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Britain Says It Does Not Fund Political Parties In Zimbabwe

2 years agoWed, 09 Nov 2022 17:52:01 GMT
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Britain Says It Does Not Fund Political Parties In Zimbabwe

The United Kingdom says it does not support or fund any political party in Zimbabwe and has no view on who should win the 2023 general elections.

The British Embassy in Harare on Wednesday released a statement stating its position on the matter.

It also called for an environment that allows all political parties to campaign freely and peacefully, without violence and intimidation. Reads the statement:

The UK does not support or fund any political party in Zimbabwe. We have no view on who should win next year’s elections; that is for Zimbabwean voters to decide. We talk to the Government and to all political parties.

Zimbabwe’s constitution provides for an election process where all political parties are allowed to campaign freely and peacefully, without violence and intimidation, and where voters can vote for the party and the candidates of their choice, without fear of reprisals.

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Fulfilling these conditions will allow Zimbabweans to have full confidence in their electoral process.

In Zimbabwe, the Political Parties (Finances) Act [Chapter 2:11] of 2001 prohibits foreign donations to political parties or individual candidates.



ED MaHwindi pfee · 2 years ago
Iini ndino tsigira UK Chero wawhina but vanhu vasarobwa kana kushungurudza sezatava kuona
change master · 2 years ago
if there was an sponsoring it would have spoken out by Zanu pf asi of now there is no UK sponsorship to any political party in Zimbabwe Zanu yakasvunura ziso kunge bere kutarira izvozvo usavona seyakapusa and a sponsored party inomirirwa zvayo na elections oda kuitwa yobudisirwa na v11 yorambidzwa kupinda musarudzo Zanu ine vanhu vakangwarisa imiweee VOTE CCC 2023 MUSATYISWA PA ZAMBIA VAKAZVIITA NEXT TISU
cde chipopi · 2 years ago
zvirinani kupambwa ne murungu pane kupambwa nemu Chinese. Look West policy is the way to go
rei de o selva · 2 years ago
@pk and your fellow Zanu supporters....regai Zanu izoti inemafuza ayo🤣🤣🤣 ndimi vamwe vacho imimi
Ghostface killah · 2 years ago
imagine interbank rate raenzana ne Black market rate kuita makwikwi ekudonhedza currrency 😹😹🙌🏽
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Any one with EPL and Serie A results
Mike😲 · 2 years ago
Man City 2-0 Chele Arsenal 1-3 Hove N Forest 2-0 Spurs Newcastle 0-0 Palace (Newcastle won on penalties) Liverpool 0-0 Derby (Liverpool won on penalties) Wolves 1-0 Leeds Weet Ham 2-2 Blackburn (Blackburn won on penalties) Soton 1-1 Sheffield (Soton won on penalties) Inter Milan 6-1 Bologna Fiorentina won 2-1 Torino 1-0 Sampdoria
Kinzhal missle · 2 years ago
The greatest regret in UK is losing influence in their African colonies.
Ed chibaba pasi neNgochanii · 2 years ago
Ngochani idzi have been funding regime change in our country since independence.
Don mugwah · 2 years ago
It's a fact kut if you want anything in life then you must work for it and the best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm izvo zvaana ed pfee ngaapinde hake mukomana izvo ukazvi tevedza u die a pauper
The revelation · 2 years ago
The UK government and their five eye intelligence are the ones who fund 90% of regime changes in the world.
Communist ☭ · 2 years ago
I didn't expect them say yes we are funding a political party but action speaks louder than words
Nyagato Marcus Kudzayi · 2 years ago
edii pfuu
cia · 2 years ago
Iwe rara, wazvinzwa here ?
,,, Dott · 2 years ago
Masatanist garai nehubvumi hwenyu
Supreme Furniture · 2 years ago
I second the UK I don't care who wins or loose simple because it doesn't put food on my table im a business man
Cde hondo · 2 years ago
Zanu pf is a puppet of Chinese imperialism
General Hercules · 2 years ago
ED chete chete
Ganja master · 2 years ago
pamberi neZanu pf pasi nemhandu
lex mukombachoto · 2 years ago
Ed pfee!!!
Anonymous · 2 years ago
ZANU PF elites are now sleep talking. They are afraid of the wind of Change which is blowing across the SADC region. Its elites are no longer listening to sound reasoning. There are, mature people in ZANU PF, with the exception of Tafadzwa Mugwadi. They must not insist on saying countries in the west are sponsoring opposition political parties. They must name and shame countries which are funding political parties in the opposition and which parties are being sponsored. They are now blaming everything on sanctions. They are now saying they have become corrupt because there are Sanctions. It would seem sanctions are staying with us for a long time unless if we cooperate with sanctions enforcers. Zimbabwe has been told to improve on Human Rights, Corruption, the rule of law [VAKARIPIWA APA. KWASARA KUFUKA KANA KUWARIRA ]. ZANU PF has no concrete evidence that some countries in the west are sponsoring opposition political parties. [ ZANU PF YAVE NEMAKORE IRI MUNE ZVEMATONGERWO ENYIKA ]. [ VOTE CHAMISA CHETE CHETE ]. Yours faithfully William Sonboy CHINEMBIRI [THE BUSH LAWYEY4CCC].
𝚝𝚔 · 2 years ago
𝚙𝚊𝚙𝚒 𝚙𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚘 𝚙𝚊𝚖𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚞 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚏𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚍𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚒𝚎
The High Priest · 2 years ago
Dougie is funded by Zanu
lex mukombachoto · 2 years ago
Ed pfee!!!
Tibvirei pano · 2 years ago
Asi ****?
dispenser · 2 years ago
most if not all supporters of Zanu are involved in illegal activities. The strain and stress of change is an enemy wc make them fight very hard to maintain e status of economy pretending to support Zanu.

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