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Price Of Voters' Roll Too High - ZANU PF

2 years agoMon, 07 Nov 2022 04:25:57 GMT
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Price Of Voters' Roll Too High - ZANU PF

ZANU PF says the US$187 000 fee demanded by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) for the release of a copy of the voters’ roll is too high for the majority of political parties.

ZANU PF spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa told NewsDay that ZEC should create an environment that allows all political parties to participate in the democratic process. Said Mutsvangwa:

The threshold should be lower to ensure a democratic right for everyone. The price will not affect the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) or ZANU PF, but it affects all political parties. There should not be a barrier to entry.

This comes after a number of political parties expressed dismay over the price quoted to the Election Resource Centre (ERC) by ZEC last week for a printed copy of the voters’ roll.

ERC director Babra Bhebe said authorities should intervene to ensure that the voters’ roll is affordable. Said Bhebe:

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The purpose of stakeholders accessing the voters’ roll is that they can do an analysis of the voters’ roll and if there are any anomalies within the voters’ roll, we then share them with the commission for the purposes of improving the quality of the voters’ roll.

Something must be done to reduce the cost of accessing the voters’ roll.

National Constitutional Assembly (NCA) leader Lovemore Madhuku described the price of a copy of the voters’ roll as ridiculous. He said:

This is ridiculous and completely unacceptable. ZEC does not seem to be interested in running a fair election.

They want to make sure they tighten every screw as they did with nomination fees. This should be changed as soon as possible.



tafman · 2 years ago
i don't see Zanu, CCC and MDCT failing to raise that amount. though there's need for a downward review to accommodate smaller parties hence opening up democratic spaces
lex mukombachoto · 2 years ago
2030 muchingovukura isu tichingotonga...
patriot · 2 years ago
it's only the rich Zanu pf party which can afford that amount. CCC and others are very poor parties and destined to lose. National politics and money I bhandi ne bhurukwa. Saka kana usina mari hazvibude.
STING · 2 years ago
Crocodile tears😨😨
Masendako · 2 years ago
we all know Zanu you are behind all this you trying to act smart by criticizing your own action 😂
jjjj · 2 years ago
kuita jema newadya ndivo vakaisa ma prize ema voters roll yet on press voita kunge they are complaining
I am happy that ZANU PF spokesperson, Ambassador Christopher Mutsvangwa has joined the bandwagon of political parties who are questioning the sincerity of ZEC in its price of a voters role of US$ 187000 per copy. If truly this is the cost of producing a copy of a voters role, political parties must not engage in a war of words with ZEC, but merely tell it reduce the price of the voters role and ask government to chip in and subsidise the remainder of the full price of US$ 187000 because this is a government program. [ MAZI ZANU PF ANODA KUSVASVANGWA PAMA HARMONISED ELECTIONS MUNA 2023 ]. [ IMI VERUZHINJI VHOTERAI GWETA NELSON CHAMISA KUTI TIWANE SHANDUKO KWAYO NEHUTONGI HWEJEKERERE ]. Yours truly William Sonboy CHINEMBIRI [THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC].
Mai Ro · 2 years ago
Zec seems not aware that a credible, fair and open election is beneficial even to zec itself. A stifled and dubious poll is retrogresive even to the zec officials themselves
rei de o selva · 2 years ago
This is utter madness by the Zec even the mighty ZANU PF is seeing this as a nonsensical act asthe amount is not fare. [ANYWAY THE MIGHTY ZANU PF AND ARSENAL WISH YOU ALL A GOOD MORNING] Yours sincerely William Sonboy Chinembiri [THE BUSH LAWYER].
🌚🌚🌚🌚🇱🇷🇺🇦 · 2 years ago
Now that Zanu Pf has spoken the, price of the voters roll will definitely come down.So when we say ZEC is partisan we therefore should not be blamed.Watch this place…
CHIMOKO NYAMA · 2 years ago
As it stands, one can easily conclude that an electronic voters' roll is the way to go. It's probably cheaper than the printed one ?!
TT · 2 years ago
Tryna act all sympathetic and nice. Anyways they know what they'll do to win. I'm not surprisEd

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