raymond Gunda · 2 years ago
Elon Musk is not a drop out but but Bill Gates is
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Is not Dynamos being played for by high school dropouts
r truth · 2 years ago
politics aside asi zvataurwa nedembare zvine kahuchokwadi mukati unotoshaya kuti creteria inosevenzeswa be these political parties pamacllr ndeipi is it munhu anechivindi here or Ari loyal tinombotarisei patinosarudza macllrs Aya you find kwandogara 3/4 yemacllrs achoso hapana zvosivikanwa kugona kurova slogan chete ndosaka ma town clerk be ma council management vachiita madiro ajojina nokuti varikuziva kuti titi kudealer nezvituta zvinechivindi chokupinda mupolitics but no brains.mungatuke zvenyu asi chokwadi mukuchiziva kuti vanhu vamwe vatirikusarudza kuti vatimiririre kumakanzura kana kuti tivati tungamirirayi kahwindi chaiwo havakwane.saka wotowona kuti change yatirikuda ndeyipi isu tichisarudza zvituta zvisingazive kana chinonzi budget chaiyo hapana kwatiri kuyenda we are moving in it ZANU or CCC as long kuchinhoyi Chamuka inyama hapana kwatoyenda.cllr wekwangu for example is a grade seven drop out haatozive kuverenga maminutes anotoverengerwa Baba vepanext door wotowona kuti hapana.
biden · 2 years ago
Crazy why not build your own stadium if you are a big team, its like asking the landlord to renovate the house kana waona kuti waramba you move to the next house, vakai renyu
Falot · 2 years ago
Any chance sakunda will take the resources and partner gomo hospital where the investment is also needed
convict · 2 years ago
If the deal wasnt good n fair who signed the MOU pokutanga,pasvika politics dzemu zim pakaipa wherby politicians are taking povo for granted,
Ndini · 2 years ago
Are you still ignorant @Dynamos that any development in Zim is attached to a political party which has the majority in that area? Good example: in one area citizens saw the need to construct a police base, mobilized resources and surely it was built. Three years down the line,no police is using the facility until now. Reason: it was built by the opposition. The same applies to Rufaro stadium. Sadly that is what we have to face in our beloved country.
juru · 2 years ago
I'm sorry olive my wife
gogodera · 2 years ago
90% of soccer players are school dropouts ndatopedzaso kunyanya vanotambira nevakambotambira dynamos
disco · 2 years ago
mtt kungorotomok makdyiswa nezanu uchafa uribwa uchida matshirt 43years pasina chabuda
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Dynamos Football Club is the one that has always been run by crooks and school drop outs That club has made loads of money but havana kana kaground kadiki Sakunda ndeyanaMupurwa saka there is no way it can work with a CCC run council Farawo or what ever his name is must first get his facts right before talking n-o-n-s-e-n-s-e
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Dynamos is trying to fight for their sponsors without giving us the terms of the mou. Give us the facts
Howard Ndaruza · 2 years ago
motor action sports club. was even far much better than ds so called dembare
Vesto · 2 years ago
Dynamos shouldn't parrot Sakunda's position. Rufaro Stadium belongs to the community and not Dynamos. Kana uchida Stadium vakai yenyu. Where in the world would anyone of sound mind lease a stadium out for 40 years in exchange for Sakunda putting up plastic chairs? Kana Sakunda yacho ine mari ngaikuvakirei stadium yenyu.
Howard Ndaruza · 2 years ago
zviripachena izvoo whu doesn't know kt dembare ndokutiiiko
Gwedu · 2 years ago
vana Dembare imi muri ku ranwa na ECD takubvunzai here? Siyai local governance muite zve nhabvu kana mada siyai nhabvu muuye ku governance tione🤔
govidho rijimoti · 2 years ago
There are some learned i d i o t s and wise dropouts, as a matter of fact Mark Zuckerberg is a college dropout, Elon Musk is a college dropout, on the other hand ED Mnangagwa has got degrees and is even a lawyer, matemadanda has got a doctorate. Some are knowledgeable, Some are wise
Crde Van Gal · 2 years ago
Tagwirei ndewe ZANU ma Councilors ndewe CCC .Chi chingapuda ipapa ? Tagwirei haangabvise mari .arikuda kuti vanhu va blamme ma Councilors.
Cash-talker · 2 years ago
Dynamos being a football club should be ashamed of making such an unnecessary and unwise statement. This is actually an insult to some football players. Iam saying so because some great football players we have today are school dropouts for one reason or another. This is just an insult. They ought to look at the problem as it is than to say nonsense. If ever what they are saying is anything to go by, then probably they themselves are school dropouts judging by the way they have been running their club.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
I think Tagwirei happy where ever he is. His aim was to turnish the name of our city Council. Deal ravo was never meant to materialise koz Tagwirei is Zanu Pf and HCC is CCC, the two can't mix properly. Deal rakadaro rinongobuda if one side is silently killing the other, just like when Tsvangirai was given the post a pri-minister, he didn't know the favour would be paid by his blood.
