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Mai TT Sued For US$250 000 By Estranged Husband Tinashe Maphosa

2 years agoThu, 03 Nov 2022 05:05:37 GMT
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Mai TT Sued For US$250 000 By Estranged Husband Tinashe Maphosa

Comedienne and socialite, Mai TT, whose real name is Felistas Murata, has been sued for defamation by her estranged husband, Tinashe Maphosa.

In a Facebook post this week, the comedienne shared her summons, which are now before the High Court.

Maphosa is the plaintiff and is demanding US$250,000 from the defendant Mai TT for defamation of character. Mai has vowed that she was not going to pay a cent. Reads the documents:

Plaintiff’s claim against the Defendant is for payment of the sum of US$250 000.00 (Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand United States Dollars) being defamation damages.

The damages arises from statements made by the Defendant on her social media platforms, which include Facebook through her social media handle called ‘Mai TT’s Diaries’ wherein Defendant stated that, the Plaintiff is a serial liar, abusive, rapist and criminal who used the Defendant’s name to borrow money.

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Furthermore, the article went on to insinuate that the Plaintiff was a criminal who has perfected his art of planning his moves before striking to manipulate his victims.

Such words were untrue, wrongful and were intended to injure Plaintiff’s reputation. Plaintiff also claims interest and cost of suit.

Mai TT and Maphosa married in the United Kingdom in November 2021 and wedded in Zimbabwe in April 2022.

The wedding was attended by high-profile personalities, including popular South African musician Kelly Khumalo, who performed at the event.

Mai TT claimed that the wedding cost US$100 000 which left her in debt. |



University Student · 2 years ago
She has the right to be angry but she doesn't have the right to call someone a rapist, criminal and a fraudulent. Tinashe eh akaita yakaita but he has the right to live his free life in any way he wants. And if that's is wrong Mai tt ngavaende kupolice vanoreporter kuti akurarama life yavasingade
chihera · 2 years ago
November yaa****orwa munhu hre people? VAkatizira varimo. midzimba imi vemichato yekudhura muripi
chihera · 2 years ago
November yaa****orwa munhu hre people? VAkatizira varimo. midzimba imi vemichato yekudhura muripi
Brilliant Ndlovu · 2 years ago
Forget these b*tches and #REGISTER_TO_VOTE
Ronald Shingirayi Maraini · 2 years ago
Woroorwa muna November wotumirwa ma summons muna November
Tangira Enterprises · 2 years ago
Is this news worthy nhai imi vanhu ve Pindula, kana mashaya news zviri nani ku poster ma jokes
g · 2 years ago
she will approach Tendai Biti,Beatrice Mtetwa and they will crash th story Tinashe will get 250usd not ¼ million inobvep ukutamba neJudiciery yemuzimbabwe iweee
Registered Voter · 2 years ago
Mai TT ndeve kutsvaga clout chete/mbiri she thinkz she can be a Kim K, Kelly Khumalo or Kanyi Mbau. But zvinorema muno ne tunyaya twavo. Ndaapihwe reality show ne Mzansi Magic
kuita kwe mose kunoratidza kuti you still lack sense of maturity your stories are being published by media houses that lack content that people can read. These people ain't mean nothing to the society, I wonder why they are given this attention like this. what these two infants are doing it's more like mahumbwe to us.
· 2 years ago
ndozvinoita zvemahara why complaining en
Phillip Javier · 2 years ago
editing yenyu ndeyekuma ma imi ve pindula.check your info before publishing.aah ndazvitadza ini. "Plaintiff’s claim against the Defendant is for payment of the sum of US$250 000.00 (Two Hundred and Fifty United States Dollars)"
Big Boy · 2 years ago
@Leave a comment, read again mwanangu
Sly · 2 years ago
Ukarwadziwa nePindula haupore
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Tinashe unonyadzisa ! Gold digger Nxaaaa !!
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Mai Tt Vanongopihwa mileage zvisina basa.
Jabulani · 2 years ago
maSatanist vanhu ava
· 2 years ago
chero mai Tt ndisingavafarire hangu haaa Tinashe ka nemari yawakuda zvaku prover kut zvaitaurwa ichokwadi hindava uchida zvakapfava iwe
Taruvinga Mabika · 2 years ago
She deserves it. She's been saying a lot of crap about the guy. Oramba akanyarara here Tinashe wacho? Do you follow what this witch writes about Tinashe on Facebook? I would do the same if it was me. Dai akatoti $1million USD

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