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Mnangagwa Donates Farming Equipment, Bus To Solusi University

2 years agoMon, 14 Nov 2022 07:04:48 GMT
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Mnangagwa Donates Farming Equipment, Bus To Solusi University

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has donated farming implements and a bus to the Seventh-day Adventist-run Solusi University in Figtree.

The equipment includes tractors with ploughs, planters, harrows, and a 40-seater bus.

The donation was handed over to Solusi University at the institution’s 26th graduation ceremony by the guest of honour and businessman Kudakwashe Tagwirei.

Tagwirei is the founder and chief executive of Sakunda Holdings and an elder in the SDA church.

He said to complement the President’s donation, he donated a 60-seater bus, 10-tonne and four-tonne trucks, and three tractors to the university. Said Tagwirei:

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The President says he wants to help Solusi because it has 3 000 hectares of land, hence the donation of the tractor and other implements.

The President said he is concerned about the children, and the University students and has donated a 40-seater bus.

The President does not speak to the gallery like others, the bus is here, the tractor is here.

… We want the university to be self-sufficient, and as such we shall assist the university with setting up solar energy and fixing the sewer and water reticulation systems and all this will take 18 months to be completed.

We want Solusi to be self-sustainable and the trust will raise funds to go into commercial activities.

And we are going to help you to make use of your land through the institutions that you know.

Tagwirei said salaries for workers at Solusi will be increased by 50 per cent and the university will now offer allowances to lecturers.

He also said the university will reduce prices for food at the canteen from US$2 to 50 cents.

Deputy Minister of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation, Tino Machakaire gave the university a 75-horse power tractor with all the implements that go with it.

Managing director at Fossil Contracting Obey Chimuka donated a car for the Vice Chancellor’s wife and another for one of the University’s Deans.

Trek Petroleum Managing director Innocent Mugwisi donated a car and fuel amounting to 5 000 litres per month for the next 18 months to the newly set up Solusi University Development Trust.

371 students graduated with degrees or diplomas. Solusi University Chancellor Micah Choga presided over the proceedings. | The Herald



Anonymous · 2 years ago
Bhoooo here zvamurikuita
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Thanks you Mr President siyabonga
Dean · 2 years ago
"Obey Chimuka donated a car for the vice Chancellor's wife"😏was that necessary or if they had added that car to the fleet of dilapidated ambulances it was going to save a life ,,all these dean's have plenty of cars already dzavanopuhwa ne university which become theirs after a certain period
g · 2 years ago
it's a game of calculation cde obey is securing a lifetime tender of supplying office furniture and stationery to th var,also all agric inputs seed,fertilizer,herbicide,also all xul sundries so in life u need to give so that u will receive more ,gatya uchisupplier stationery paSolusi from bondpaper kusvika kumatissue over 10years unenge Wayne marii kamotor kaaendesa ako ndeke 23ks USD imari ye3months chete iyo
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Solusi its a private institution, yet the president is donating there just because its a Seventh day run university in which Tagwireyi is an Elder. Its like thd gvt donating computers pa Gateway School or pa Hellenic, this is madness.
g · 2 years ago
media is misleading you the deal is Solusi will repay these over 10years ,no free rides like that in Zim wake-up cde
topi · 2 years ago
that's my university better here ed
Crde Van Gal · 2 years ago
Tagwirei for ED Solusi for ****
5 · 2 years ago
Political milage kkkk taking people for granted, kkk the timing
Zimdollar · 2 years ago
Church capture
Maparamuro · 2 years ago
Are these personal donations??
Doug · 2 years ago
The report should also mention the sources of money used to buy the tractors, buses, lorries and cars, and, also for the upgrade of salaries and allowances and canteen subsidy.
· 2 years ago
All the companies mentioned are Tagwireyi owned
dolla · 2 years ago

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