mukmeric · 2 years ago
kutosiya zvebhora moda politics 😂😂😂😂dembare soo
Chinese zodiac · 2 years ago
Mashoko makukutu ataurwa apo ngatimauchirirei maoko Harare city council kamusangano kema**** vasina kupedza chikoro zvichitangira kukamukuru kacho keccc anomuka kachiti kakuda kutungamirira nyika kkkk kanoiziva nyika kuti inotingwa sei hapana kwazvanomboenda zvinhu zvese zvinoitwa neccc tarisai rufaro vabata vasiya ,pomona deal same same marara mvura ndizvozvo kaleague kema**** kachiutsi clinging club
mtt · 2 years ago
councils run by morons ccc destroying zimbabwe sabotaging everything zvibwasungata
mukmeric · 2 years ago
makambonzwa materms achona hre mongorotomoka
mtt · 2 years ago
whatever the terms they dont have the money money for garbage collection, water reticulation, stadium renovation they only have money salaries and perks. numskulls
mukmeric · 2 years ago
sk tingataurei nemunhu asiri kuziva materms zvobatsirei kt munhu 1 oita profit nyika ichitambura
instead of saying such statements for the ban imposed on ZIFA for not playing regional and international games, you busy crying for the stadium issues small small issues than we want to play regional and international football again.
Now I get it they are saying all this to second their bosses hanti phela the partner to the stadium deal same happens to be the sponser. They just saying this to get more slices of the cake. no doubt
Irene Phiri · 2 years ago
world cup updates pliz
Crde Van Gal · 2 years ago
Netherlands 2 Senegal 0
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Yadah FC owns a stadium at yadah villa hotel prospect....
Mlotshwa · 2 years ago
Please Dynamos itai zveBhora.Imimi pamakambopinda muChampiona league final,mari wakaisepi,mungadai makatenga ground renyu.
Worzell Gummidge · 2 years ago
Rufaro Stadium belongs to the Residents & Ratepayers of Harare. It is operated by the Harare City Council on behalf of the residents & ratepayers of Harare City. Hence, the HCC has the legal right to refuse any deal which is not beneficial to the Residents. The stadium is a public asset & public assets must be protected from greedy & gruby individuals like Tagwirei. The Pomona Dumpsite Deal imposed on the HCC by July Moyo is a good example of public asset stripping by politically exposed persons. Delfish Nguwaya is being paid millions of dollars for that crooked deal. Tinashe Farawo is ignorant of these facts. A serious football club must own it's own stadium. Dynamos rents the stadium from the HCC & cannot, therefore, tell the property owner what to do with their property. In any case, Mayor Jacob Mafume is a fully fledged lawyer who has a master's degree & I think he is studying for a PHD. Why should the HCC give away an entire stadium for 30 years in exchange for plastic chairs? Tagwirei should build his own stadium & do with it as he pleases.
Sir Vast · 2 years ago
I concur with you, dynamos fc Is an extension of a political party,,, and that club is going to fail dismally come 2023
👍 · 2 years ago
Maparamuro · 2 years ago
Dynamos is a stakeholder in HCC and like all other stakeholders has every right to voice their concern over how football facilities are being managed by the city council. Politics affects football so Dynamos has every right to be involved in the political affairs of HCC. It's ignoramus to suggest that anyone should stay out of politics. What HCC is doing about Rufaro and other sports facilities is wrong and should be condemned in the strongest terms. That there are school dropouts in HCC is a public secret ask all former Mayor's of Harare including the current mayor, the same applies to the parliament. Reason why people vote along party lines is they can't think for themselves and the people who vote for them, party bosses tell them what to do
Maparamuro · 2 years ago
Name one football club that own a stadium in Zimbabwe. Even inn the developed economies like UK where football is a billion dollar business there are big clubs that rent stadia because they don't have their own. Some would prefer to keep Rufaro in its run down state just because Mafume is saying so. Mafume and HCC will never be able to raise the capital to refurbish Rufaro to the standard Tagwirei can. Harare residents are not paying rates and there is nothing Mafume can do about it. It's better to lease Rufaro to someone who has the cash to refurbish it to the Fifa standards than keep it in its current state where the same council is not getting anything out of it and the structure is deteriorating.
mukmeric · 2 years ago
@worzell true🖐️🖐️🖐️
Worzell Gummidge · 2 years ago
Ah. Kweteka. Say no to Public Asset Stripping by crooked cronies of the Political Mafia such as Selfish Ngowaya & Kuda Tagwirei. Harare City Council can finance refurbishment of Stadiums by borrowing from Development Banks & levying the residents to repay the public debt. Once Rufaro Stadium is taken over by Zany PF linked individuals, the opposition will be barred from using that stadium for political gatherings such as star rallies. Only Zanu PF will be allowed to use that stadium for its meetings. That's why Ignatius Chombo with the assistance of Frederich Mabamba sold every open space in Chitungwiza in order to deprive opposition supporters of a place to meet & organise. As for school drop-outs, ZANU PF has its fair share. I know a Skilled Rebhara who still cannot read his own name after 42 years of misrule. The so called Skombatens & Woe Korabhoretaz were children who played truent from school and ran away to the forests of Mozambique & Zambia where they smoked Ganja until they became murderous potheads.

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