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CCC Challenges Courts To Be Impartial

2 years agoWed, 09 Nov 2022 10:35:44 GMT
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CCC Challenges Courts To Be Impartial

The opposition CCC has raised concerns over what it says is the “shrinking electoral environment” in the country.

On Tuesday, CCC held a Press conference at Media Centre in Harare to update the media on issues to do with elections as the country prepares for general elections in 2023.

Speaking at the Press conference, CCC secretary for elections Ian Makone, challenged courts and the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) to assert their independence from ZANU PF. Said Makone:

The Nyatsime 14, who include legislators Job Sikhala (Zengeza West) and Godfrey Sithole (Chitungwiza North), have spent 147 days (in prison) without trial causing distress to their families, but they remain motivated.

We emphasise and call upon the Judiciary to separate itself from the clutches of the regime. ZANU PF is in a panic mode which is why it has resorted to violence.

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To the police, I say, reports were made in Insiza, Matobo, and Chirumanzu but no one has been arrested. Are we not correct to say that the police have been captured?

And ZEC (Zimbabwe Electoral Commission) — the Constitution mandates it to take measures and systems to eliminate electoral violence and other malpractices.

Justice Priscillah Chigumba (ZEC chairperson) should come out in the open to tell us what those measures have done. If they cannot, we are right to conclude that they (ZEC) are captured.

CCC had to reconvene the Press conference after it was initially disrupted by suspected ZANU PF youths who had barricaded the Media Centre.

The assailants later entered the building and took away CCC banners and materials meant to be used during the Press conference.

CCC spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere, Makone and his deputy Ellen Shiriyedenga were forced to escape through the back door as suspected ZANU PF youths mobbed the Media Centre. | NewsDay



Muchama · 2 years ago
Koiwe payiurawa tsvangirayi wayivepi senganayi neccc yenyu munotongera america ikoko hapana chinhu chinonzwisa urombo sekutongwa nemunhu wausingadi ende kuneunotonga zvinonakidza seyi zvamukuyita zvakafanana negonzo rabatwa nechiribhani wona richitambisa tukumbo asi hazvichashandi nekuti hachicharegedzi mazino anenge achitowedzera kubata chaiko
tukes · 2 years ago
zanupf ndikokuti Zimbabwe ccc ndikokuti america.nyika inotongwa nevene vayo.ichigarwa nevene vayo.uchapera zanupf ichingotonga.dzokai musiyane nekudzingirira mhepo.
tukes · 2 years ago
hapana chisingaperi ASI zanupf haiperi.ichavapo kusvika murufu.ndiyo yakaita kuti musununguke kizvika pakuituka noku foma zvima party .
lex mukombachoto · 2 years ago
T.Rex · 2 years ago
Nero ,ED naNick Mangwana ngavambouya paPindula panonaka kkkkkk
Which courts should be impartial. All of the organization in Zimbabwe whether independent or government organisations are zanusified God bress Pumura
Registered Voter · 2 years ago
asi Patriot ari right the system is zanufied and one party stare itori nani. I second the patriot on his argument.
Irvin Kaunda · 2 years ago
in this world created by the almighty nothing nothing lasts for ever inguva chete vana Smith vaiti never in a thousand years unfortunately he was a far better manager than ma circus atowona since 1980 cry my beloved country
Byron Chitanga · 2 years ago
taura zvako muzukuru wangu, Simiti aive chikara pakufambisa nyika asi zvakazongopera, aya matofo aya hakuna kwaanosvika zvawo. asi uchenjere kuvurawa sezita rako.
,,, Dott · 2 years ago
Keep on complaining iwe kaccc,, but wakangofanana nembwa isina mazino inopedzera hasha mukuhukura
Wisdom · 2 years ago
I'll beat you y'all dead
patriot · 2 years ago
sandizvo zvega zviri pa comment zve one party State. Zvimwe zvacho watozviona kuti ichokwadi chisingarambike.
Vesto · 2 years ago
It would require a Doctoral Thesis to respond to all your verbal diarrhoea. So the best is to respond only to your eternal theme- the flawed One-party-State. The preceding arguments thereby fall away once the conclusion is ripped apart
rei de o selva · 2 years ago
@ Anonymous 🤣🤣🤣🤣 a country led by people of the Early Stone Age Period.
rei de o selva · 2 years ago
One party yechiii ZANU makauraya Tsvangirayi maakuda kuuraya futi Chamisa manje hakuna izvozvo
patriot · 2 years ago
They will never be impartial bcoz the whole system is zanufied. They were all appointed by the President who is a Zanu pf so they must also return to him some form of favour. Africa will never be patterned to conform with the Western type of Democracy. It simply needs its own kind of democracy siting the kind of civilisation that we have at the moment in this Era. Fairness will never exist in this country that's day dreaming. Africa is still backward there are more issues at stake than this Western type democractic ideal. One Party State is the only way forward.
· 2 years ago
iyo one party state unoida zvokuti,pese pawaisa comment ingori one party state.ramba uchirota kudaro
Blue💙 says · 2 years ago
kkkkk yah anoida kwazvo. From today his new name is One Party State
Byron Chitanga · 2 years ago
@patriot, hatidi dhomokirasi ye mhando iri mudehenya rako iroro.
pk · 2 years ago
hakusi kutota ndizvo zviripo. just name 1 political party in zimbabwe besides Zanu pf. we only have pressure groups CCC mdc etc

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