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Kuda Tagwirei Opens Up On Command Agriculture, Denies Stealing US$3 Billion

2 years agoMon, 14 Nov 2022 04:43:42 GMT
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Kuda Tagwirei Opens Up On Command Agriculture, Denies Stealing US$3 Billion

Businessman Kuda Tagwirei has denied allegations of misappropriating US$3 billion in State funds under the Command Agriculture programme.

He commented on the allegations while officiating a graduation ceremony at Solusi University where he was a guest of honour.

The US$3 billion was released by the government during the 2017 and 2018 agricultural seasons but was not accounted for by the agricultural ministry according to a report by the Auditor General.

Tagwirei, who sponsors the programme, said it has been successful and those who speak up against it are mere detractors. He said:

I did a project proposal for contract farming which we now call Command Agriculture and I had a problem because there was what was called the RTGS at that time and there was no money which was moving out of the country, so I had this problem but at the same time, there was this bigger problem in the country.

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I gave them (the proposal) in 2015, the government took one year thinking about it and when they were thinking about it they had offers from other people to do the same programme.

My interest rate was the lowest. It was 4%. When we started the programme, no one thought it was going to succeed and no one talked about it.

When it was successful in 2017, the US Agriculture Department wrote that Zimbabwe was doing one of the best things in command agriculture.

(But) when they began to think about who I was supporting and that I was supporting the government of the day, they then said he stole US$3 billion and I was placed on sanctions.

So, this is what I was trying to do. To try and make the land become successful.

The government-funded Command Agriculture programme was ostensibly established to ensure food security.

However, critics say the programme has been used to loot funds by the political elite and their business associates. |



farmer · 2 years ago
Just sink borehole infrastructure for all small scale farmers in the country i.e their plots. Sanctions and poverty will be defeated like never b4. Those boreholes will stand for generations to come.
@clarity · 2 years ago
nothing seams fish or benefit yes can wrote what ever we feel to express but it doesn't matter what matter is not who is ruling but the people who are being ruled
I want to urge His Excellency Advocate President ED Mnangagwa to engage either Auditor General or ZACC to audit and investigate respectively. [ THERE IS NO SMOKE WHERE THERE IS NO FIRE ]. [ CITIZENS ARE TIRED OF ZANU PF AND ARE READY TO DUMP IT AT THE HARMONISED ELECTIONS ]. Yours truly William Sonboy CHINEMBIRI [THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC].
· 2 years ago
thank you maparamuro nekutakura chokwadi
kk · 2 years ago
vote for change Chamisa chete chete
Maparamuro · 2 years ago
Command agriculture is succeeding on Mars. Zimbabwe is still importing basic food like wheat and maize and Kuda sees success, that's madness. Indeed it's a looting vehicle, it's zanupf bosses and their surrogates who are benefiting not the masses. At grassroots a councillor gets inputs for a hectare or more while the general povo gets 2kgs seed and a bucket of fertiliser. The amount of inputs increases as you go higher in the hierarchy where MPs and ministers have inputs for 100 hectares and never payback even a single cent. What's worse is these people will sell the inputs on the black market, they never invest them on the land hence the need to import food every year. We the people on the ground know the truth. You cannot fund farmers through zanupf, genuine funding is done through banks and backed by collateral. Iyi yamuri kuita tirikuiona zvedu musanyepere vanhu
Makalamba · 2 years ago
Wataura chokwadi apo zvinoda kasystem soo
Guvhudende · 2 years ago
the truth has been said
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Motaura zvamusingaziwe for clout. Kupi kurikupihwa wanhu mabucket efertiliser kkkkk nyaraiwo kkkk
zim 1 zim1 · 2 years ago
Asalif · 2 years ago
Lair and evil you were not contracting farmers but you was given a tender to supply the government itself with farming inputs and the government payed you upfront for the inputs you did not supply . And where is the Command agriculture right now if you are contracting farmers??
SlowActingPoison · 2 years ago
He definitely is having sleepless nights now. Conscience knawing on his inside like slow acting poison. Ndozvinoita hundjire or greediness and personalising national resources. You still 50kg bag of maize from someone womuunzira 2kg yemaputi kuti unzi uri mutsvene. You kill someone at night and during the day you appear at the funeral and offer a coffin to the bereaved. Mwari anoona.
??? · 2 years ago
Soviet Union Leader · 2 years ago
hapana zvamataurawo imi. it's steal✔️ not still
SlowActingPoison · 2 years ago
@ no name. Thank you for the gorekshen. I wanted to type 'steal' not 'still'. Dai nyika ichitongwa nechidhoma chinenge iwe zvokwadi tava kure kure.
juru · 2 years ago
sorry mukadzi wangu Olivia

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